I am one of those that really enjoyed playing the game, but do feel they could have done better.
First thing that pops up in my head are the backstories, namely the Corpo one. Its way too damn short. Maybe have it start with V being on a mission and then returns to Arasaka HQ and go from there? Something that shows more what Corpo life is like and how they do things. It also bugged me a bit how V spoke. Don't get me wrong, I love the voice actors but its the way they spoke as Corpo that really bugged me. V spoke the same as they do as Nomad and Street Kid, which work great especially as Street Kid, but Corpo it just doesn't work. Something more business like, and then once the prologue is over, they can speak like they do, maybe even have Jackie make a comment at one point how they don't speak or sound like Corpo anymore. So yeah, flesh out the backstories more, not just the Corpo but its the weakest one of the three which is a damn shame because its the most interesting one.
Customizing your cars, even if its just the looks and not performance. Would be great if we can do the same for our apartment as well. Not to mention we can buy other places which I think they plan on adding at some point.
Flesh out V and Jackie some more. Show their friendship growing, jobs that they do together and have choices that affect later on in the game or come back and bite us, that stuff can be part of the Prologue even. V is crashing with Jackie and his mom and make it feel a bit restricted for us, that we cant do things like hang up posters or buy new furnitures until we get our own place. To prevent the player from exploring Night City we can have the area on a lockdown or something like they did after we rescued that lady from the E3 demo and only opened up after the Hotel Heist.
Maybe expand more on what kind of Cyberware we can have installed and have it really show on us, like metal hands with sharp claws, steel jaws with voice scrambler like Smasher has, and so on. Make us more powerful but it can come at some kind of price, like near the end the Arasaka daughter just simply hacks us or something if we don't come along with her.
Here’s some cool idea of mine. I suggest a way that we could talk to Johnny outside of quests like us talking to Judy at her apartment. For Johnny, he should appear in V’s apartment sitting on the couch I guess. We should ask him about Morgan Blackhand & his past. Moreover I suggest whenever we load into the game, V would do mundane things like whenever we load into GTA V story mode.
I love the game, but some free DLC that would definitely keep me more hooked on it would be:
1. A NG+ feature, like they added for The Witcher 3. 2. The ability to increase gun magazines & spare ammo. 3. The ability to gain more attribute & skill points.
First I want them to fix what they made worse last patch and that's the environment loading so slow that I gotta run everywhere and now I'm still getting polygon people.
Second I want to be able to remove some of the tattoos from the customization. I some of the tats in one option not be a whole damn canvous! Why do I have to have flys tattooed on my leg if I just the cool back tat or the wierd shapes on v's face if I just want the venom mouth on their throat?
Third I want cyberwere that makes me look like the terminator! Civilians have it, maelstrom all look like terminator wannabes so why can't v?
Finally I want radiant missions. Maybe they just give money but it'd be nice to do more fights and if they fix the game properly street races. Also like to see more from the romance options like work cases with river, bodyguard Kerry, build cars and/or guns with panam, and I don't know what Judy could do, maybe do more bd stuff like her last mission. Would actually give people a reason to care about these characters, especially river and Kerry.
Man i just want the gang wars and gang car chase after we have some trouble with any gang, we need nightcity making us feel that is a dangerous place not only by creating hard bosses, but creating a living beast sensation that this city should give us! gangs are too passive bro.
I know this is a much larger change that probably wont fit into a free dlc (even tho it should've been in the game to start) but I want to be able to meet my romance option outside of story stuff. Like at least have an option to have them as a companion by calling them to go on a "date"
I believe it's not possible to fix last gen. The engine is too dynamic and problematic for them to fix the games issues. The memory utilizations they use nerf the experience for me. No people and cars on the streets of what should be a well populated city just kills the immersion for me. Not sure now if I will buy the expansions.
This is something I don't see changing in the current game, but maybe in future content. throughout playing the game a few times I was really searching for something that changes the story. and there are different endings, but it still lacks inside the story. in the witcher it just felt like what you said actually matters in the story.
