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Cyberpunk 2077 (PS5) 4K 60FPS HDR Gameplay
Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One on 10 December 2020, and will come out for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2021.
Cyberpunk 2077 is played in a first-person perspective as V,[15] a mercenary whose voice,[16] face, hairstyles, body type and modifications, background, and clothing are customisable. Stat categories—Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical, and Cool—are influenced by the character classes that players assume, which are NetRunner (hacking), Techie (machinery), and Solo (combat). V must consult a “ripperdoc” to upgrade and purchase cyberware implants; black markets offer military-grade abilities.[17] The rarity of any given equipment is shown by a coloured tier system.[18] V can take cover, aim, run, jump, double jump, and slide.[19][20] Melee strikes can be dealt with close-combat weapons.[21][22] There are three types of ranged weapons, all of which can be customised and modified—Power (standard), Tech (which penetrate walls and enemies), and Smart (with homing bullets).[23][24] Ranged weapons are equipped to ricochet bullets in a target’s direction and slow them down in bullet time
Cyberpunk 2077 (PS5) 4K 60FPS HDR Gameplay
Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 4K 60FPS Walkthrough
Somehow I expected more from the PS5, with raytracing and all. This could look pretty much the same on a PS4 Pro.
Looks so bad lol
So glad I didn't pay Day one money for a PS5. I'll happily wait until I've exhausted all the reduced games on my PS4 and pick one of these up when there actually is a graphical upgrade in games 4k games
I don’t get why everyone’s so horny af for this game. It’s just another open world first person shooter. Just takes place in a futuristic setting.
Nice video !
I have a problem with the game and I am wondering if you also had the problem.. Daily life in CyberPunk after meeting Takemura i am suuuuuuuuuper easy to kill. Ennemies need 3 bullets to take almost 90% of my life..
I dont understand.. Does anyone of you have the same problem ?
PC win
Lmao🤣 define 4k and 60fps for me.
This is the PS4 version on a PS5, I'm totally waiting til next year to pick up a PS5 and the game meant for that console.
In the meanwhile, I'll just sit back and enjoy all the entitled brats whine and cry about picking up shit at launch expecting it to work perfectly.
ps5 doesn’t run it at 4k 60fps yet only 30fps
Top 10 upcoming ps5 games
8:10 bruh bad graphic
Уберите мыло, я щас ослепну от такого 4к
Bad graphics
Another GTA???
not impressed
And it still looks like shit. Well done cdpr lol
Shadows are a little flickering
HDR is overrated bullshit. Turn this shit off and it looks better.
I can't climb the ladder at the tower help, playing on PS5
2:29 this cable XD
im a big witcher fan… but this game doesnt deserve its hype
ACTUally this sux, the correct is the developers to develop some dedicated hdr, so then we will see some major color. The problem is that this is like to paint each object in the game literally with a pre hdr effect, tha's why it will never exist an hdr game NEVER ! unless devs really want to dedicate some special feature with another color or fully bright etc. i mean if they dedicate color so normal monitor will be abble to play the game either ! Hdr is much more for movies where cameras just copy what they see they can't create, even the hdr presets in editors generally sux. When they finally fix this editor preset we could have more movies with some feature but games? forget it !
Cyberbug 2077: Open Beta
Omg, this looks so ugly compared to when I play it on PC…!
Didn't think the difference would be so large.
Better on stadia
1080p !
It looks like shit!
En mi cel lo veo en 1440p 60fps el vídeo. Y todavía veo un poco borroso el juego
A PS 5 CANNOT run this game in 4k 60fps, even it cannot keep the 60 fps in FHD. This game can only run in 4k 30 fps on new consoles. If you have a very new very powerfull pc with an Nvidia 3090…. then maybe
Even on the new consoles, looks more like 1440p.
Is ps5 true 4k?
I’m just goin to say it straight that looks hella boring lmao
Video glitched and youtube closed on my phone just like cyberpunk did to my PS4
I don't doubt about the story and atmosphere which seem to be nice but it is a brand new game for new gen consoles and pc's… and the graphic looks so oldschool, something like GTAV but gta is so old already… Very bad project.. They just didn't do it well.. But who knows, maybe they will fix it.. At least it is running smoothly
Man im scared to run cp2077 in 800p (your current resolution,not one u edited) its gonna fly up to 500 fps ez on PC …Your game looks like blurry potato…
pra roda 4k 60 ai ta com a sombra horrorosa e o dlss deve ta no modo performance kkkkkkkkkkkk
lmao the ps5 does NOT do cyberpunk at 4k. that shit is blurry looking compared to pc.
4k60, yeah of course, more like 1227p60
4K false
This is upscale PS4 Pro gameplay. The next gen versions of cyberpunk for PS5 and Series X are not out currently. It looks great right here so when the true patch or version for new gen comes it will look, run and play significantly better.
Hell the game looks bad on PS 5! Looking on my TV 4096 x 2160 resolution and it looks like they put depth of field too near, it's so blurry I can't see any details!