Cyberpunk 2077: Leveling Explained (XP, Street Cred, Attributes)

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One of the most important aspects of Cyberpunk 2077 is leveling up and there are several systems youโ€™ll want to pay attention to. Thereโ€™s your general level, Street Cred level, and then there are Attributes and Perks that youโ€™ll also want to pay attention to. Here is your introduction to how each works.


45 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: Leveling Explained (XP, Street Cred, Attributes)”

  1. Every answer on google says level cap is 50 but it looks like 30 to me, based on the amount of bars on character screen. Can anyone confirm? I know being right doesn't matter to these people, only being first.


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