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Yesterday, CD Projekt Red released a video called “our commitment” where Marcin Iwiński, co-founder of the studio opened up about the issues leading up to the development behind the scenes and also their plans for the future of Cyberpunk 2077 and what to expect in 2021 regarding updates, fixes, improvements, and free DLCS, as well as the next-gen version of Cyberpunk 2077 for Playstation 5 and Xbox Series which is coming later this year.
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Game is just bad on all platforms and there are few core mechanics that need complete rework to make this game gem that it deserves to be, bugs, ai, wanted system, and then ill see if i buy any dlc for the game
Now we need complete transparency and HONESTY. its clear we got an unfinished game. Lets what the expansions and the future of this game holds. I'm okay with what we got and I'll manage my expectations for the future.
What do do to regain trust? Personal apology to every gamer? What is that question, lets them do what they need to do.
That apology means jack shit, it is a pure damage control. No hate, I am being realistic.
The faith is shaken but not lost this is what makes cdpr one of the good one the make a mistake they fix it or try to fix it they are still good in my book.
I think they do care about what they have done more than other company’s but I hope they take what they have done as a lesson and sort it out
LKM, thanks for doing this video bro and I’m just gonna be completely honest here. I do not buy what this CEO says. Nothing against him in anyway but it just feels like business jargon. What gets to me the most is The blatant and obvious reality of what happened provided by the evidence we have to prove it in the development of two different games. The RPG that was shown prior to the 48 minute demo and that story and direction, and then the celebrity/Johnny’s silverhand short story linear action adventure game that we got after the 48 minute demo. The RPG had more time and years and development than the new direction and re-purpose focused development that the action adventure games yet with only a year and a half under his belt really so with that rushed state of affairs no wonder on top of everything it not only came out as a different game but also in a very rushed state. But even the version of this action adventure game we got wasn’t able to mask all the realities of the previous RPG that was intended as the skeleton bones are still there. The fact that he does not talk about this reality and subject to me is just proof that they are covering their butts. They are putting in the work to try to fix The decisions and direction and design that they went with in the mid summer of 2018 but they know that the amount of blowback that would happen if they were actually willing to be honest with what is blatantly obvious and confirm admit what is obvious, the blowback would be insane. To actually have them admit that yeah we did make the game to go in this direction with this purpose with this intention with these RPG aspects that are just common sense as you can see from our previous projects, but then we got a celebrity involved and decided to make a completely different game about him one way or another. That’s not to say that is not a bad game, it’s a good game, it’s just not the game that was shown in intended that was originally a CDPR immersive RPG. And this world of night city is just perfect and meant for an RPG. Decision decision to scrap that and make it Reeves focused was such a terrible horrible and business minded dollar signs move that it would blow up in their face. They can’t confirm that. They can’t admit that. They need to deny that and say shit like this was always the game that was intended and I just didn’t have enough time which is a bunch of fucking bullshit. This is not the game that was intended because we see clearly different game in the 48 minute demo. They brought this on themselves when leader ship decided to just make a different game in the summer of 2018 while still trying to stick to the timeline that’s it. But they don’t wanna admit that, the PR hit that would happen from admitting that obvious reality would be chaos. So they are going to try to fix this version of this game that they have while also did nine or just straight up ignoring and trying to move past as quickly as they can what we all know to be true.
