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Hi Friends Welcome To PC Support & Gaming Test.
In This Video I Will Show You Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.05 vs Patch 1.06 Graphics & FPS Comparison ! PC.
System Specifications:-
Amd Ryzen 3 3100 (3rd Generation) Cpu
16GB DDR4 3200 Mhz Ram (Dual Channel)
Nvidia GeForce Gtx 1650 Super 4GB GDDR6 Gpu
1TB Seagate HDD (7200) Rpm
MSI A320M-A Pro Max Motherboard
Cooler Master MWE White 550W PSU
Windows 10 v1909 64 Bit Os
Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One on 10 December 2020, and will come out for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2021. The story takes place in Night City, an open world set in the Cyberpunk universe. Players assume the first-person perspective of a customisable mercenary known as V, who can acquire skills in hacking and machinery with options for melee and ranged combat.
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Disclaimer:- This video game product is a work of fiction. The vehicles, guns, fighting, blood, etc. may have been adjusted to fit into the video game. All characters appearing in this game are fictious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. There is no relation of this video game with real life.
#cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunk #1650super
Thx man!
Better update for sure.
0.00001 fps 🙂
5% more fps in some scenes
hey are you using high texture settings? I've got the same card and the game uses around 3200 mb of vram on medium and was curious if I can set textures to high and still avoid occasional stutters
So this game will be able to run at 60 fps around 10 more patch
nice vid man
Fake patch
hmm,, plus 1 fps per patch.. imagine 30 more patch
Great bro keep it up 🤠
Cpu usage is decreased now
Which version gog or steam and which is better now?
they said they only fixed dum dum quest and 8 mb save file issue in 1.06 and yall expecting here some performance increase lol
I havent "VIDEO" in my settings menù on series S .. why???
Now use more vram of my gpu and i have more fps .. 1.04 driving .. 27 – 33fps (3.500 vram).. 1.06 driving 30 – 37 fps (3.954 vram).
More FPS! Without npc in the street… Nice hahahaha
Is it just me or did the recent patch downgrade the graphics?
The performance is so much worse in 1.06. Before I could keep RTX on (I5-9600k, RTX 2070) and still get around 60 fps/1080p. Now I can barely get 60 fps with RTX off!
I’m having all kinds of issues on pc now. Barely hitting 30fps
1.06 made my experience worse on ps4 pro. Hope they fix it but putting the game down for a while. 🤦
So did u gain fps or not
WHY CDP YOU DIDNT DELEY THIS GAME TO FKK CHRISTMAS … PS4 AND XboxOne wersion now are playable 25-30FPS
and the players wouldn't be that angry.
And you would have the same as with The Witcher 3, i.e. some bugs at the beginning, but a few patches and it'll be fine
my 1060 6gb gets 45 fps at medium to high settings no point in buying a stupid 1650 lol , u were running at low
TBH, it looks like their occlusion culling is terrible.
Hi.. can you make Nvidia GeForce MX450 vs intel tiger lake graphics
1185 G7 . this will very use full to buy a laptop with dedicated gpu or without dedicated gpu
Have you found any cool legendary gear?
Not on steam
i have same FPS on 1920×1080 RTX ultra and 1024×768 on lowest settings and DLSS on ultra performance, it's always around 22-35-40 fps ?? V-Sync off
it's a bit broken now it was at least playable 4 me in 1.05
This game is made for one purpose, is to sell you the Idea of ray tracing, Nvidia are the real problem, If you want a real cyberpunk game go play Deus Ex its a better game, don't be fooled with neon colors
i have lower fps with the latest patch and they messed up with the AMD SM fix which manually did a better job so going to revert it back.
It's not all about improving fps, but smoothness and stability.
thanx for video but no performance boost, same fps drops
Это патч для вашего воображаемого успокоения, что игру типа кто-то допиливает.
I was hoping for another delay until mid 2021, but someone got greedy and released early. Oh well, this is what they get. Hopefully every (video game, sport, music, etc…) company learns from this.
only for me are better before??…….