Verticality in NC always shows some insane and captivating views. It should be used to much more of an advantage of for the map/world than it is right now, some more apartments, bars, activities, missions, and places to visit wayyy high up in Night city IN FREE ROAM (not just once for a mission). The few times you get to be on a really sick rooftop skyscraper and take in the view around NC, are just that: few and limited. But there’s a ton of unfinished walkways, interiors, elevators, hallways, AV pads, scattered up high in NC we never see or use, they could make some really cool, permanent places wayy up high we can actually go view the city from. In the lore the mega rich live on the top of NC, take AVs everywhere, and never even touch the ground most of their lives. Would be cool to have an AV taxi service we can use since we only ever get to ride like 3 AVs throughout an entire play-through, max
So far the road map is basically vague & they are already late. They promised to deliver next gen upgrade for both CP2077 & Witcher 3 (with Netflix DLCs) on very late late December. Let's see if they can even deliver that… To me, what the game really need right now are full polish, overhauls & filling the features, not the typical cosmetic DLCs or even the short mission/story ones. This "features" that mostly already existed in mods, but limited by unofficial means & workarounds. Which is very good thing that wolvenkit guys being hired to do something about this game & I hope they can implement those mods in a much more official manners for all platforms & providing a much complete mod toolkit for the community. There are probably about 6 main overhauls/features that I think should really implemented as fast as possible. This are: 1. Advanced Character Customization 2. Transmog system for weapons & clothes/outfits 3. Better more advanced AIs & Wanted system 4. Vehicle Customization 5. THIRD PERSON mode 6. Companion & Dating system
CAR CUSTOMIZATION!! would love to be able to change the look and spec of vehicles.
Better outfits. Majority of outfits are so bad, I get uts cyberpunk but I don't want to be running around in a bright jacket and baseball hat with fucking pink hotpants ! I want a neo themed matrix outfit and better assault gear.
Add some more vertical details. As in rooftops and tops of buildings. I spent so much time parkouring and climbing but was left disappointed by how much of the tops of building were either no loot or cool easter eggs or I would just fall through the top and into the map.
Gang system where interactions with gangs has consequences
Love the game! Completed it a month ago on the ps5. Waiting for all the dlc and next gen upgrade to do my second playthrough.
Give us a free expansion of the game, that would instantly regain my trust in the company 😁 And also make Takemura romance a thing. Am I asking too much?
giving away the expansion(s) for free or atleast nicely discounted to those who pre-ordered would go a long way me for. let's face it, the game really wasn't ready for the day it launched and we paid full price trusting CDPR for a polished product when they didn't fully deliver. i enjoyed the game a lot, but seeing as though you can grab the game for 10$ in a bargain bin for a better product than when it was released on launch really makes me wonder if i should really trust them again to buy the expansions day 1.
CDPR already has my trust, I LOVE this game, and I hadn't that much problems with it, and brought me a lot of fun. I don't have that much requests, I trust CDPR to suprise me with new stuff, but…changing you look, hair, in ripperdocks, would be fun, and more cosmetic cyberware!
Although I have a deep personal dislike for the peopleIf that keep comparing Cyberpunk 2077 to GTA V. I think ifthey really want to salvage this game fast as possible, they need to add back in vehicle customisation, the cars already spawn with semi-randomized appropriate componants, everything is moddleld, and so many people are asking for this for god's knows what reason.
Although this would be my least favourite choice personally, I think it would shut a lot of GTA V, console crowd hate down.
They always had my trust 💯🔥 I still love the game and I am still replaying it. EDIT: 1 change you say? NG+. 1 DLC? New character customizations (Cyberware and cosmetics and aesthetics etc)
I genuinely want extensive character customization, when this game was announced I thought of all the sick implants that would appear on V's body and the idea of going cyberpsycho was interesting, that would regain my trust
CDPR doesnt have my trust nor the respect, how can a competent game studio dropped the ball so hard, even the most basic system for any open world game still isnt present in the game, almost one year of its release. people kept comparing this game to grand theft auto, hell they be off comparing this game to a small studio that made sleeping dogs, that was a game that was severely underrated yet filled with content. it has a small map, yet it offers the most immersive city and inhabitants in any open world game we have yet, and get this…. a working crime and cop system. Cyberpunk 2077 still lack soul and depth to its game, its a glorified eye candy that doesnt serve any purpose in actual story telling or making any impactful gaming experience.
