Cyberpunk 2077 Martial Arts Analysis – Arasaka-Te

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26 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Martial Arts Analysis – Arasaka-Te”

  1. Fable 2 Unique weapon review?

    After some backtracking I have noticed various comments I have made have simply disappeared into the ether. The furthest comment back I could find (as of May 6th, 2023) was on the "What Martial art would Super Soldiers use" posted on September 25, 2022. If we go by this comment, and Marcus's upload consistency, I have been posting comments nearly daily requesting this review for approximately 8 months and 14 days.

  2. Funnily enough, it’s actually the best style in cyberpunk because it’s decent at everything while not being weak at other styles. And for a game that had such highly specialized guns, weapons, and explosives the odd chance you were in melee it was good to have any martial art over no martial art.

  3. So I was looking through my games while watching your shorts and I saw my copy of Assassin's creed blackflag and that got me thinking about the pistol swords in it. What are your thoughts on them?


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