Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Patch 1.06 Gameplay

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Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Patch 1.06 Gameplay


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Deep Walkthroughs is a channel dedicated to videos that contain targeted gameplay. What does that mean? Remember that cool moment that happened in the middle of the main campaign story that you played ? Instead of wasting time looking in a series of long and boring walkthroughs for a specific part, you can just watch that particular part right here on this channel !


31 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Patch 1.06 Gameplay”

  1. Iv'e the base ps4 and unfortunately i've preordere the digital copy of the game, now tired of waiting fo the patches to fix it i've bought it discounted on stadia and i'm playing there. When the game is ready and fixed i will probably do a second run on ps4 (my internet it's not very good, bu it's enough to play on 1080p on stadia flawlessly) because i don't want to waste 70€, and sony doesn't want to refund me.. dickheads


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