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CD Projekt Red confirms Cyberpunk’s Phantom Liberty DLC will have a price tag, and details on how Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2’s shared battle pass will work.
#Cyberpunk2077 #Gaming #Warzone2
For anyone hoping that Cyberpunk 2077’s big DLC expansion, Phantom Liberty, was going to be a free addon, guess again, as CD Projekt Red’s global PR director Radek Grabowski has confirmed that if will have a pricetag.
So much for liberty. Although I guess they did say it was a phantom.
Speaking to GamesRadar, Grabowski confirmed that “as for the expansion’s pricing – we have not revealed exact details yet, but it will be a paid one.”
While we don’t have any specific pricing information for the DLC, expansions for The Witcher 3, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, cost $10 and $20 at their time of release, respectively, with the latter being a much bigger expansion.
Like The Witcher 3–which has a free next-gen update on the way–Cyberpunk 2077 also received a substantial amount of free DLC after launch, with the Edgerunners update providing a notable amount of free cosmetics, weapons, and even an extra narrative thread.
Something that will be free is Call of Duty Warzone 2.0, which recently revealed that its battle pass is nonlinear, but we now have new details on exactly how that will work.
Instead of having a linear pass of 100 tiers of unlockable items, Season 1 of Modern Warfare 2 reinvents the battle pass as a multi-sector combat map. The map has at least 20 sectors with five items in each sector. Players will unlock items using earned Battle Token Tier Skips across this map, with the freedom to choose their path and focus on the items they want most.
The Season 1 battle pass will still include 20 free tiers for players to unlock, which include the Victus XMR sniper rifle and the BAS-P submachine gun as this season’s new unlockable weapons. Activision says it will take players 15 Token Tier Skips if they head straight from the map’s first sector toward sectors A6 or A7, and 30 to unlock both weapons. As for the season’s new operator, the pass introduces Zosar “Zeus” Kalu as the operator available within the premium tiers of pass. Zeus is an instant unlock when purchasing the premium battle pass.
The Season 1 pass is divided into 21 different combat sectors, from A0 to A20. Sectors A1 to A20 are all connected to each other. Once players have unlocked all the rewards in all combat sectors from A0 to A20, there’s an additional “victory sector” with bonus rewards. The battle pass contains 1,400 total CoD Points. Players can earn 400 free CP within the pass, plus 1,000 more with premium pass and victory sector, allowing players to earn back the CoD Points spent purchasing the full pass.
And whoever pays for this is a sheep !
Wasn't this obvious?
I think most of us expected the dlc to be paid and I am 100 percent ok with that, i perfer the old dlc system to the one we have now where new content is "free" but it's super high leveled so we have to grind to access it or go to the microtransaction shop.
Im okay with that, they could have had a pass with the collectors edition, I wonder if there still will be a gta online like cyberpunk online game mode and if that will be free
Did anyone expect GTAV and RDR2 expansions to be Free?
I swear I remember them claiming any DLC for Cyberpunk would be free a while back
Was there any doubt that it wouldn't be a paid expansion?
Really sick of getting news everyday about every little COD related details. I'm sure there are other stories worth featuring.
As long as it's worth it I'm happy to pay.
Trying to get back some of that money they lost lol hopefully people are smart enough enough to wait on it this time lol
I paid 5 dollars for the game. I can pay an extra 10 to 20 for the expansion.
Most gaming related sites are covering this paid cyberpunk expansion news today. Its not only gamespot.
Cyberpunk can take all my money gladly
i love this clunky game but im not paying more then 20$ for anything from this company until witcher 4
Nah absolutely not… we've paid enough already.
Well I didn't expect less, I hope to be worth it. The same was for Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine were paid, nothing new.
I really pre ordered this game a year early, found out it plays at 14 fps on Xbox one, and forgot I owned it
Ofcourse its going be paid
I was sure that this was not going to be free but with the awful release of cyberpunk and edgerunner reviving the game I thought for a little bit that was going to be free besides that this dlc need to be perfect not like the 1st days of cyberbug
They said it would be FREE, all the goons in the comments saying “did people think it was going to be free” are definitely people who didn’t get the game day 1 let alone followed any of the news about the game
Depends on if the expension will be worth it. I can give 25 dollars for expension if it will be long enough and epic enough to be worth it.
And about bugs, in 47 hours of playing, i only encountered only one game braking bug. Then there were few that were just funny to me. I still love this game.
In other news, water is wet
This game is a joke. So much potential, and so disappointing. And what have they been doing, relying on modders to fix the game while they create paid DLCs? It does literally sound like a distopian cyberpunk game 😂😱😵💫
It's fine for big expansions to be paid. That's normal. It's not ok to overhype and release an unfinished game and instead of fixing it, selling DLC
I dont have a problem with paid DLC in general, prefer it actually. But it is a bit different when the devs said we would have multiple free expansions for this game and we end up with 1 paid one.
No problem, I own the game but haven't played it over a year … not gonna change that.
Well I guess I won't be playing CDPR games anymore.
Beat the game max level etc but do have a lot of Gigs left to do but I think I’m going to hold off on doing them in case they raise the level cap on Phantom Liberty
They always said the expansions would be paid and the smaller dlc would be free, so this isn't really a shocker.
Eh, I paid $5 for the base game. Paying for dlc doesn’t sound too bad assuming I wade through my backlog and make it to cyberpunk 2077
Of course it’s not free. People need to eat…