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Cyberpunk 2077 RTX 4K Ultra gameplay! This is Part 2 of my walkthrough. Sponsored by NVIDIA. Played on a GeForce RTX 3090 with RTX On. learn more here:
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The hands being out front creeps me out a bit, is there any way to keep your hands out of your fov?
How are you liking your broken game? Oh yeah and FUCK nVIDIA!
3:54 HAHA good joke..
Lol do you want to hear a joke? The game didn’t freeze ….
1:45:00 "the fact that he's called Mr. Hands really puts me off"
God, why did you have to re-introduce that memory to me, Jack
1:42:07 "you done with that bagulho?"
For fuck sake jacky!
my game moves very laggy with a kind of input delay no matter what settings i use. i have a 1080TI 11GB extreme and overclocked
The graphics are crazy but the frames aren’t 🙁
Still playing Xbox 360 im ok.
Jackfrags infinite burger merch confirmed?
The lady with no legs in the bar at the start might say otherwise. This game looks ok im sure the ray tracing makes it amazing though. Running almost max graphics at 1440 on radeon 5700 mech.
29:27 there is a code to access this terminal (on the table) if you dont plug conector, did anyone find the code?
seems like there's not much actual gameplay ? Do you just walk around and talk to friends the whole time
ok just for that shit, when i get the game imma go find either those legendary mantis blades or the monowire ASAP to tear those scavengers apart and see how they like it uwu
It's so annoying how he's sleeping… I know its just a small detail but how are you making a game for eight years and miss this
Cool 😎 video I enjoy watching this cyberpunk gameplay 🎮 🖥
pos game
nobody talking about the fight club references in this game? V beating himself up while being controlled by johnny? Blowing up a corporate tower?
ehh not mind blowing or anything but still looks nice
Jack, please play Witcher 3. Then you will understand that You Must Loot EVERYTHING (and then flog it to vendors)
Him checking the radio's audio source 300 times in the BD scene literally made me want to stab my eyes out
Gog player. My regards
Looks nice. But you ain't getting 60fps in 4k with everything maxed out.
“Want to hear a joke”, crashes game
I came here to see glitches in 4k?
"Wanna hear a joke?"
Game Crashes
Best Joke 2020
Combustion engines are the future.
what the hell you running this on, NASA space computers?????
Love the game, wish it was multiplayer game not just single player
Jack. Please. So frustrating
The A.I in this game needs VAST improvements to make it even remotely realistic. For the most part its like shooting practice against wooden dolls.
Same settings on 2070 super 😉 just saying
More people got on. PS4 and Xbox one. They tricked us
Ofc the graphics are gona be crazy on an rtx 3090 lol
wow… People are unbelievably toxic about this game.
Keanu please 😂
Jack why are you still using default background? Switch that shit man hahahaha
online ????
20:33 its non-lethal i think.
47:23 you can get it she's called "Malorian",, only if you like 50k crits though.
I love your channel. Can’t play cyber punk 2077. This is the best I’ll get to even seeing it. A lot of enjoyment just watching you play this game. It looks like so much fun. You always have me cracking up.
You have a really powerful pc
Who cares about graphics, it way emptier than witcher 3