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Here’s a look at how I’ve been building my character in Cyberpunk 2077. I made a melee focussed build that allows me to punch everything and anything. One Punch V!
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After leveling up body, level up cool for the extra crit damage. Pair that with mods that increase crit chance and you're playing the game on easy mode.
You need to spec into cold blood
Mantis blades are good for a melee build too
I've found that in Hard or Very Hard, that sometimes there's so many enemies that I'll get picked apart. I'm working on ways to buff my armor and give me health for kills. In the meantime, when things get really crazy I just use a Tech Sniper Rifle, charge up shots, and pick people off through walls. I've put a lot of points in Tech and Body in order to craft and use fists/blunt weapons. That combo also gives you more max health and armor
Razor hughes:Pathetic
Dude I just saw your name in the credits lmao… Researching builds for a second playthrough
The only fun in cyberpunk is not the guns nor the blunts but the blades where u can slowmo and slices someones head off !
Sounds like you should also be trying for an almost (lv. 18 at least) maxed technical ability. That way you can make high defense mods and load them up to have high defense armor to be able to tank a lot more rounds
i would just run around screaming FUCK YOU!
The legendary subdermal armor is in kabuki market and you can get it fairly cheap. I had it in act 1.
The virgin stealth hacker vs the Chad puncher.
Street cred is not enough to get anything at all you need cred of 50 to unlock legendary cyberware and body or tech or reflex levels keep you locked as well
where did you find the jacket in the thumbnail?
I done same with blades… Blades are so over powered… I plan to do a build like this as well.
WOW!!! Someone who isn't an arts dealer nor has found the way of the armadillo. Interesting!
Have you done beat on the brat quest line with this build? If so how did it go? If not could you do a video on the result please?
You can actually do more melee damage with this build if you get the Moore Tech Berserk cyber wear with a legendary Beast Mode mod that will allow you to do 100% more melee damage when Berserk is active.
Nobody NEEDS super legs…but yk…
i love when people getting punched some meters i dont knew why i think i buy it 🙈
Omg can't wait to do a Saitama build
U g2 slow mo dodge more
Am I getting this right we’re assuming blunt weapons count as “fists and gorilla fists” and not just things that deal physical damage.. where is that specification..
I just came up from behind a guy, time slowed when his friend saw me, I block punched the one guy from behind in slow motion and his head came off and blood gushed out all in slow motion: gross and cool simultaneously. By the by I had electric gorilla hands on and my character may be too strong 'cause I take out Cyberpsychos out in about five punches and I'm supposed to keep them alive but, it's just too fun punching them.
I bought gorrila arms but when I went to use them they did no damage the enemies would react like they were hit but it did no damage do you know why this is happening im level 20 and 39 street cred btw
I got every upgrade he has and I try to do the beat on the brat side job and everytime I hit the bitch like 50 times it barely dose any damage at at all I die with one punch I've tried this job over 200 times and can't evan come close
I like your video. To be honest I play my character the same way. I mean why shoot them when you can just punch them repeatedly.
Bruh netrunner building is eve funnier
Int instead of cool for cold blood? On a rusher character? Huh?
Body and Cool, Cool for Cold Blood stacks.
Man put more into that Intel. There's ALOT of money lying around EVERYWHERE. I've also found out that if you do certain side quest you'll find shards that'll give you a perk point OR experience towards a specific Attribute. I ended up just flying through ALL the side quest I easiest way was to finish all the quest in Heywood (the eastern part of the state) then head down to the badlands and work your way up. TRUST ME. You'll be level 50 before you know it.
Intelligence under Breach protocol, you can see the datamine perk and that can give you up to 100% more money when you hack into specific out let's. Giving you good money. And since they're all over the place. Your account will be absolutely STUFFED.
Your perks matter way more as a Streetbrawler. Literally every guy i defeat heals me. I am at level 23 and i had to be really carefull when i was was still perkless. Now i am reaching freight train class…with streetcred on 42 i am not even using legendary fists yet. But with Body at 20 maxed out with all the right perks you won't only dish out one punch wonders..the damage they do is so small having a real high natural armor base.
I'm doing a fist only run and noticed something weird.
In my previous playthrough I had only 13 strength and managed to heat glen, and with gorilla arms absolutely destroyed rhino chick. But currently I cant beat Glenn with gorilla arms and 20 body. So what's going on?
For movement, get the cyberware that when you block and dodge time slows down, if you mash the button you want to go you will fly towards towards them.
My next build. Melee destroyer
Is punching a blunt weapon? Will i level up street brawler just from punching?
Blunt looks like more fun than Blades, but it's hard to beat all that self-healing from Blades. Hmm…
I don't even want to imagine seeing this now that the gorilla fist just got a 20% damage increase
Whole time I’m thinking “gorilla fist” was a perk and spent like 30 mins looking for it😂
I get the One Punch references, but I still see the fist build as the classic Monk that you'd see in older RPGs.
Been cool if actual Martial arts was in the game. 🤔🤔😔
This dude is video is such bullshit. His athletics is at level four but he’s got perks that Don’t get unlocked until after level 10 in athletics. Clearly using a glitch or some sort of hack
You shoud save up for a beserk operating system instead of a cyberdeck
The thing is that we have perks for “blunt weapons” but not a single perk for unarmed combat, right? I was disappointed with that.
you could spec into Cool for Cold Blood to increase your healing and your damage dealt