this would imply voice acting has been done for these gangs: some nova Bozos audio would've added a bit of weight to this, or at least strengthened the LARP. 🤡 "Beautiful 2d animation that reminds me of Akira"
the only thing that i belive is the Cyberpunk Edgerunners, everything was fine until the word Multiplayer appeared, they had said there would be no multiplayer in CP2077
man, at this point I'll take a new roadmap. I know they wanted to step away from hyping things too soon, but 3 months without so much as a bugfix is kind of ridiculous
Some things add up to be possibly true the rumoured dlc story has been around for ages which does seem to be legit , 🤔 not sure on Radek response saying it doesn't add up which could mean anything from its all fake or some parts are true and some parts not . The livestream could be true as its been done before. One thing for sure though its best just waiting for official word from CDPR . I'm exited for 2022 and cyberpunk 2077 , the rest of free dlc , nxt gen upgrade , Modders working with cdpr , patch 1.5 , and the first expansion and a possible reworking inside out overhaul of the game mechanics. So even if this leak isn't true that doesn't mean we aren't going to be getting some cool shit this year . Oh yeah and cyberpunk edgerunners which I'm so hyped over. Even the samurai edition soft relaunch doesn't add up I could only see that happening as part of the ultimate edition which would include both expansions and all the dlc and updates . I will probably get slaughtered for this but I totally trust CDPR with this game , from where it was a year ago to where it is now ( it's still not perfect) and we still have patch 1.5 which will be the largest to date plus its just won an award for the story , so yeah I'm pretty exited for cyberpunk 2077 and it's future . ( Here come the haters 🙄) .
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Akira was an insane anime loved it
kick ass. thanks!!
this would imply voice acting has been done for these gangs: some nova Bozos audio would've added a bit of weight to this, or at least strengthened the LARP. 🤡 "Beautiful 2d animation that reminds me of Akira"
Trans-mog, don’t fucking tease me like that!
I remwmber seeying cdprojekt wanted to do a "Steampunk 1877"
Shooo can’t fucking wait!!
I read Panam and am hyped for this.
Heart says "Yes!", my head says "Hmmm!",
Is it strange that the most exciting part of this is the text messages?
I wonder who this will fare in Last Gen console lol
Is it possible to take something with a molecule of salt rather than a grain? A grain would be too much.
the only thing that i belive is the Cyberpunk Edgerunners, everything was fine until the word Multiplayer appeared, they had said there would be no multiplayer in CP2077
I see that you didn't deny any of it, do you know something we don't, Kaz?
man, at this point I'll take a new roadmap. I know they wanted to step away from hyping things too soon, but 3 months without so much as a bugfix is kind of ridiculous
Wish it could be. Anyway sounds realistic so can be true.
Did you also hear that they official confirmed a new witcher game ?
The edgerunners show is old news, but confirmed. Everything else I'll believe it when it's announced/released
Im so excited my eyes are tearing!!
On one hand this source on 4chan is "dude, trust me". On the other, CDPR lately hasn't been more reliable than this, either.
So early of this year & already filled with street rats spilling nonsense all over…
I have learned in the last year not to trust leaks just like wakako okada says: Blissfull ignorance has served me well thus far.
Some things add up to be possibly true the rumoured dlc story has been around for ages which does seem to be legit , 🤔 not sure on Radek response saying it doesn't add up which could mean anything from its all fake or some parts are true and some parts not . The livestream could be true as its been done before. One thing for sure though its best just waiting for official word from CDPR . I'm exited for 2022 and cyberpunk 2077 , the rest of free dlc , nxt gen upgrade , Modders working with cdpr , patch 1.5 , and the first expansion and a possible reworking inside out overhaul of the game mechanics. So even if this leak isn't true that doesn't mean we aren't going to be getting some cool shit this year . Oh yeah and cyberpunk edgerunners which I'm so hyped over. Even the samurai edition soft relaunch doesn't add up I could only see that happening as part of the ultimate edition which would include both expansions and all the dlc and updates . I will probably get slaughtered for this but I totally trust CDPR with this game , from where it was a year ago to where it is now ( it's still not perfect) and we still have patch 1.5 which will be the largest to date plus its just won an award for the story , so yeah I'm pretty exited for cyberpunk 2077 and it's future . ( Here come the haters 🙄) .