If I could pick anything, I’d pick having those third person cutscenes with my V character. The world of Night city already suffers from an underwhelming amount of interactivity and opportunities for engagement and seeing my very own customised V as part of this world interacting not only with characters but locations would have really hit it home more. Not to mention it’d look fucking awesome and make outfit customisation actually feel important.
If that's what DLC means then anything less than an expansion can't save this game. Imma list down below what is needed to happen. 1) Lots of Penthouse, apartments, mansions and estates that can be bought and customized to an extent similar as to in Skyrim. 2) Non-scripted eating, drinking and sitting animations in any bar and/or any place. 3) Summon a variety of followers including but not limited to Panam/Judy/Rivers plus other NPCs with deeper dialogue options which can also assist in combat as well as non-combat activities such as occupying selected house/sex etc; 4) Vehicle customization as marketed. 5) Randomly organized non-story events such as Beat on Brat, shooting competitions and racing. 6) Enhanced police and NPC AI. 7) Join either MaxTac or Trauma Team missions if V has a good record with NCPD. Otherwise V can join one of the gangs. Rewards may be exclusive unit outfit/vehicle etc; 8) Continue Crystal Palace and Arizona ending to properly conclude V's story or save it for sequel.
Delay Witcher 4 until Cyberpunk 2077 base-game is as promised and 50% of expansions (story-DLC's) + all free DLC's (weapons, clothings etc.) are released. Don't even think about starting developing Witcher 4.
Thanks for making this! I missed Pawel's last stream and this is important.
CDPR still has my trust. I liked and still like Cyberpunk 2077 -on PC. It's not what most players wanted and still full of bugs, but I had a fun time with the main and side quests. What would make me trust CDPR even more? They should make Night City feel more alive, the crowds and many places are just scenery, nothing more. Also bring us mini games and better side activities in and around Night City. Bandit camps are so boring after a while. Give us sports like pool and basketball from the 2018 trailer. Give us more car races, balanced boxing or other fighting. Let us have a chill night with beloved characters Jackie, Panam, Judy, Viktor Vektor etc.
Cyberpunk 2077 should not be like a Ubisoft open world borefest (aka Watch Dogs, Far Cry (new ones, FC3 was ok), Division, Ghost Recon Breakpoint etc.
If they decide to release Next Gen patch with New Game + mode, I will be SO grateful to them. Working arcades and car customization are not that important for me.
Here's what they should do to regain player trust 1) get the game to at least a stable 30 FPS on base consoles 2) release the next-gen console version of CP2077 (functional at launch) 3) input various systems into the game that players expected at launch (examples: police system, new game plus, haircuts, AI improvements, physics) 4) release the first expansion free to all players as an apology (great PR move also) 5) have the second expansion add a proper ending to V's story (find some way to save V's life)
The ppl who trust CDPR up to this moment are the true heroes here and are the ones deserving praising, not CDPR devs. For CDPR to regain our trust must do almost the imposible.
ORIGINAL MALE & FEMALE V Presets (unique face / hair models like default Commander Shepard from Mass Effect) , Level Scaling, NG+ like in The Witcher 3 .. And like I said in the stream… option to remove Loot Icons or make them less intrusive like in the E3 Gameplay Demo (I don't want Cyberpunk 2077 to feel like a looter-shooter fest)
P.S. – Yes, I know there's mods for all that, but we need it officially!
The developers haven't really lost my trust, it's mostly the higher ups that need to regain it. But then I like keeping optimistic. For the management team to regain my trust, Iwould love to see reworks of existing systems like maybe shooting while driving, having cop chases, being able to sit at food vendors/restaurants and consume items and a barber shop. If they want to show that they care about the game they NEED to spend the money and time into developing it further. I still love this game but it's so close to being so much more.
Thank you for Chippin' In Choom! Need more Preem Cyberpunk 2077 Content? Check out: https://bit.ly/3qTBotQ
I am one of those that really enjoyed playing the game, but do feel they could have done better.
First thing that pops up in my head are the backstories, namely the Corpo one. Its way too damn short. Maybe have it start with V being on a mission and then returns to Arasaka HQ and go from there? Something that shows more what Corpo life is like and how they do things. It also bugged me a bit how V spoke. Don't get me wrong, I love the voice actors but its the way they spoke as Corpo that really bugged me. V spoke the same as they do as Nomad and Street Kid, which work great especially as Street Kid, but Corpo it just doesn't work. Something more business like, and then once the prologue is over, they can speak like they do, maybe even have Jackie make a comment at one point how they don't speak or sound like Corpo anymore. So yeah, flesh out the backstories more, not just the Corpo but its the weakest one of the three which is a damn shame because its the most interesting one.
