CYBERPUNK 2077 PS4 1.20 vs 1.00 Current Version vs Launch Patch

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CYBERPUNK 2077 PS4 1.20 vs 1.00 Current Version vs Launch Patch.


24 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 PS4 1.20 vs 1.00 Current Version vs Launch Patch”

  1. There are definitely more visual improvements you guys. . . Great upload man! Definitely looking forward to this new update when I get a new ps4 due to mine finally going out. . .

  2. Looks like all optimization is going to ps4 meanwhile on PC i still cant run CP2077 even at low with stable 60fps 1080p because gpu(gtx 1060 6gb) that was recommended by CDPR to play on high 1080p cant handle this game at all actually is first game i have that have terrible pefromance on 1060 6gb and most funny thing is that difference in fps between low-high is not that big at all max 10fps.

  3. I'm supposed to believe that tiny graphical update will fix this glitchy, content lacking, bad AI, generic open world looter shooter mess? Seriously at this state the best possible scenario is at 1+ year they pull off No Man Sky and make the game at least OK.

  4. In terms of clarity is an improve but in terms of performance and graphics in general is not quite there. I think they even reduced the LOD of lighting and objects a lot on the 1.20 patch for like 2 fps but well I guess they are working hard to get back to the PS Store.

  5. Fico feliz em ver a produtora se importando e se impenhando ao máximo para resolver os bugs que os jogadores e fãs estão reclamando desde o lançamento do Cyberpunk. A cada atualização o jogo está melhorando notavelmente e espero que daqui uns anos, o game já não tenha nenhum problema que comprometa a jogabilidade e o mundo do jogo. Como dizia meu avô "de grão em grão, a galinha enche o papo". Que venha mais novidades!

  6. The fact that you’re the only one I’m seeing that’s actually showing the improvements it’s made instead of pointing out that there’s still bugs. You’re doing great man, Cyberpunk has a lot more to go to be perfect but this is a step in the right direction

  7. I mean sure the visuals certainly got some improvement but… Visuals aren't everything
    Game is still as wide as an ocean,deep as a puddle..I don't know why it's hard for some people to understand.

    Game lacks basic fundamental features and level of details an open world game suppose to have and CDPR hyped the crap out of the game and market it as if its gonna beat RDR2.

    These patches can make the game look gorgeous for all I care but it still a lifeless game done and through and unless they brought back everything that was promised which was openly lied to the audience while also fix the god damn console versions…Yeah the damage is done.

    Being blindly positive in a situation that requires to be critical only makes it worse and encourages said behaviour…this is why most game companies easily run off.I am sorry but CP2077 deserved to be called out regardless if it's a good game or otherwise.


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