Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
* Probably the best video setting if you want 60 fps on GTX 1060
⭐ Game: Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay
● Resolution: 1920×1080 (Upscale 1440p) (Fidelity FX Cas On 50% ~ 100%)
Video Graphic Settings Quality: Custom Medium – Low
Locked: 60 FPS (Afterburner)
Video: 30FPS (i forgot to change to 60 lol)
Game on SSD / Recorded with ShadowPlay
Nvidia Driver: 460.79
* Fidelity FX Super Resolution not available yet
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality.
Epic Games
#Cyberpunk2077 #GTX1060 #i77700 #PC
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ PC: Acer Aspire GX-783-BR13
+ CPU: Intel Core i7 7700 @ 3.60GHz (Kaby Lake)
+ GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5 (PNY)
+ Motherboard: ACER Aspire GX-783 (U3E1)
+ RAM: 16,0GB (2×8) DDR4 – Dual-Channel @ 1200MHz (2400MHz)
+ Storage: Hybrid 1TB + 8GB Seagate (SATA)
+ Game Storage: 128GB KINGSTON SV300S37A120G (SSD)
+ System: Windows 10 Home Single Language 64-bit
+ Monitor: LG ULTRAWIDE (2560×1080@60Hz)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ MSI Afterburner Benchmark Reference Captions:
+ (GPU): Temperature – Usage based on core clock – Core Clock
+ GPU VRAM: Memory Clock – Dedicated Memory – Shared Memory
+ GPU Power: Max GPU Usage Percentage – GPU Watt Consumption
+ GPU Fan: Fan Speed – Fan Tachometer RPM
+ CPU: Temperature – Usage – CPU Clock
+ RAM: Memory Ram
+ CPU Power: CPU Watt Consumption
+ HDD C: (System and Programs): Usage Percentage Rate – Read MB/s – Write MB/s – HDD Temperature
+ SSD D: (Games): Usage Percentage Rate – Read MB/s – Write MB/s – SSD Temperature
+ (API): Frames Per Second (FPS)
+_ FPS AVG: Average Frames
+_ 1% Low: 1% Slower Frame
+ Frametime Graphic in Milliseconds (ms)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
%100 playable
You should go fullscreen instead of windowed borderless for maximum perfomance
So is this 1920×1080 or 1440p?
Do you had much programs in background? I have 8 gb of ram and im scared XD
How much fps without recording?
Thats the only way you can enjoy this game @60fps on this GPU…… By (Reducing Minimum Resolution) & also setting crowd density to (High to Low) cause its very CPU intensive and you can also increase your fps by overclocking your gpu but thats ok….
Make comparation of this graphics settings vs ps4 xD
Can make one video of this options But with nvidia sharpening? XD
Interesting, though i highly don't recommend using dynamic resolution, it affects image quality too much, it's way better to have FPS on 40's or 50's range than enabling it.
Te amo
actualy best settings are :
High preset
16x antistrop
all shadows medium
Fidelity static 75
then open nvidia drivers and set sharpening for Cyberpunk exe at 0.60 and film grain at 0.10 (this clear image after that 75 fidelity)
and there it is high details 1080p constant 60 fps
copied all settings with my 1060 6GB i only hit like 45fps ? any idea why
Could some1 plz tell me whats default gamma , i changed mine and there is no default in game. Also does anypne have problem with gtx 1060 space reflection, keep showing grain there is no actual reflection not even on low
here's the recipe on how to run this game in 1080p with 40-50FPS on GTX 1060 3GB+ with almost the highest visual settings enabled:
1) set everything in advanced graphic settings to high
2) set the cascade shadow resolution to medium (almost no visual differences)
3) set local shadow quality to medium
4) set local shadow mesh quality to medium
5) set resolution of the volumetric fog to low (you will have to look hard to see the visual difference)
6) set the quality of the volumetric clouds to medium (no visual differences without RTX? everything is already too bright outdoors to notice the change)
7) set the occlusion quality to low (this is the major bottleneck for GTX 1060, but you will probably see only minor differences without searching for them on purpose)
And now – some neat hack that will increase the performance by 10-20 FPS on GTX 1060 without sacrificing the quality of the image
8) enable static Fidelity CAS and set it to 85 (will blur the entire screen considerably, so immediately apply steps 9-10 to fix that)
9) make sure that the NVIDIA overlay is enabled and hit the ALT+F3 button quickly (doing this too slowly will holster your weapon instead), this will open the NVIDIA overlay with filters settings
10) enable two filters: DETAILS (Sharpening: 0%, Transparency : -34%, HDR -8%, Brightness: 0%) and SHARPENING (Sharpening: 100%, Ignore movie glosiness: 100%)
These two filters should combat the loss of image quality introduced by Fidelity CAS to almost 0. Depending on your personal preferences (and the ability to sacrifice the image quality), you can also try to set the Fidelity CAS to something lower, like 75-80% or set the visual settings to medium, and get up to 60FPS.
Ah, and please remember to run the game full screen (not in borderless window), this is especially important for laptops with additional integrated graphics card and Optimus enabled (which otherwise can slow any game by 3-5 FPS by default).
Please let me know in the comments if that worked for you, especially the last steps to improve the image quality.
Once you hit the city you'll have to recalibrate everything once again – way more taxing graphics than during the prologue