Customizing your cars, even if its just the looks and not performance. Would be great if we can do the same for our apartment as well. Not to mention we can buy other places which I think they plan on adding at some point.
Flesh out V and Jackie some more. Show their friendship growing, jobs that they do together and have choices that affect later on in the game or come back and bite us, that stuff can be part of the Prologue even. V is crashing with Jackie and his mom and make it feel a bit restricted for us, that we cant do things like hang up posters or buy new furnitures until we get our own place. To prevent the player from exploring Night City we can have the area on a lockdown or something like they did after we rescued that lady from the E3 demo and only opened up after the Hotel Heist.
Maybe expand more on what kind of Cyberware we can have installed and have it really show on us, like metal hands with sharp claws, steel jaws with voice scrambler like Smasher has, and so on. Make us more powerful but it can come at some kind of price, like near the end the Arasaka daughter just simply hacks us or something if we don't come along with her.
Here’s some cool idea of mine. I suggest a way that we could talk to Johnny outside of quests like us talking to Judy at her apartment. For Johnny, he should appear in V’s apartment sitting on the couch I guess. We should ask him about Morgan Blackhand & his past.
Moreover I suggest whenever we load into the game, V would do mundane things like whenever we load into GTA V story mode.
Drop support of PS4 and Xbox One.
I love the game, but some free DLC that would definitely keep me more hooked on it would be:
1. A NG+ feature, like they added for The Witcher 3.
2. The ability to increase gun magazines & spare ammo.
3. The ability to gain more attribute & skill points.
First I want them to fix what they made worse last patch and that's the environment loading so slow that I gotta run everywhere and now I'm still getting polygon people.
Second I want to be able to remove some of the tattoos from the customization. I some of the tats in one option not be a whole damn canvous! Why do I have to have flys tattooed on my leg if I just the cool back tat or the wierd shapes on v's face if I just want the venom mouth on their throat?
Third I want cyberwere that makes me look like the terminator! Civilians have it, maelstrom all look like terminator wannabes so why can't v?
Finally I want radiant missions. Maybe they just give money but it'd be nice to do more fights and if they fix the game properly street races. Also like to see more from the romance options like work cases with river, bodyguard Kerry, build cars and/or guns with panam, and I don't know what Judy could do, maybe do more bd stuff like her last mission. Would actually give people a reason to care about these characters, especially river and Kerry.
I really like the original 2018 Fem V.
Man i just want the gang wars and gang car chase after we have some trouble with any gang, we need nightcity making us feel that is a dangerous place not only by creating hard bosses, but creating a living beast sensation that this city should give us!
gangs are too passive bro.
I know this is a much larger change that probably wont fit into a free dlc (even tho it should've been in the game to start) but I want to be able to meet my romance option outside of story stuff. Like at least have an option to have them as a companion by calling them to go on a "date"
I believe it's not possible to fix last gen. The engine is too dynamic and problematic for them to fix the games issues.
The memory utilizations they use nerf the experience for me. No people and cars on the streets of what should be a well populated city just kills the immersion for me.
Not sure now if I will buy the expansions.
This is something I don't see changing in the current game, but maybe in future content.
throughout playing the game a few times I was really searching for something that changes the story.
and there are different endings, but it still lacks inside the story. in the witcher it just felt like what you said actually matters in the story.
Verticality in NC always shows some insane and captivating views. It should be used to much more of an advantage of for the map/world than it is right now, some more apartments, bars, activities, missions, and places to visit wayyy high up in Night city IN FREE ROAM (not just once for a mission). The few times you get to be on a really sick rooftop skyscraper and take in the view around NC, are just that: few and limited. But there’s a ton of unfinished walkways, interiors, elevators, hallways, AV pads, scattered up high in NC we never see or use, they could make some really cool, permanent places wayy up high we can actually go view the city from. In the lore the mega rich live on the top of NC, take AVs everywhere, and never even touch the ground most of their lives. Would be cool to have an AV taxi service we can use since we only ever get to ride like 3 AVs throughout an entire play-through, max
So far the road map is basically vague & they are already late.
