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I like to think of myself as a Merc with principles. When I’m bought, I stay bought. That’s about to come back and bite me in the ass.
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You forcefully detonated all the mines and then immediately blamed her for running in. lol Did you fail to notice she always stays outside of the room until ALL threat are neutralised?
Started playing Cyberpunk couple of days ago and this game is awesome.
Getting to heart Princess Akizuki berate Jingles about Cyberpunk 2077 history is well worth giving this episode a thumbs up. 😁
nope, no spoilers.
Love the name of this job: "Shot By Both Sides", which was a song from Magazine (Howard Devoto's band after he left Buzzcocks).
I think that in CP2077 universe, as perhaps elsewhere, everything's contract and self-help so there are no other principles beyond these
[Spoiler on the Netwatch Contract]
On my first play through (brand new character) I sided with Bree and did have an attempt on me (you do hear a line similar to "that's the choom Netwatch want us to take down", however anyone know if you get attacked more than once? Now on a second complete run through and took the other option and Hands berates you.
the description for the shirt on the spring site says "NEW for 2019…." when are we getting a new design jingles?
Hello Jingles. Such a pity that this will be the only dlc. I'm sure CDPR had intentions for more like that whole unused area of the map that is the Orbital Space Centre. With the conversion from Red Engine to Unreal prerogatives have changed dramatically it seems. Sad as this is a stonker of a DLC.
If it wasn't for Bad Luck, I wouldn't have any luck!
7:00 Holy shit Jingles, I had no idea that I'm Mr. Hands! Damn. I can keep secrets from even myself!
Wait, what?! Jingles, are you trying to tell us that Akizuki is NOT an expert on Cyberpunk History?!
No honor among thieves… so I mean, it was fully expected that she was going to stab you in the back.
Any one else notice at 14:20 the crate under the desk with the Iconic icon on it? Or am I just going nuts?
the minute she said that this faccility is from 2013 i just thought that it's still hooked up to the old Internet which means we will see some fucked up shit going on.
Yep though it's more like ya gettin' fucked.
Jingles press the big button that says "blown up the mines" jingles The proceeds to blame Bree 😂
My feline overlord Shere Khan Magnus was pleased to listen to Lady Akizuki's comments in today's video. He is gratified to hear her sounding hale and hearty.
As to the game, Bree's not a duplicitous, conniving backstabber, she's only written that way.
Please continue providing adequate service to the furry Mistresses of Caer Jingles, as a competent material support primate should. My best to you and Rita as always too.
Do you mind sharing your gaming PC specs Jingles?
too bad, they didnt ask Eddy Murphy to do the voice-acting for that 'flaming crotch man'-quest ,….and, i begin to get such a fan off Johnny SilverDick , tnx to Jingles' Cyberpunk-videos
14:20 you left legendary items (possibly components) in a box under the table.
When i met that media chick, i scolded her for having the safety on while aiming at me, possibly not knowing how to handle a firearm.
Start of a beautyful friendship.
9:39 you do alot of walking around aimlessly back tracking several times doing the same things twice while talking. Its hard for me not to skip ahead
I too managed to get through that whole rescue mission with Panam without getting spotted. Not a single enemy spotted me. Most didn't even spot the bullet that made their entire baseball cap collection pointless.
Good dark evening Gnome Overlord. Love the work. Take care.
Jingles is such skill!
clicks "Force Detonation
Jingles: "Bree, what the hell what that? What did you do?"
ah yes, this lady. She did the mistake of doing a jump scare and I did the mistake of having a revolver in my hand. It ended like that car scene from pulp fiction and call from Mr. Hands that headless clients dont pay
Jingles "just followes orders" …
ill sell Jingles out to NetWatch!