Cyberpunk 2077 Police A.I VS GTA 5 Police A.I! (Compared!)

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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberbug #Cyberpunk2077AI Police Vs. GTA5 Police.

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27 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Police A.I VS GTA 5 Police A.I! (Compared!)”

  1. How paradoxical that CP2077 cops instantly arrive wherever you commit a crime, but call off the chase once you leave their sight for a few seconds. Are they supposed to be omniscient or nearly blind? Because they're somehow both.

  2. They made an entire series of videos on how cool and in depth the wanted system would be. Literally nothing they mentioned is in the game in this regard. I’m not even sure that mercs randomly come after you if your on someone’s shit list. Also never see any cops patrolling.
    edit There are police pursuits in vehicles, found a few videos on it. It’s in free roam as well part of random events. The resources are there, they just need to tweak it if they take the time.

  3. Been binge watching the bugs, and replaying dozens of games to compare it to this so-called 10/10 Keanu 100 game. I can tell you it makes me puke just how rubbish the immersion aspect of the game is, i can applaud the story but for fuck sake. They forgot to add things that makes open world sandbox "rpg" game alive, that is the ai. The bugs also, fucking hell

  4. GTA5 is light years ahead of cyberpunk when it comes to police response. GTA5 is truer to life, cops actually drag their wounded comrades to safety. As your crimes escalate cops repel from helicopters, copters land on roof tops to give the cops a higher advantage. Plus…the physics engine in GTA5 make gun fights so much more fun. CDPR needs to go back to the drawing board.

  5. GTA V does the same radial spawning but it does it more convincingly due to path finding and clever delay techniques; Still GTA V cop AI is faked but done better. CyberPunk has a very small radial spawn function and also the path finding seems to be non existent, hence the stupid spawning right next to you and the AI is appallingly bad. CPR should have hired someone with good AI skills and someone who can make pedestrians more realistic, this is the biggest gripe for me, stupid AI and very poor pedestrian simulation coupled with ridiculous vehicle distanced sprite base rendering . Still after all of this the game is fun in most areas. The city design and sheer scope of the game deserves some credit, no open world game exist like this and maybe compute is not capable of truly emersion at this scale yet. I cant wait to see what the moding community do to make ths the game we all were promised.

  6. I don't understand how the devs found this acceptable to release. This is the most half assed cop system I've ever seen. This game honestly feels like an indie title, not a triple AAA, multi-million dollar budget title. What the fuck seriously, CDPR devs should be ashamed of themselves to release this fundamentally flawed game. Pathetic.

  7. Sometimes I wish the police would actually arrest you in online instead of immediately shooting you as soon as you got one star (if you know what saints row is this is also the problem but since there's no online except for Co-Op in saints row ya know)

  8. video makes no sense.

    Cyberpunk cops dont have any AI.
    Just spawn at you – spawn even more when you kill them and get more dmg when you kill them.


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