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Cyberpunk 2077 released a new patch update 1.3.1 which is focused on ironing out all of the bugs that are in the game as well as fixing some things from Patch 1.3. which was released a few weeks ago. Here is everything that the new patch fixes and how does it reflect on the game itself.
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●Intro by MADQUEEN:…
Intro: 00:00 – 00:55
Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.3.1 Details: 00:56 – 04:58
Outro: 04:59 – 5:21
Background music:
Epidemic Sound (Licensed).
Adam Smasher by Marek Madej, Senior Concept Artist at CD Projekt Red
LastKnownMeal, 2021.
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In earlier than cyberpunks release.
Personally speaking, these patches have been gradually making my game run worse. Textures aren’t loading in and bugs that I NEVER experienced when the game first dropped are now pretty frequent for me. Is anyone else experiencing this too?
you know what the past two patches felt like?
1.3: Here's a bunch of things
1.31: Here's a bunch of things we thought we gave you last time, but it either didn't work or made it worse.
Seriously, these patches are cool and all, but goddamn when are they gonna drop some new content. Like the game is missing features that exist in almost every open world game. Like it's been months now. And there still just fix shit in the game. Seriously its really fucking clear that the idiots who pushed this game out clearly didnt understand just how much time and work this game really needed
I don't usually comment on videos
But I wanted to say that I love your content LKM, you're always honest and make high quality content I really appreciate that, keep being awsome.
I just need the cars to spawn in dressed to kill and these boots are made for walking
Please give me your 1070 when you get your 3070, thanks xD….sigh, a man can dream
Patches won't fix this game, instead they should abandon it and make a sequel or go for witcher 4.
Is these game any good on the new consoles and pc because on the PS4 is just total trash literely in game you have to wait for the map to load and all the enemies its just so stupid these game would have been good if someone like Rockstar had work on thr project…
9 months into 2021, they're still fixing their broken game. Really shows what a rush job CP2077 was.
Makes me frustrated every time I think about it. Damn!
I just want a patch that makes the game challenging after level 25. It's just too easy. At this point in order to up the challenge I just don't put any points into any combat perks.
I’m on Xbox One X and I didn’t felt that much of a different, maybe the screen space reflections were a bit better but the rest was no different
No matter how many patches and DLC they release, I have zero confidence this game will ever be at the level they claimed it would be in marketing and on launch.
32gb for me xbox one s 😢
It helps if you don't think about it as patches but instead as versions. Major versions, minor versions, they are still changes. Don't get hung up on "patch" and "hotfix" as those are mechanisms for updating versions.
I’ll keep being patient before playing it again. I’m happy to see they’re still working on fixing the game and hope they bring some serious DLC’s that’ll bring the people back and trust.
Thank you for not dragging this out for over 10mins
Great Video call me when cyberpunk is released from Beta…
It was about a 25gb download on XBox obviously overwriting files.But on XBox one S,reflections are back look good and visuals seem more sharper if I had to put my finger on anything else colours look like saturation has increased
It's only because of you I remember this game. No way CDPR will resurect it. This train is long gone.
It seems like after 9 months the game is in a releasable state (for PC).
I wonder how hard will be for CDPR to sell their next game.
It’s crazy how it’s 800 MB on PC but on Xbox series X… It’s 21.18 gigs.🤨 wtf!?
" You forgot to spit on me too! "
Enjoy your 3070 once it arrives! I love mine!
Still much to iron out cdpr!
I gave you my money, now you better deliver the actual package, not the half baked version you gave me 9 mos ago.
Prove to me you're better than 90% of other game publishers out there.