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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty ALL ENDINGS + All Final Missions
Huge thanks to CD Projekt Red for the free and early copy of Phantom Liberty!!
00:00 Intro
00:11 Branch 1 Begins
12:06 Branch 1 Final Mission
48:34 Ending 1
56:06 Alternate Choice
56:58 Ending 2
01:01:52 Branch 2 Begins
01:18:14 Branch 2 Final Mission
02:14:00 Ending 3
02:30:25 Ending 4
02:53:00 Ending 5/Epilogue/New Ending For Base Game
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suicide ending is less depressing than the last one, master storytelling
Can we smashes So Mi 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
do you get any news from So Mi if you sent her to the Moon?
So after all the time spent in this game, cd project red was like here ! Pay another 30 dollars just to experience how to get fucked in the ass a second time 💀. Fuck dude, I just wish we really had another ending other then the nomad ending that was happy. Or at least continue that one 😭🤣
so glad i sent songbird to the moon. at least it leaves you with some hope
Who else thinks that NUSA surgeons deliberately removed Cyberware compatibility from V's cortex so that he could never become neither threaten nor support them again? He/she is just out of the equation. I guess we'll never know.
Cant say I expected anything else than depressing endings. I had ending 3 in my playthrough and I think it is my favourite conclusion. There is not really a good way out for So Mi, she will always be someones slave. Her dying by choice and allowing Solomon to finally rip off the chains of his duty make this ending the least depressing, in my opinion. Thematically, I think the new game ending is a genius addition. There finally is a way out for V, but the result is so fittingly disappointing. In a way, it is the opposite to the ending of Edgerunners or the ending were V becomes a night city legend and goes out with a bang.
The contrast to all the other endings is just perfect. CDPR have outdone themselves.
Got to be honest when so mi confessed that to me what she was doing I traded her arse to reed so fast 😂😂
They stole 2 off doc ocks arms lol
I wrote a lengthy text, but I believe it's worth reading because I want to change your opinion regarding this new ending for V being sad and depressing, as upon careful analysis, it can truly be considered a good ending.
Of course, V's goal was to undergo the surgery and return to the life of a mercenary, which is no longer possible. However, even without the cyberware implants, V still possesses skills well above average (I consider this because we can fully develop the skill tree throughout the game without having any implants equipped). In other words, she would still know how to handle weapons very effectively, for example. It's clear that she got beaten up by random thugs, which happened less than 24 hours after she recovered from a 2-year coma; she's weak, but it doesn't mean that this is her final physical state.
Furthermore, she lost her apartment because she was in a coma, and the rent wasn't paid, but she still has all the money and vehicles she had before entering the coma; she hasn't lost that. Considering these factors, what's stopping V from taking that money and traveling anywhere in the world to start her third life? (After all, her second life was when the Relic saved her from the gunshot to the head.) During the hospital scene, I could also call Kerry Eurodyne, and he seemed concerned about V but also busy with his music tour, but he said he would return to Night City in a maximum of 4 months. So, what would prevent V from spending time with Kerry and even asking to travel with him on his next tour?
Of course, it's sad that V lost her other friendships (the game does this on purpose; in the messages, we could have said that we found a cure but couldn't provide details, and I believe at least Panam would understand). But Judy seemed happy in another city, and from her image, she didn't appear to have any cyberware implants. So, once again, what's stopping V from achieving the same?
It's clear that she won't be a legend anymore, but she has a new life open to explore, and I see various possibilities. That's why I genuinely consider it a good ending, despite the initial sadness.
new worst ending 🙁
I thought we were gonna be able to plug Song into Mikoshi, find a suitable host body for Johnny, or something. Damn
Ending 5 was the first one I got. Never reloaded a save so fast once the credits were rolled. I hope with the next Cyberpunk the endings aren’t as hopeless or depressing, albeit that you never get a happy ending in NC.
I helped Reed but rejected the cure, knowing the NUSA is like Arasaka. There's always a catch.
