There is no "best" or "perfect" fighting style, each one has its own purpose and history, different uses and weaknesses. Love the videos, keep them up ❤
After some backtracking I have noticed various comments I have made have simply disappeared into the ether. The furthest comment back I could find (as of May 6th, 2023) was on the "What Martial art would Super Soldiers use" posted on September 25, 2022. If we go by this comment, and Marcus's upload consistency, I have been posting comments nearly daily requesting this review for approximately 8 months and 14 days.
Funnily enough, it’s actually the best style in cyberpunk because it’s decent at everything while not being weak at other styles. And for a game that had such highly specialized guns, weapons, and explosives the odd chance you were in melee it was good to have any martial art over no martial art.
I always figured a blend of Muay Thai and jiu jitsu would be good. It's good to know both striking and grappling, and those are some of the best in each category.
@MarcusVance could you do some type of overview of the agents from Tom Clancy's: The Division, and see what would be their match to the tech they've got?
So I was looking through my games while watching your shorts and I saw my copy of Assassin's creed blackflag and that got me thinking about the pistol swords in it. What are your thoughts on them?
Based and first
There is no "best" or "perfect" fighting style, each one has its own purpose and history, different uses and weaknesses. Love the videos, keep them up ❤
My response to martial arts in cyberpunk: explosives. Dodge that you filthy casual.
Second but pinned
In cyberpunk 2020 tai chi is my MA of choice because it has all the moves you need to be badass
Martial arts?
obliterates the saka ninja with comrades hammer
Fable 2 Unique weapon review?
After some backtracking I have noticed various comments I have made have simply disappeared into the ether. The furthest comment back I could find (as of May 6th, 2023) was on the "What Martial art would Super Soldiers use" posted on September 25, 2022. If we go by this comment, and Marcus's upload consistency, I have been posting comments nearly daily requesting this review for approximately 8 months and 14 days.
Can you explain what the sword Mulan uses? Cause looks like a European long sword. But it's China? Am I missing something…
Corpo: Hold on, I’ll use Arasaka-te to overpower-
Netrunner: Fries brain and drains bank account with a thought. Also your porn history has been released to your entire bloodline
Top 10 Metaphors
Corpos deserve nothing but the rope
They gentrification karate?
It makes sense. You make people think it's good, but when they use against you they just die.
My martial arts is blade. And more blade.
I'd be really impressed if I wasn't watching them killing themselves and puking after being quickhacked.
Funnily enough, it’s actually the best style in cyberpunk because it’s decent at everything while not being weak at other styles. And for a game that had such highly specialized guns, weapons, and explosives the odd chance you were in melee it was good to have any martial art over no martial art.
That kind of sounds like the US military martial arts.
I always figured a blend of Muay Thai and jiu jitsu would be good. It's good to know both striking and grappling, and those are some of the best in each category.
"If you wanna get nothing done, form a committee." -Killowog
Martial arts? I have guns
@MarcusVance could you do some type of overview of the agents from Tom Clancy's: The Division, and see what would be their match to the tech they've got?
Like always: corporate propaganda hides how cheap it's innovations are
I love Cyberpunk, as a game, and as a genre as a whole.
Sounds like how systema started
So I was looking through my games while watching your shorts and I saw my copy of Assassin's creed blackflag and that got me thinking about the pistol swords in it. What are your thoughts on them?