Cyberpunk 2077 OST: New Dawn Fades (Temperance Ending Theme)

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27 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 OST: New Dawn Fades (Temperance Ending Theme)”

  1. I am just trying to survive, I just wanna survive. Life is so hard, it is a survival game we have to play and death is the end level. Why do we aim for survival, when we know death is waiting for us?

  2. I don't know why but every time I listen to this theme ,I just think about my life ,things that i've done wrong or could do much better ,this game taught me a lot…

  3. This ending is probably the most gut wrenching and is meaningful. But imo this is probably the worst choice. (1) Johnny seemed to only want to try to fix the wrongs he committed while alive. With V's help Johnny had his loose ends tied up so he has nothing meaningful to do anymore in the physical world. Also the idea of un-personing someone is strictly against his morals (he states this several times in-game, stating its the worst thing you can do to a person). Not to mention Panam and the team will be hunting him along with what's left of the corps, and he'll have no friends to back him up (Rouge hates Johnny in this ending if she lives). This ending leaves Johnny alone and having to watch his back constantly, while holding the burden of knowing he snuffed out his best friend for a second chance granted to him by technology from the entity he hates the most… Arasaka. (2) V still has options. If you paid attention to the tv/radio in the game there was a new breakthrough treatment that may recover enough of Vs brain so the the body doesn't reject him/her. On top of that V still has unfinished business and friends to return to. Even if the treatment fails, 6 months of freedom with loved ones is better than an eternity in a digital prison (either in Mikoshi or with Alt). I think this ending is a work of art but I'll stick with the nomads for now lol.

  4. It really is just every goddamn ending is so rough in the game, and that's what makes it good, along with the added up emotion, Silverhand's redemption, him genuinely wanting you to live on rather than himself in this ending, it hits like a truck. Call this game bad, glitchy, mistake, but terrible isn't one of them, neither is a mistake.

  5. I think what makes me like this ending is that everyone kinda hates Johnny for taking Vs body, although it wasn’t his call (depending on the ending) and he has to live with the constant guilt of taking the body

  6. Let us go then, you and I,

    When the evening is spread out against the sky

    Like a patient etherized upon a table;

    Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

    The muttering retreats

    Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels

    And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:

    Streets that follow like a tedious argument

    Of insidious intent

    To lead you to an overwhelming question …

    Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”

    Let us go and make our visit.


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