Besides an overclocked chrome borg named Adam Smasher is still breathing in Night City, we can't have that..right?
I’d rather be with panam for my finale 6 months to my full strength and chipped till I die fuck that new ending
no happy endings in night city huh
To be honest, 2 years isn't really that long time… If the ending was V being in coma for 40 years or something, then a lot could have changed and it would be more interesting to see what happened to the world(maybe a straight up destruction of society?)
So is this the ending of cyberpunk 2077 now… cause the ending hit me hard… holy shit!
Ending 5: V turns into an NPC
This is the bare minimum ending. I want to see if you 100% the game and then do the new ending if you can call anyone else
55 missed calls from Pan? Holy shit
Soundtrack in firestarter is so fire :O
I think what I like about the new ending and how bleak it feels is that it makes you feel like Johnny must have felt and it was only a 2 year skip. You lose everyone you ever had a connection with, even the people still around have moved on without you. Everything you accomplished was wiped away and it's like none of it even happened. Relegated to a footnote in history, no friends or family but congrats you lived, I guess.
So the best way to go is help So mi then do (Dont Fear) The Reaper to get the best ending.
So Mi gets her freedom and cure. (wheter she remains free, is up to her)
All our friends live (and we get to be there for the moment shit turns sour for them…in theory at least).
Arasaka burns. (sorry Goro)
We get immotality through fame.
why cant cdpr write a happy ending for once?
Wow, totally different paths that lead to the same endings? What a lazy kinda bs is that? But in a way it isn't important cuz after non of the mainstory endings u should still have johnny in ur head, so if u don't wanna concider the maingame decanonized, this plot now isn't possible.
"Would you rather live in peace as Mr. Nobody, die ripe, old and smellin' slightly of urine? Or go down for all times in a glaze of glory." 3:48:56
At this point, might aswel come up with an ending where V and Johnny can coexist without V's Body crumbling.
God reed is so pathetic
Damn ending 5 is the worst . Atleast with the other ones you go down with a blaze of glory and a night city legend but this one is straight depressing. The moment where those thugs beat you up really hit hard as your powerless and nothing like your old self.
The new ending is the worst of them all. I always wanted to V to live forever but damn the story writers and devs kinda fucked us with that idea. V really just can't have a happy, long-lasting ending.
Huh, so you only get the new ending if you betray Songbird in all possible ways. Cool.
Apenas salió y ya se lo terminaron? Alv
If V became a fixer in the sequel that would be cool!
That is so fucking depressing. Not that id expect anything less but damn 2 year coma and judy moves on and gets married? 😭 panam doesnt answer? Like wow. Heartbreaking shit
Insane how this is the only ending where it seems like V will actually live just at the cost of everyone and everything straight up depressing-
Always felt like sometimes female V’s voice can be overly dramatic sometimes
the sun ending for my V currently, thats what Somi would want… us going full ham on the crystal palace
I guess cyberpunk attracts a demographic I am really not a part of.
2:20:50 huh? Daaa, so i didn't made i choice for her, she did. And more of it, she chosed the only option she had after what YOU did to her.
Madam President here trying cheesy way to look innocent and sane. In this endeing i wouldn't talk to anyone at all. Nothing to talk about here. Authore of the vid chose almost all the wrong dialogs. Which makes V looks sociopathic
I have no idea how people can consider Ending 5 a “happy” or “good” ending. Living a long life isn’t worth a damn if you’re left feeling empty.
Hey can anyone find the name of the song that plays at 39:00 ?
Oop nvm, just found it. "Contra La Luna"
I sent So Mi off into the moon. Because like David to sacrificed himself for Lucy….. I'll do the same for So Mi
great editing; thanks
Damn cant have shit in night city!
Do you wish to be forgotten or do you want a blaze of glory?
Ending number 5. How do you make an ending more depressing than any of the original ones?
bro i know for a fact i picked up his pendant and the game done me like that
I think it's really kind of crappy how in ending 5, the nusa does not tell anyone you're in a coma, like they couldn't come up with a cover story as to how you got in the coma?