They promised to deliver next gen upgrade for both CP2077 & Witcher 3 (with Netflix DLCs) on very late late December. Let's see if they can even deliver that…
To me, what the game really need right now are full polish, overhauls & filling the features, not the typical cosmetic DLCs or even the short mission/story ones. This "features" that mostly already existed in mods, but limited by unofficial means & workarounds. Which is very good thing that wolvenkit guys being hired to do something about this game & I hope they can implement those mods in a much more official manners for all platforms & providing a much complete mod toolkit for the community.
There are probably about 6 main overhauls/features that I think should really implemented as fast as possible. This are:
1. Advanced Character Customization
2. Transmog system for weapons & clothes/outfits
3. Better more advanced AIs & Wanted system
4. Vehicle Customization
6. Companion & Dating system
CAR CUSTOMIZATION!! would love to be able to change the look and spec of vehicles.
Better outfits. Majority of outfits are so bad, I get uts cyberpunk but I don't want to be running around in a bright jacket and baseball hat with fucking pink hotpants ! I want a neo themed matrix outfit and better assault gear.
Add some more vertical details. As in rooftops and tops of buildings. I spent so much time parkouring and climbing but was left disappointed by how much of the tops of building were either no loot or cool easter eggs or I would just fall through the top and into the map.
Gang system where interactions with gangs has consequences
Love the game! Completed it a month ago on the ps5. Waiting for all the dlc and next gen upgrade to do my second playthrough.
Give us a free expansion of the game, that would instantly regain my trust in the company 😁
And also make Takemura romance a thing.
Am I asking too much?
giving away the expansion(s) for free or atleast nicely discounted to those who pre-ordered would go a long way me for. let's face it, the game really wasn't ready for the day it launched and we paid full price trusting CDPR for a polished product when they didn't fully deliver. i enjoyed the game a lot, but seeing as though you can grab the game for 10$ in a bargain bin for a better product than when it was released on launch really makes me wonder if i should really trust them again to buy the expansions day 1.
CDPR already has my trust, I LOVE this game, and I hadn't that much problems with it, and brought me a lot of fun. I don't have that much requests, I trust CDPR to suprise me with new stuff, but…changing you look, hair, in ripperdocks, would be fun, and more cosmetic cyberware!
Although I have a deep personal dislike for the peopleIf that keep comparing Cyberpunk 2077 to GTA V. I think ifthey really want to salvage this game fast as possible, they need to add back in vehicle customisation, the cars already spawn with semi-randomized appropriate componants, everything is moddleld, and so many people are asking for this for god's knows what reason.
Although this would be my least favourite choice personally, I think it would shut a lot of GTA V, console crowd hate down.
The one change I’d like to see is the removal of the level cap! I’d really like to truly max out my character.
I just want to play all those damn Arcade Games I see throughout NC. That would make me sooo happy.
They always had my trust 💯🔥 I still love the game and I am still replaying it.
EDIT: 1 change you say? NG+. 1 DLC? New character customizations (Cyberware and cosmetics and aesthetics etc)
I genuinely want extensive character customization, when this game was announced I thought of all the sick implants that would appear on V's body and the idea of going cyberpsycho was interesting, that would regain my trust
CDPR doesnt have my trust nor the respect, how can a competent game studio dropped the ball so hard, even the most basic system for any open world game still isnt present in the game, almost one year of its release. people kept comparing this game to grand theft auto, hell they be off comparing this game to a small studio that made sleeping dogs, that was a game that was severely underrated yet filled with content. it has a small map, yet it offers the most immersive city and inhabitants in any open world game we have yet, and get this…. a working crime and cop system. Cyberpunk 2077 still lack soul and depth to its game, its a glorified eye candy that doesnt serve any purpose in actual story telling or making any impactful gaming experience.
If I could pick anything, I’d pick having those third person cutscenes with my V character. The world of Night city already suffers from an underwhelming amount of interactivity and opportunities for engagement and seeing my very own customised V as part of this world interacting not only with characters but locations would have really hit it home more. Not to mention it’d look fucking awesome and make outfit customisation actually feel important.