They should’ve never shown the 48 minute demo because I think what that blatantly obviously reveals are two different games. The original cyber punk game that was in line with Cdprojectred previous project pattern was a immersive RPG with a completely different rags to riches story, intended customization features as well as shown meaning for and at times immediately world impactful choice and consequences, and just progress overall with intended direction of the game we expected. And then after that demo leader ship got in touch with Reaves in the mid summer of 2018 and they made a completely different Game. It became a celebrity Reaves Johnny silverhand focused linear short story action adventure game. And all of that previous work was scrapped and cut and re-purposed into this new direction that they only had a year and a half to complete which is why it came out in such a rush state. Instead of building on the original game intended, they scrapped that game to make a new game that they don’t even label anymore as a RPG. Prior to the 48 minute demo it was labeled as an Open world RPG as the direction of that game fits their style as a company. But after they got Reeves on board they quickly stop talking about it as an RPG and re-labeled it officially as a action adventure game and then they’ve talked about it for PR sake as if this was always the intention. They could use that lie on us if they didn’t show us evidence of clearly the fucking opposite. They fucked them selves over with that lie and that excuse when they showed us a 48 minute demo revealing a completely fucking different game with a completely different story and options and choices and direction. So as you said now that life is not going to work and this cut content is so overwhelmingly obvious and blatant that you can’t help but just recognize two different games. Of course they have to try to use damage control as well as cover their butts because the amount of blowback they would get if they actually confirmed what we all know, whether someone admit it or not, to be true from the obvious evidence both of everything lacking from this action adventure game as well as what was revealed and intended in the 48 minute demo RPG, that they were two different games. Probably wouldn’t have been in near the rush state that it was this time if they are just stuck to the RPG, but no they scrapped that barely using skeletal bone features from that progress to help Use for this new direction in which they only gave their developers a year and a half to complete. Fucking sucks. I mean basic fundamental shit that’s in their previous projects is not even in this game, but then again it’s not an RPG anymore it’s an action adventure game. We never got the game that was intended, and all we can hope for now is that in the expansions they’re treated like completely new games and that they do bring back the RPG aspects of the cyber punk that was originally intended that we never got.
i have 160h on ps4 now and i still have fun with this game 🙂
So if streaming is a main issue with consoles due to weak hard drives, does this mean that upgrading from a hdd to an ssd on pc could improve performance substantially?
honestly there are way worse game companies out there cdpr have to do a lot more to piss me off
Yet he still knew how buggy ps4 versions were and didn't warn us is desperate apology. He knew the state the game was in and trying to take blame away from team this is desperate
Even without bugs,game was too ambitious,but didn't deliver.
I'm guessing most of their talent will soon be leaving rather than be associated to the negative view of the company.
The only reason they made this video is because their stocks dropped like crazy. If it didn’t drop, they would’ve never made this, they’re just trying to save face imo.
problems will be fixed that's the thing, try to be patient
I think I should keep my expectations low and I truly believe that CDPR can handle this situation.
Even with the disappointing crashes on ps5, I really loved the story, the characters, and the world so much! I wish the developers could know how much many of us loved their game. I’m disappointed by the heads of the company and disappointed for the developers and consumers. I do think they will make good on their promises tho. I still believe in them.
I believe in CD PR; I’m glad they’re taking the big step to communicate and apologize to the community. It was a really heartfelt message and I’m glad they mention they’re very serious about this. I have faith it’ll all work out over the year.
As for cut content I feel like while that’s important, and yes they should add some of that in to the best of their ability in patches/dlc. Most of the cut content that people are getting upset about was already confirmed to not be in the game for while now, like wall running, car customization, apartment buying.
However the stuff that actually was cut out I’m sure they will be communicative about when it comes to adding it back in. I would be happy to see some new characters with romance, more areas in future dlcs, ability to watch BD’s, be it free or expansions.
PS- Blue Moon seriously needs to be a romance haha, such a cool mini quest for her that I hope is expanded upon later.
There was a ton of stuff they left out/were never competed/unfinished etc etc.Besides the bugs and glitches the AI issues and other improvements I want the stuff left out or incomplete put in.The train, the casino, the spaceport, V's luxury apartments and homes and everything else.
I'm only a casual player and that's probably why I really hated the keyboard-steering. What do I own a gaming mouse with ten buttons and an extra long cord for, when I still need to get up to switch mode on the keyboard? – The relocating of keys did not work, the game had far too many modes. There should have been a scrollable mode-menue, with a one click selection. I failed to find a playable mouse-setting and got stuck in the tutorial ten times in a row and gave up on the game, for me it was a waste of money that only looked good in playthroughs.
