Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 43

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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #RPG

Hello my friends! V questions Hellman…enjoy!

Quests: Act 2, Life During Wartime

People: V, Johnny Silverhand, Panam Palmer, Kang Tao, Anders Hellman, Goro Takemura, Aldecaldos, Mitch Anderson, Saul Bright

Location: Night City, Watson, Badlands, Sunset Motel

Database: Relic, Andres Hellman

Achievements: Wheel of Fortune

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6 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 43”

  1. I wonder if Yorinobu Arasaka, when he stole Relic from his father, knew that he was stealing his dream of immortality. If so, it wasn't about money at all.
    Optional dialogue lines can sometimes (very rarely, but still) influence the main dialogue lines and your decisions, so you need to choose them carefully (and sometimes not choose them)

  2. Whenever I play this game, the Aldecaldos "Take over" the narrative in my head. I know the game is supposed to be about becoming a legend, or fighting terminal illness. However, very often I feel that when you first meet the Avocados, the game changes to finding a meaning other than status/wealth, a new family in Night City. Kind of like… a message communicated passively? (this is especially true for the nomad origin story)

    Bike: the bike you got is a bit slower than Jackie's bike, but it has much better handling on dirt roads and sand!

  3. In fact, Panam and her sniper rifle can be very helpful, depending on how you choose to counterattack the Kang Tao ambush. I'm a rifle guy myself, so V and Panam share the load while shooting long distance. She's also pretty useful at the gas station. As the game progresses, the conflict between Saul and Panam can be discovered to be as much political as personal. Saul represents the 'older, wiser' type of leadership, while Panam represents the hard-charging youths, motivated as much by ambition and a desire for action as cautious policy. Nomads are a tribal society, ruled by family patriarchs like Saul and clan leaders. If you search the Nomad camp thoroughly, you'll find a shard detailing the downfall of the Bakker clan that won't mean much to you…but if you were playing the Nomad lifepath, it would mean a lot more [Nomad V is a Bakker]. Basically, Nomad families and clans rise or fall depending on their leaders. Well…we will see as the story progresses. While the Panam/Aldecaldo quest line is very much part of the game in some ways, it has occurred to me that it could also have been a better fleshed-out expansion to the base game that explored the Nomad story much more deeply. [I am highly sympathetic to the Nomads…I would be a Nomad in 2077, I think]. I'm also pretty sympathetic to Saul, being an old guy myself. You understand the operation of Hellmann's Relic correctly…it's creepy as all get-out, and has serious implications that you may discover in one of the game endings. Notice also the musical theme that plays during focus on the Relic…you will hear it again in various contexts that may be connected to it.


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