I played cyberpunk 2077 and I enjoyed it so much but there should be more QOL improvements such as UI and HUD.
they promised in depth role playing with far reaching effects of our decisions, we got 90s roleplaying.
they promised thousands of individual NPCs with unique day night cycles.
they promised a vertical city etc
All I want is to play as the original female V and to bring back the car ambushes🙃🙃🙃🙃💯💯
I got to say I enjoy the game I really wish we got av’s
If that's what DLC means then anything less than an expansion can't save this game. Imma list down below what is needed to happen.
1) Lots of Penthouse, apartments, mansions and estates that can be bought and customized to an extent similar as to in Skyrim.
2) Non-scripted eating, drinking and sitting animations in any bar and/or any place.
3) Summon a variety of followers including but not limited to Panam/Judy/Rivers plus other NPCs with deeper dialogue options which can also assist in combat as well as non-combat activities such as occupying selected house/sex etc;
4) Vehicle customization as marketed.
5) Randomly organized non-story events such as Beat on Brat, shooting competitions and racing.
6) Enhanced police and NPC AI.
7) Join either MaxTac or Trauma Team missions if V has a good record with NCPD. Otherwise V can join one of the gangs. Rewards may be exclusive unit outfit/vehicle etc;
8) Continue Crystal Palace and Arizona ending to properly conclude V's story or save it for sequel.
Delay Witcher 4 until Cyberpunk 2077 base-game is as promised and 50% of expansions (story-DLC's) + all free DLC's (weapons, clothings etc.) are released. Don't even think about starting developing Witcher 4.
Add in a Rockerboy life path
I would LOVE Vehicle and Weapon customisation as well as deep and interesting expansions.
I would like to see full cyberware customization (colors, synth-skin, materials, patterns, etc…). More tattoo options would also be a neat DLC.
Thanks for making this! I missed Pawel's last stream and this is important.
CDPR still has my trust. I liked and still like Cyberpunk 2077 -on PC. It's not what most players wanted and still full of bugs, but I had a fun time with the main and side quests.
What would make me trust CDPR even more? They should make Night City feel more alive, the crowds and many places are just scenery, nothing more. Also bring us mini games and better side activities in and around Night City. Bandit camps are so boring after a while. Give us sports like pool and basketball from the 2018 trailer. Give us more car races, balanced boxing or other fighting. Let us have a chill night with beloved characters Jackie, Panam, Judy, Viktor Vektor etc.
Cyberpunk 2077 should not be like a Ubisoft open world borefest (aka Watch Dogs, Far Cry (new ones, FC3 was ok), Division, Ghost Recon Breakpoint etc.
If they decide to release Next Gen patch with New Game + mode, I will be SO grateful to them. Working arcades and car customization are not that important for me.
Here's what they should do to regain player trust
1) get the game to at least a stable 30 FPS on base consoles
2) release the next-gen console version of CP2077 (functional at launch)
3) input various systems into the game that players expected at launch (examples: police system, new game plus, haircuts, AI improvements, physics)
4) release the first expansion free to all players as an apology (great PR move also)
5) have the second expansion add a proper ending to V's story (find some way to save V's life)
"who hurt you?"
Me: "CDPR"
The ppl who trust CDPR up to this moment are the true heroes here and are the ones deserving praising, not CDPR devs. For CDPR to regain our trust must do almost the imposible.
ORIGINAL MALE & FEMALE V Presets (unique face / hair models like default Commander Shepard from Mass Effect) , Level Scaling, NG+ like in The Witcher 3 ..
And like I said in the stream… option to remove Loot Icons or make them less intrusive like in the E3 Gameplay Demo (I don't want Cyberpunk 2077 to feel like a looter-shooter fest)
P.S. – Yes, I know there's mods for all that, but we need it officially!
The developers haven't really lost my trust, it's mostly the higher ups that need to regain it. But then I like keeping optimistic. For the management team to regain my trust, Iwould love to see reworks of existing systems like maybe shooting while driving, having cop chases, being able to sit at food vendors/restaurants and consume items and a barber shop. If they want to show that they care about the game they NEED to spend the money and time into developing it further. I still love this game but it's so close to being so much more.
1:51 I want a skin as Officer Dobs! xD
hoping for a dlc that will give a v a better ending based off what choice you make at the end