Cyberpunk 2077 Morgan Blackhand – Truth Revealed

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Morgan Blackhand – Johnny Silverhand – Cyberpunk 2077


23 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Morgan Blackhand – Truth Revealed”

  1. IIRC, Blackhand and Smasher went at it while the top of the building was coming down…Johnny with his persecution complex [remember how long it took him to figure out that they really WERE after Alt and she wasn't just colateral damage] thought Smasher was after him…notice how there is a gap between when Smasher enters after the sequence in Arasaka's office and Rouge trying to get him aboard the chopper [GET TO DE CHOPPA!]…how did he get out of there?
    Betcha that gap is where Blackhand comes in.

  2. Maybe CDPR has no interest in self inserts……this game is about Johnny and V. Dont need more invincible 100 year old legends around that would play zero significance to the hacked up story that got released. Maybe in the original concept Morgan could have been around, even just for continuity of the Saka Tower assault, but the GAME WE GOT wouldnt have been any better JUST because Morgan was in it.

    Hindsight explinations dont fix the game or explain holes either. All of this is due to to CP2077s production.

  3. Morgan is confirmed MIA by Claire (afterlife bartender ) so what im guessing if im being optimistic is a dlc including morgan, militech, or the palace, maybe a dlc abt morgan and militech that’ll add another ending where v will attack arasaka backed by militech with morgan helping you, oh boy that would be so dope.

  4. Well I'm sure the people in the comment section who insulted me while disagreeing with me when I said each person recollection are based on their perspectives and opinions and not fully accurate meaning a characters words are not canon, feel pretty silly right now.

    Then again that's still not as dumb of a statement to insult someone over when I was insulted for simply playing the game and having 7 different playthroughs, over 200+ hours played after over 60 days of the game being out, and finding something at the start that wasn't even substantial. Its amazing how ridiculous some people can be while lacking common sense.


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