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Welcome to Cyberpunk 2077! Come up to the roof of Judy Alvarez’s apartment complex for an hour of quiet reflection as the sun sets and rises over Night City. This ambient soundtrack video features a mix of songs from Cyberpunk 2077 surrounding character deaths both major and minor. This mix includes a variety of unreleased tracks, alongside Paul Leonard-Morgan’s The Sacred and the Profane. If you enjoy any of these songs individually see the pinned comment, or read further down this description, for a list of extended mixes of each track!
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Similar playlists:
Cyberpunk 2077 Compilations:
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Songs heard in this video:
Jackie’s death:
Joshua’s Crucifixion:
Biochip Music:
Judy Finds Evelyn:
Oil Fields Mix:
Johnny’s Grave:
Alt Cunningham Mix:
End Credits:
Never Fade Away Mix:
If you have any requests for specific areas in this game, any pieces of soundtrack, or any other ambience video requests, leave a comment down below and I’ll see what I can do!
Sounds in this ambient music video include:
Cyberpunk 2077 Unreleased OST
The Sacred and the Profane | Paul Leonard-Morgan
0:00 jackie
6:45 joshua
11:50 biochip
18:50 evelyn
24:28 oil fields
27:04 johnny
34:00 alt
37:42 temperance
43:57 credits
50:00 never fade away
Thank you.
0:00 jackie |
6:45 joshua |
11:50 biochip |
18:50 evelyn |
24:28 oil fields |
27:04 johnny |
34:00 alt |
37:42 temperance |
43:57 credits |
50:00 never fade away |
39:00 I'm wiser now…and I don't intend to waste it…
…so this is goodbye.
Best view of the city with some of the best music in the game, awesome!
i never realised how many of these songs shared the same theme, i thought it was just evelyn. hearing the vocals at the end was like a light flicked on. great upload vga
Pulled another great piece out of the bag. Thank you.
Funnily enough, when I first saw the word 'Broken' sprayed across a wall somewhere out on the edge of 6th Street territory I assumed I had discovered a disgruntled CDPR employee's secret message as to the state of the game upon release. Silly me.
Another to add to my playlist while i'm needing background music for mood. Excellent job once again.
For all its faults it was still the most playable game of 2020. And I didn't even give af about it when everyone was hyping it up. This girl I was crushing on brought it up praising and worshipping it before it came out and I was like nah girl it looks shit.
Ironically I loved it she hated it
Listening to a sad soundtrack, sitting next to Judy, at the same time looking at a terrible city that takes many lives and souls … Nice sadness.Thank for the video(Broken)
I need a PC upgrade so I can experience this.
Just put anything with the devil ending and you’ve got yourself with a baller
Ngl. That Evelyn part is another lvl ambient.
Jude:"Do you know what I see when I look at you? walking and talking corpses"
Amazing! Can’t wait for dlcs to release ! Make sure you remain healthy and safe so you can provide us with your amazing mixes in the future !
Despite the great features of Night City, you can see how lonely and depressed you are if you live there.
I can't help but die a little inside with Jackie's death music, with me, it was a male V playthrough, all the bravado and positive feeling built up through the first missions, v and Jackie having a good time. When you escaped konpeki plaza, the music hits, Jackie's on his last legs, V is barely holding it together, desperately trying to keep Jackie conscious, and it hits with the crack in V's voice to not close his eyes.
Best channel with best music, again
I still love these playlists.
Ohh what a great idea for a compilation! Btw been listening to your mixes CONSTANTLY. Thank you so much for doing this! <3
It’s Quite unbelievable how powerful music can be towards a person.
I don't know how you can keep making these and use the same motiffs and themes as in past videos and STILL come up with something that conveys its own unique feel, but keep doing it! This is food for my soullllllll.
this one is especially bittersweet as it covers alot of tragic moments, but it's wonderful all the same.
So I hit play and heard the first few notes thinking "wait what part of the game is this from ag-….Nevermind 😭" LOL! Talk about a heavy opening track.
Just wanna say that I appreciate your work and specifically listen to your mixes when I seek this kind of music.