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Running this game on an RTX 3080 Gigabyte OC Edition. Basically, the graphics card isn’t even being registered in the game until I’ve reached the tutorial section. Once I’ve taken those first 10 steps, my card gets “activated” and my FPS shoots up to 85-90FPS. So either there’s poor optimization in general with this game, or poor optimization with this specific card. Hope it gets patched soon.
Using GPU-Z, I see that the card is literally asleep or dormant during those first seconds of the video. Then, once I walk forward and my FPS shoots up, it’s like my GPU decided to turn on. Something in the game preventing my GPU from activating, either from Nvidia’s side or CDPR’s side.
This is a Steam copy of the game, and I have the latest Nvidia drivers installed.
Such a shame have a RTX 2080ti and i7-7700k I know some bottleneck but should gladly handle this game, very disappointed, 8 years of waiting, I pray this isn’t a dishonored 2 scenario. It was obvious they rushed it for Christmas for console sales.
Unplayable on PS4 fat…
Hopefully they'll release patches soon i HAVE EVGA RTX 2070 Ryzen 5 2600x and other specs and with medium-ish setting im hitting 60fps unless i turn everything low as possible then I could get maybe 80 fps its crazy yes my setup is a high end-ish setup
I expected more from gtx 1650😂 like 50+ fps
Game is poorly optimised and basically i7 10700k,gtx 1050ti oc,16 GB DDR4 ram and i'm getting 20 fps on lowest settings.Even red dead redemption was running on 35-40fps on highest settings in 1080P/
Have MSI afterburner on, check GPU usage. Your problem is not about optimization I'm 100% sure, it's just not using your card correctly, which is a common "bug" in a few games and GPUs. Back when I had a GTX 980 I used to have a problem where a lot of games wouldn't fully use my GPU unless I restarted my computer of ran it on full screen.
I got a gtx 1080ti paired with a ryzen 7 3700x and its running at 55 to 60 fps inside the city but its on medium to LOW graphics. A lot of people are mentioning this game is badly optimized. I believe it because whenever a game is made for consoles this is the type of shit we get for the pcs gamers.
its optimized very well im playing on a GTX 960M card 4gb, 8gb ram and intel core i5 at 50/60 fps (nevermind i just forgot what settings im using lmao)
This is y’all shit. I don’t have these problems at all im playing on 2070 S with an I9
yeah they have to fix it i have i7 9700 16gb gtx 1660 6gb and on medium i have only 50- 60 fps wtf
imagine what if this game wasn't delayed
marketing strategy maybe??? they want us to buy the new cards
wha spec and resolution/setting ?
can u show cpu all core usage/gpu usage ?
im having cpu bound issue with my 3080 at 1440p with ryzen 3600 , all core running at 80% while gpu only at 60%
8700k/GTX1080 and this game run like trash on anything other than the lowest settings with the resolution subsampled to 720p. I feel like I'm playing a PS2 game…
Edit: The game itself is still incredible. Just disappointed about the level of fidelity my hardware can render. Partly just pascal starting to show its age I guess.
It reminds me of dishonored 2. The game was completely unoptimized. Beautiful game, terrible quality.
There really isn’t an excuse, people would be fine if they pushed it back even more for the work that needed to be done. I guarantee you this game was not in development for the time they claim.
I don’t understand how this game works at all. It sounds like half of the people have old ass cards and the game runs great for them and half the people have 3000 cards and the game runs like shit. There’s almost no consistency in what I’m hearing in terms of everyone’s performance
Made a breakthrough. After following what BaggerPanda suggested, I formatted my C drive and reinstalled Windows again, and it seems to have fixed the issue. I don't know what the problem was exactly; it could've been an issue with some driver, it could've been a specific app that was limiting my GPU, it could've been my anti-virus software causing problems with the game. I'm not really sure. All I know is, the format cleaned out everything and the game seems to be running smoothly and as intended. Tweaking settings appropriately adjusts FPS. Having all settings set to LOW with RayTracing OFF nets me about 150ish FPS. All settings Ultra with RayTracing ON and DLSS set to Performance nets me about 80-100 FPS. So, yeah. Game's running well now. Hope this helps some folks.
Na bruh it’s fkd this other guy in the comments said he had a 3090 and it struggled to get 50fps max settings @1440p
What gpu are you using and cpu?
Bro, how the fuck do you hit 80 fps, a deal wtih the devil? did u steal a nasa computer or what? I sometimes hit 60 fps on low settings and 40 with high.
This is great!
Running this on an rtx 3050ti is a joke, the game lags even after setting it on low with mow crowd density 🙁