Cyberpunk 2077 | Lucy in Night City | Synthwave Music

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Cyberpunk 2077 | Lucy in Night City | Synthwave Music

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Sending vibes for an epic day! May the entire universe’s luck rain down on you. 🌌
Our beats are here to take you on a journey of feels and memories. 🎵✨


• Captivating art and animations created by me: NightCityGirls •

• If you plan on vibing to this track, be sure to shout out: NightCityGirls •

• Anyone interested in purchasing images, follow the link 🖼️:

#synthwave #cyberpunk2077 #relaxmusic #chillmusic


6 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Lucy in Night City | Synthwave Music”

  1. Hey, everyone! Let's play a little game in the comments. You can comment whatever you want, and the comment with the most likes will be pinned to the top. Be creative—it can be anything from a joke to a riddle or something totally random.

  2. +/ Night City Stories +/ Chapter 26 – Spoils of War

    The white noise of scattered insects fills the baron wastes..the communal buzzing and chirping overlapping each other isn't much different than a bustling night on the town. Brian, in a quiet focus is seen in deep thought, taking heavy drags of his smoke and staring at a neon-pink flickering sign that reads 'Dollop of Sunshine'. The area is mellow with very few passerbys to and from the motel along with the occassional off-roader flying by. Zaunya is seen just inside the motel room behind him impatiently pacing back and forth with her jacket off, finally showing her no sleeved black leather vest. She slowly rotates and loosens her neck before kicking and smashing several items within the room while trying to maintain her nerve unsucessfully. She aggressively runs her fingers through her hair while simoultaneously yanking on it..struggling to maintain her cool. Again, it is clear that the two of them have had some conversations before this point and the contrast in the pair's mental state's is also clear. Brian stuck in a state of deep thought drowns out the enviornment around him as he hones in on a memory, triggering a flashback:

    The bright glowing neon sign towering above all of the chaos reads 'Jig Jig Street'. Marilyn is seen running through the street in a hurry with Brian in tow, dragging him behind her as he attempts to keep up with her pace. She giggles gleefully with excitement as they rush past various people posted on the block including some of her Mox sisters at work beating down some corpo rat for eddies as "DON'T FUCK WITH THE MOXES" Is heard off in the distance. The variety of colors on display is staggering. Everything from animated accessories, clothing items, jewlery and hyper-stylized cyberware are sported by the people on Jig Jig street. Soliciting sex, drugs and alluring debauchery over loud booming music; the hot summer night is in full swing. Marilyn and Brian rush to and arrive at their destination, stood outside of a door that reads "BD SHACK". Marilyn attempts to open one of the shacks to no avail. She then runs her fingers down the slit of the door and works them inbetween before attempting to force it open. As Brian watches, he hears the compressed air and mechanics of her gorilla arms engage and the door frame give in to the force. As the door rips open Brian and Marilyn see a couple in the shack engaged in intense intercourse. The woman on top of the man glances back at them briefly before continuing completely undetered. Brian and Marilyn quickly look at each other before sharing an embarassed laugh amongst themselves. Brian slides the wrecked door closed back into place leaving it basically open as Marilyn pulls him toward the next shack beside it.

    Marilyn and Brian enter the empty BD shack and sit on the tattered couch inside. The door slides closed as the pair of them lock eyes and get close. Marilyn, with a huge smile on her face grabs Brian's left hand and raises it up between the two of them. She then raises her right hand and laces her fingers in-between his, squeezing his hand tight before then loosening the grip and adjusting the angle. Their matching gorilla arm cyberware hands sport a chrome red metal finish; the cyberware augmented onto them weaves perfect with the ganic still left on their hands creating a clean finish…some of the spoils of their raid on Maelstrom. With their palms connected and their fingers now loosely laced, Marilyn begins to weave a thick wire around their connected hands. She weaves the wire between their fingers, wraps it around their palms and wrists and yanks it tight with each loop she does being sure not to leave any space between them while never breaking their deep, intimate eye contact.

    "What..?" Brian says in a calm tone with a big smile on his face as Marilyn continues to giggle.

