Cyberpunk 2077 Mistake BIG Mistake – Meredith Stout – Patch 1.5

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Cyberpunk 2077 Mistake BIG Mistake – Meredith Stout – Patch 1.5 – Kazuliski


25 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Mistake BIG Mistake – Meredith Stout – Patch 1.5”

  1. Everything about this "romance" is rushed. From the reused "Bet you didn't expect to see me here.", to the reused sex and the reused moaning you hear from joytoys. It's clear that the devs initially didn't intend for players to be able to romance Meredith, but from the amount of players wanting to romance her, the devs just decided to put something together for them just before launch

  2. The character of Meredith screams cut content for me, no way they put her in the game only to have this little to do with her and Militech. I liked her character since they showed her during the demo back in 2018
    It's like they teased us with her and the mini/side romance/sex scene and cut it off abruptely

  3. Recent play through I called her to meet but then never met up with her before the pick up mission.. after I did the mission she texted me and said something like “no one stands me up, u better watch ur back” which I thought was cool but as far as I know nothing else ever comes of that text lol which is a little odd


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