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Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 4. Welcome to the official series of Cyberpunk 2077 where we will cover the entire full game. This series will include Cyberpunk 2077 review and first impressions. Cyberpunk full story from beginning to end, all character customization options, all weapons, and all upgrades.
Cyberpunk 2077 Full Playlist:
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality.
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Video Uploaded By HollowPoiint
The story thickens!
Dex Aka Rick Ross… I don’t know why but, that’s who Dex kept on reminding me of. LOL
My boi was bouta get demonetization
dont know why.. but fkng happy yto see joney kwkwkw
Here before it says MP5 😂😂
Have 69 Chevelle , make offer
see's "groupie option* me: you better press fucking groupie
The game works so well in 1st person because of the cyberware implants, in 3rd person you wouldn't have the same HUD and visual feedback and it would just be wasted potentiall
It should be TPS because what is the point for detailing on customization in FPS.
got the pc version today, it doesnt work on my specs for some reason, they are better than recommended, what should i do, pls comment a solution in here anybody 🙁
V is a jinchuriki
That's keanu reeves mate
What're playing on??
Who else can’t catch up and is just clicking on the recent ones
58:39 Man pops out of nowhere and walks without moving feet looking at the right going out of the door.
Wait jackie had him plugged in first soo wouldnt jackie be the one who turns into silver hand
i fuckin hate the way u play your aim is shit and u play so slow but your videos are long so i have to watch🤦♂️
The guy eating the burger
Seems like Misty is a low key Johnny silver hand groupie maybe plot twist🤔🤔🤔
Damn so many years to create and still so many obvious bugs and such shitty graphics on johnny only for some reason weird. Disappointed cos the story is actually good.
Damn……….. Hollow simpin
If the game developers make a john wick game next year, then ladies and gentlemen my life will be complete
Game sucks bro
who is Johnny? Johnny is nursery rhymes yes papa
I was waiting on your cyberpunk videos bro
i know some you wants to play cyberpunk 2077 so here you go hope this will help:
wery ciber an punky
Just an fyi u can put better aim assist on in the settings
Man when will games start looking like that thumbnail.
Just realized V and Johnny is like Sora and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts lmao
Keanu won't have to take over, his character will just starve to death cuz he don't know how to eat lmao
The game awards was complete garbage.
Now the only thing that can lighten our moods is cyberpunk guys.
Thank thank thank youuuuu thank youuu for uploading the gameplays you are genius.thanks for sharing the gameplays with us hollow: D
Meet keenu Reeves.The only reason the game had all this hype👏👏👏
I thought I was going crazy, it’s 3am and I’m watching this right. This video is the only noise in my house yet I hear I faint chirp, like a dying smoke detector, then I kept hearing it. I just replaced my batteries thinking my Smoke detectors were going out.
Nope, it’s Hollows smoke detectors chirping very softly every 20-25 seconds. You could hear it pretty well toward the end, when he’s talking to Johnny
12:51 this kind a remind of call of duty campaign
58:41 did anyone else see that guy in the back appear out of nowhere and look how he walked away😭😭
dude you always select the bottom options you not following the story. !!!!
the udpate should be ready please update the game so the bugs are gone
so is this supposed to be like fallout?
Ayo hollow in the big heist play thru I think you missed the legendary gun you can grab in the room by the bed before cracking safe
Come one girl how you gunna do me like that? 👀🤣🤣🤣🤣
3rd person cooler but not better