    "What..?" he says again while joining her giggling. Marilyn grits her teeth as she yanks the wire tight a final time..constricting one of each of their hands together. They continue to lock eyes as Marilyn places Brian's wreath on his head while kissing him before placing her wreath on her own head. With the muffled sounds of loud booming music and people partying outside the door to the shack, you see Marilyn and Brian laid back on the couch stared up at the cieling in a open-eyed trance, engaged in an intense braindance. You see their bodies twitching and jolting in ecstacy as you hear Marilyn exhaling in extreme, overwhelming pleasure. As the intensity grows you see their tightly laced hands twitch and yank ocassionaly straining the wire working hard to hold them together. A loud crash of breaking glass in the motel room behind Brian snaps him out of his flashback.

    Zaunya screams in rage before breaking more glass and screaming again causing Brian to glance back into the room. As more glass breaks and her screams in anger build, He flicks his cigarette out into the parking lot below before turning to re-enter the room.

  3. (this is a only beta)

    cybertrust chapter 1

    It was a rainy day in the city, normally it didn't rain much and if it did it was a light rain, but strangely that day was one of the heaviest in years, the news warned that the rain would continue for about 3 days and that the best thing was to take shelter, many people did not believe in the weather forecast, but when strong waves of wind and water hit the city, many of the civilians began to take shelter and not go out, as well as many of the merchants began to close their stores. . Michael was no exception.

    Michael, a 20-year-old boy with brown hair, blue eyes, a somewhat square head, neither fat nor skinny, but how could he be, if a large part of the city's population has cybernetic parts, it was not surprising, despite his "physique." "His pectorals and abdomen were visible, Michael was wearing black jeans, a dark green jacket and green converse.

    But just when he was closing his cafeteria, a cybernetic hand interrupts him and suddenly a woman enters without warning. a tall woman, neither thin nor fat, with red hair, brown eyes, good physique, no more than 24 years old. The woman was dressed elegantly, a red dress, a long wine-red trench coat, and heels.

    missed michael says

    Michael: hey hey it's closed thanks to the rain.

    The woman leans on the edge of a table sighing agitatedly and all wet, after a few seconds in silence the woman responds

    Woman: Shut up, I didn't come to buy, I need a place to take shelter from the rains…

    Michael sighs and notices the woman's rapid breathing as well as how wet she is, Michael, feeling a little sorry, adds in a serious and low tone.

    Michael: okay… I'll find you something to dry off with, don't move.

    Michael goes to the store and looks for her jacket. Once back he finds that the woman was sitting in a chair as if she were just another customer. Michael walks to where she is and hands her his jacket.

    Michael: Here, wrap up, you're all wet.

    woman: thank you

    Michael walks towards the counter where all the tools and products to prepare coffee were, the woman looks around examining the entire cafeteria, she smiles admiring the entire place, and she couldn't help but make the comment.

    woman: wow, your cafe is very nice.

    Michael grabs a notebook and sighs before saying.

    Michael: Thank you… I guess, the place almost never receives praise… Tell me, what coffee are you going to want?

    woman: oh no, like I said n-

    Michael interrupts her.

    Michael: If you die because I don't treat you well, they'll blame me, and you must be very cold… you can tell when you're shaking, come on, tell me, I'll invite him if you don't have money

    The woman smiled at what Michael said and then nodded, adding

    woman: very thoughtful, give me a cappuccino with cream please

    Michael nods and prepares to prepare the woman's coffee, but not before asking.

    Michael: Name?

    The woman turns to see Michael, smiling she says to him and in a friendly tone

    Woman: Oh I'm Camila, and you?

    Michael: Michael, a pleasure, Camila.

    Camila: The pleasure is all mine, Michael.

    After a while, Michael finishes the coffee and takes it to Camila. Camila notices him approaching and can't help but smile. Camila sniffs the coffee from afar and by doing so she can perceive the ingredients and the fragrance, taking her to an indescribable paradise, but eventually he returns. to reality upon hearing the plate and cup lightly colliding against the table and Michael's voice.

    Michael: Here you go.

    Camila: Thank you.

    Michael: Don't even mention it.

    Michael was about to turn around and do other things until Camila interrupted him.

    Camila: Oh wait, don't you want to sit with me?

    Michael turns around strangely

    Michael: Oh well I…

    Camila: Come on, it's not like you have to serve other clients.

    Michael looks around the empty cafeteria and chuckles, correcting his direction and sitting down in front of Camila.

    Michael: You're right.


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