Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 49

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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #RPG

Hello my friends! Welcome to Jinguji…enjoy!

Quests: Act 2, I Fought the Law, NCPD Hustle

People: V, Johnny Silverhand, Dino Dinovic, Cythia Najarro, Zane Jagger, Elizabeth Peralez, Jefferson Peralez, Lucius Rhyne, River Ward, Peter Horvath, Weldon Holt, The Animals

Location: Night City, Watson, V’s Apartment, Jinguji, City Center

Shards: Archived Conversation – Mat Duda and Dum Dum, Archived Conversation – Emelia Morton and Joanne Koch, Archived Conversation – Sergeant #1919 and Joanne Koch

Tarot Card: The Tower

Iconic Weapons: Yinglong, Psalm 11:6, Buzzsaw

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11 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 49”

  1. Ahhh, the Peralez questline.

    When I first got into their limo on my first run my first thought was that she would open up by saying "My husband and I saw you from across the room and we were thinking," and then I'd end up in some sort of compromising three in a bed drugs shocker in the No Tell Motel.

    Though let's be honest, you just KNOW that they're probably in their spare time swinging like monkeys. They are in that demographic (well off, children all grown up) that swingers usually are.

    Oh yes. In the Memorial area where you found the Tower tarot card, there's a door locked with a keypad. If you enter 2023 into that keypad (the year Johnny nuked Arasaka), you get into a developers' room. There's another developers' room in Watson near the netrunner shop in Kabuki market but I can't remember the code to get into that.

  2. There is an option to enable NCPD hollocalls for those assault in progress if you're interested. Also, you may wanna check out that jinguji store again, something may happen or something may be bugged, I don't remember all the details. Love your videos.

  3. 26:33 Those 3 girls on the billboard in front of us are US Cracks. As you can see, they are very popular in Night City (is this what music will look like in the future?) 🙂
    You've got the perfect weather to visit The Arasaka Memorial.

  4. Ah…a MAJOR side quest! LFG! The car Jake gives you is one of the best in the game, IMO. Sleeping in your apartment gives you an XP buff…showering gives you a health regen buff. Both totally worth it until you're completely levelled up. The weather varies in the game, from time to time. I often just sleep and advance time until it goes away. Heh…with the least bit of effort, V can end up as a millionaire by the game's end. 'Clock ticking' has no bearing on the game. The mini-map in this game can be quite misleading sometimes. [Sigh] that woman in they JinGiJi shop is the same voice actress as Regina, SuzyQ, that ripperdoc you rescue and a bunch of others. Totally overused in the game. But Zane is hilarious. The shop doesn't have nearly the selection it ought to. V just doesn't look good in the skirts or dresses either. But the Senkoh LX submachinegun is very good…wait to find one somewhere though…they are totally overpriced in the shop. Heheh…yes, the guy running for mayor. It's astounding the way things stories and media bits interlock in this game. Pretty sure the attack on Rhyne was mentioned in a newscast as well.

  5. skipping time is actually a great idea, because you get a lot of quests by phone, and usually characters will wait a few days to call you or maybe text you between quests if they have more for you. It is very easy to miss quests towards the end of the game when you will not have anymore NCPD hustles or gigs if you don't skip time. Best way to play this game is to treat it like real life, so work during the day if you like daytime, and then go home and sleep at night. Also call your contacts from time to time, some of them may have some new dialog.

  6. The hustle you found. This Joanne Koch is one of the most harmful corpos in this game. She is referenced in at least two other gigs, a cyberpsyhco sighting and a hustle or two.

  7. Sand storm. They are rare in the city, but outside… You will have a chance to see one up close. 😉

    Too bad that You don't like to explore… You could find a room in the old Arasaka Tower with some devs names.

    Jinguji – You will be back there so remember where it is. The stock will change with a time.

    You should totally do a "fashion" episode. I mean if Gopher can talk about clothes for hours in his playthrough I am sure You can do it too! 😀

    Now your V get's on a path of some serious biz. Do not f-this up V or Jesika wont be too pleased with you! 😀 Joking aside – You will get a few very interesting quest coming from this one (one my favourites in the game).

  8. I hope you remember to return to that store jinguji some time later, you could find an interesting surprise.

    I love how "V" takes a million years to decide on a quest but when gets to the place, or even right before, she's already shooting without hesitation or even a thought or doing some recon to see how many possible enemies there might be.


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