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CyberPunk 2077 Next Gen Upgrade PC Port Review. Has CDProjekt FINALLY Fix This Game? Well maybe or maybe not.
Let’s take a look and find out.
Store Page:
Price: 59.99 USD
PC Specs:
i7-8700 @ 3.20ghz
Nvidia 2070 Super
Nvidia Driver 511.65/511.79
32 Gigs of DDR4 Ram XMP Active
Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVME SSD
Monitor – 27GL850 (2560×1440@144Hz)
0:00 Intro
0:50 Startup Error Fix
1:49 DLSS Is Broken
2:59 Settings Menu
5:05 1440p DLSS No Ray Tracing Gameplay
7:52 511.79 Driver DLSS Gameplay
9:15 1440p Ray Tracing DLSS Gameplay
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Turning DLSS on creates a CPU bottleneck.
Cpu core/thread usage shoots up to 98% will Gpu usage drops to 51%
DLSS is not broken. You have a CPU bottleneck at those settings with an 8700k. Pay attention to your GPU usage in the first part of the video.
I have the RTX 3070 im playing with ultra ray tracing and mid/ high settings 1440p i struggle to play and stable framerate
Dlss working fine for me. Mostly ultra settings, 4k, dlss performance and I'm getting pretty much locked 60, think it's your computer.
When I clicked on this video the FIRST ad I see is one of Cyberpunk, our phones are watching us…
you should try it with DXVK, that should fix the frametime issues. Usually this game runs best on Linux but you'll probably see the improvement on windows too with dxvk.
You were not getting above 65fps because you were cpu bottlenecked, try running the game with DXVK (rtx will not work with vulkan btw)
imagine how great it would be if everyone made their games with vulkan
Hey just checked what it takes to run dxvk on windows and the tutorial I found had 37 steps so you might as well try it on ubuntu, it'll be much simpler, somehow.
I disagree about DLSS not working. It does work but the game is very CPU heavy and can get bottle necked quick, especially when adding more FPS.
So a few bit of graphics don't work right but the game is still playable but if all you care about is how a game looks then not worth it Alex is that what you saying most of pc master race playing this game won't have 3080/3090 most will 18/20 cards who won't care about dls or ray tracing will it be playable for them
A got a 1690 card and 8 gb of ram on my pc with I5 so turn dlss off and Ray tracing for most of my games it runs on it won't hit 60 most of time but it playable but it better optimism on my series s/x Xbox than it is on pc so it a bit of crap pc port
Worst mess of a game launch in history. Will be remembered for decades
Alex it's your fault for having and underpowered weaker old hardware PC cyberpunk runs fine on my PS5
Last nvidia driver 511.79 and dlss work great. W11, 2700x, rtx2080.
After update 1.5, I got many fps drop with DLSS quality (Ray tracing psycho setting) I got 40-55fps really bad, before update I running 60-85fps on 1440p. I think new update really good only for next gen console.
This patch is basically for next gen consoles, they want to re-coup the money they lost, especially after Sony slapped them.
They're treating this as an official launch of the game, the game should've never been made for hardware that's over eight years old.
The CPU and Data Streaming bottlenecks are horrendous.
Disc version in Europe mostly for ps4 is borked

Lmfao, DLSS is 'broken'. Blatant CPU bottleneck even without DLSS, and somehow you expect that to go away when enabling DLSS?
You need more than an i7-8700 to declare anything "broken". Even before the update, Cyberpunk could use 16 threads to full effect. Ryzen 9 5900X or i9-11900K.
I like this game
I turned DLSS to Quality and only left The 1st option on Raytracing and the game is smoother than ever. My only question is have they turned down the Brutality on 1.5? Can’t shoot limbs off anymore??