For any of these CDPR bosses to say that this situation was a complete surprise, is just pure bullshit. There is no way in hell they didn't know the state the game was in, and that at best they were releasing a discount version of the game with half the game missing because of cut and unfinished content. If they released the game because they were reluctant to delay the game again, gotta say that really worked out since now we don't have a new release date but instead a whole f.cking roadmap of release dates to try and fix this mess. A roadmap. For a single player game sold at full price. Yay.
Hey LKM, just thought about something I'd like to see you cover in the awesome detail you always do, and that is a lore video on the Net, Blackwall, Netwatch etc.. I've just handled with the Voodoo Boys, and I'm still kind of confused with the lore about it, and I much prefer watch a video on it than read several data shards
Cool. When was the last time a company apologized for screwing you over?
My only real issues at the moment are fhe AI for pedestrians/traffic & the handling of vehicles. Everything else I am absolutely loving.
You'd never see Kottick or Wilson making an apology like that….or offering tefunds. Yeah, CDPR management screwed up, badly, but the ability to own that screw up is what differentiates them from the rest of the AAA space. Anyone remember Warcraft 3 reforged. Was that ever fixed or apologised for?
Yes you received a key to make a review but why you dont address how the NDA restricted all reviewers from using their own feed, also you dont talk about how Marcin blatantly lies saying the keys for the console review were issued on december 8th when that was crearly not the case for most of the reviewers, they were never issued before the game's release.
It is very ironic how in this so called "apology" he starts by talking about the honesty policy of the company and in the same video he blatantly lies to the audience face.
In my opinion this video is not ment for the custumers, it is a very well (lawyers behind) rehearsed PR damage control talk so they can defend against the multiple law suits the company is facing. Because he and the board lied to EVERYONE, investors, custumers, press even to their own employees whom they exploited with overtime.
So no, I as a gamer do not accept this apology… i'm not even sure that we can call this an apology.
This is good news! CDPR need to learn from its past mistakes and release games, expansions and DLCs when they're ready. We can wait.
I still trust them, never lost it. For others, maybe 1-2 free expansions and all bugs fixed will probably restore their trust.
don't you all have things to actually worry about? here, have some life, go to an university or go turn your efforts into monetary values
What CDPR has to do to get the lost trust back from me:
Step 1: Own up to their mistakes and take ownership of it. (With the apology video they've done this)
Step 2: Nose to the grindstone and fix the game so everyone can have the same type of experience that I've had on my pc.
Step 3: When there are legitimate updates communicate with us the community BUT we don't need empty platitudes./If there isn't anything to report the company shouldn't put out a statement until there is something substantial.
Step 4: Release additional content when it's actually ready and not before to meet some balance sheet for investors.
Step 5: (Mostly on personal views here not so much the company) Forgive BUT never forget.
Cyberpunk was the last disappointment.
CDPR sure tried to act like a decent company, but they have proven themselves liars.
Cyberpunk 2077= $hi++y corporation ruins game about how $hi++y corporations ruin everything.
Their treatment on employees need to change working environment can translate what products you produce this is prime example where employees and staff are keeping change each time development cycle came in case of cyberpunk 2077 it seems the game have great idea but lacking execution which mean there's no leadership to spearhead the game being properly made as a polished product, what we have is unfinished game but can be changed if CDPR want to make this game as complete as it in the trailer of 2018, my hope that the upper management and those marketing department should stop funding on their PR garbage and start fixing this game because I feel it has potential to be the best game to come out since Witcher 3 and Red Dead redemption 2.
[Use CORPO lifepath]
Huh. Video made under lawyers supervision. Couldn't said investors demand this or that, then cry when you did it. Because it's never their fault.
Imagine what would they say if you delay only consoles and improve PC version? It would be a waste of all the money invested in marketing and letting the hype vaporize.
Like every market company work with the same handbook…
There two things they must do to get any trust or respect back. Fix crashes and correct the currently incorrect censor. Thats the only must do stuff on my list. Not spending 1 more $ on CDPR until at least the nudity censor is fixed, nudity censor off is nudity censor off not on.