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How to get 100 percent completion platinum trophy cyberpunk 2077 – Cyberpunk 2077 tips and tricks Platinum trophy guide to completion PS5, PS4, Xbox One, PC, Xbox Series X. How to get all the trophies in cyberpunk 2077 tips and guide for gameplay ps4, xbox one, xbox series x, ps5, pc. Interested in cyberpunk 2077 best weapons, best cars, best cyberware, patches and updates, no spoilers, cyberpunk all trophies and achievements, review, romance, glitches and more? Subscribe! Cyberpunk 2077 completion guide pc, xbox series x, ps5, xbox one, ps4. How to get a platinum trophy in CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077.
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Cyberpunk 2077 completion guide, platinum trophy tips and tricks ps4, xbox one, pc, xbox series x, ps5
Cyberpunk 2077 ALL Achievements trophies
So to be clear… this is a guide to 100% without talking about how to 100%.
Also there’s 5 endings not 4 in the game. And if you do every quest including secret side ones you’re still 1.7 mill short of money to get every car so money farming isn’t a option you have to do it. And you can loot Grayson after killing him for the keys to Johnnys car. try finishing the game before spreading so much miss info dude….
You can't adress the fundamental flaw with open world games. Eventually you realize you either have to pad the fuck put kf it with fluf, or throw a grating amount of filler bullshit and arbitrary colectothon crap at it to make it seem fuller. The point it you can't really make an open world gimmick good, because all it is basically boils down to bragging about how big your world is with typically thin plot taking you from point A to point B. This is why narrative driven, linear or at least semi-open worlds games are so much better but most of you, devs included, ain't ready for that talk yet.
Damn fam now I have to start all over 😭
i have 60 hours and only at 56%
this platinum is easy just do everything possible
And now, i have two gigs in Santo dominio (Breaking News and For My Son) which now cant seem to be obtainable thx to a bug making El Capitan call me when i either finish the gig(about giving me xp and eddies for another finished gig or start it)
actually getting cyberpunk 2077 platinum trophy is impossible to get! completed all gigs etc in watson twice and both times got a bug on a certain mission 🙂
You don't have to spare you know who just zero him, and pick up the crane key🤘😎🤘
I have SOOOO many jobs side guest and gigs bugged out it fucking sucks
Cyberpunk is such a bad and boring game .. Totally overrated!
2 runs, 240 hours, 7 endings, 400 crashes and I'm still waiting for a enemy who throw me a grenade…
You don’t have to spear Grayson, just loot him and then go to the container
For some reason i get the trophies but they don't sync to my psn network
I'm 810 hours in (7th playthrough) and loving it. Mostly street kid life path. Never did 100% completion, so this run is going to be it.
And visit every single ripper doc and net runner so you know what they have. (Guides are online, but I prefer to walk NC)
My additional advice is, grab skippy at level 2. He becomes active when you wakeup with Silverhand in your head. And V uses her/his finger to hold skippys hologra . It looks awesome (because the gun isn't pulled out)
And MAKE SURE you do tons of quests other than the main ones.
Make a balance, so that when you play, you can tour around do a main ,quest, a side quests
It's never a grind fest when you are playing organically and saving quests for lager.
Well seems like I'm gonna have to do a 2nd playthrought
Just tell us the mission names. What’s so hard.
Maybe work on your script first lmao
“Really easy platinum, but here’s tips cause it can be a tough one, but it’s not actually a tough one, it gets grindy”
Is this game worth it they have the ps5 version out now
Are there romance trophies? Pls reply with whom I should do that with.
4:57 This is the best advice to follow. I always tell people the exact same thing, when I hear anybody complain about the grindy ops.
Don't rush this game, it is far more enjoyable when you take your time, explore, collect or visit anything you come across on your travels. I didnt even bother with fast traveling, i drove everywhere and every time something popped up near me on the minimap I'd go and check it out.
Mixing things up is what kept it interesting for me. When i did that, by the time I got to the final story mission, most of the map markers were cleared, and I'd bought and crafted literally EVERYTHING there was to buy/craft (legendary/iconic guns and clothes, cyberware, cars, apartments etc.), and still had just over 2 million eddies left. No glitches, no exploits. Just doing the content provided by devs, datamining every access point I find, and selling some of the loot and crafted legendaries for a little extra profit on the side.
This game is great, nobody will change my mind about it.
Anyone know if the plat is any easier with the latest patch? Just grabbed the cake today looking to reach 100%…
For the stavlensky or whatever it’s called I went to one of the fixers and kept on saying the same thing over and over
lol predicted the future there at the end coming here after cyberpunk: edgerunners
I absolutely hated that one trophy where you needed to unlock all the teleport stations. I did it before the guides came out. 😭
Honestly it's kinda stupid that they block some collectables out In a OPEN WORLD GAME.
I'm fine if it's not a very long game but… Jeez this sucks.
Can anyone tell me if the difficulty you choose can affect if you get trophies or not???