Hmm what system do you have? I run a 2080gtx, 16ram, Ryzen 3900x and I get about 93-122fps? Only thing I done was setup the right Windows settings, fog down, took the extra silly film stuff off, 1st option on ray tracing others off and DLSS To Quality. I can’t even see a visual difference but the FPS jumped up by 60
In this video:
Lower GPU load results in CPU being the bottleneck, news at 12
The main menu music sounds almost identical to doom
yea they still have a lot of work to do with this game like you said but it is a big improvement from before
The patch on Series X seems pretty good. Not using Ray tracing mode because 30 is gross.. so far so good about 10 hours in.
I am so shocked.
Just did some quick testing myself to see if I could get similar results. Not to prove or disprove anything just adding more stats for comparison:
5900x PBO enabled
3080ti not OC
32GB ram @ 3200 CL 18
3440×1440 ultrawide monitor 100hz
bunch of chrome tabs open, didn't really matter lol
NVIDIA driver: 511.23
Same area, in front of the Apartment
Mostly High settings, reflections psycho
RTX: Everything on, lighting medium
CPU utilization never went over 57%, mostly stayed in mid 40%
Base (no RTX or DLSS): 35 FPS
RTX + DLSS Balanced: 57 FPS
RTX + DLSS Performance: 58-60 FPS
RTX + DLSS Ultra Performance: 59-60 FPS
Just DLSS Ultra: 69-71 FPS
Just DLSS Balanced: 69-71 FPS
So similar performance numbers…but then I drove away from the apartment and got the following
Base (no RTX no DLSS): 33FPS
DLSS Quality: 71 FPS
DLSS Balanced: 82 FPS
DLSS Performance: 99 FPS
DLSS Ultra Performance: 101 FPS
Went back to the apartment, turned crowd density to lowest and got the following
Base: 35 FPS
Quality: 65 FPS
Balanced: 77 FPS
Performance: 97 FPS
Ultra Performance: 100 FPS
Again, may not be definitive and conclusive data, but I'm guessing DLSS doesn't work as well in dense areas as it used to. I can't quote the exact numbers I was getting before patch 1.5 but I do feel that they were higher with the crowd density maxed out.
Hope this helps
Just to point out, but I have a 3070 and 8700k with the 511.79 driver and I can run the game well over 60 fps with everything at max settings with quality DLSS at 1440p but with raytracing turned off, for me its running way over 60. Another thing to point out is the game dips in frame rate pretty badly if you turn raytracing on even on quality DLSS (which is the best looking image setting for DLSS). the issue with raytracing might be mainly due to a CPU bottle neck, because even on my end the frame rated drops like crazy. Another thing is it might be that your GPU isn't good enough ether but then again you do have graphics settings turned down. If you had a 3070 then you should be able to play it at max settings with quality DLSS well over 60fps if your turn raytracing off. with a 3070 I was still CPU bound for sure but could at least run the game well over 60 in quality DLSS max settings and raytracing turned off.
Try the DLSS 2.3.5 driver.
even on a 3080 the performance still isnt what i think it should be.
Runs really smooth on Stadia.
This update dropped my FPS from 80s down to 30, made the game unplayable for me even with RayTracing off. A month or 2 ago i put in 127hrs into the game and it was amazing and beautiful, now its junk
You are just cpu bottlenecked man, you can see that cpu utilisation stays the same when turning on dlss, meaning that your cpu is stopping you from pushing out anymore frames regardless of how low the resolution you render the game is.
Testing DLSS on 6 cores? Mate… I doubt you lost much with 2070, but from my testing during the development of EZ Optimizer there was 40+ fps difference between 6 and 12 cores on 3070/5900X while both run at the same conditions. I saw performance degradation with 6 cores even on 1070Ti, while when you run the game with DLSS you shift the load from GPU to CPU which in your case clearly runs at its limit. And for testing, stick to some path and follow it strictly, because just running around will produce inaccurate results.
You know what, I felt something was off and had to search to see if I was doing something wrong but you put it all together nicely. The performance is somehow worse. I completely feel your frustration. Thank you for the video. Subbed.