Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 36

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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #RPG

Hello my friends! Us Cracks, really (?🤣?)…enjoy!

Quests: Act 2, Shoot to Thrill, NCPD Hustle, Psycho Killer, Cyberpsycho Sighting: Six Feet Under

People: V, Johnny Silverhand, Robert Wilson, Yoko Tsuru, Kaiser “The Surgeon” Herzog, Us Cracks, Regina Jones, Lely Hein

Location: Night City, Watson, V’s Megabuilding, 2nd Amendment

Shards: Archived Conversation – Kaiser Herzog and Rohim Bakir, Archived Conversation – Jax O’Conner and Zinna Saxon, Archived Conversation – Commissioner Fawlter and Aleksandra Zaytsova, Archived Conversation – Commissioner Fawlter and Reggie Loeb, Farewell, Archived Conversation – Vinnie Ray and Herb Pane

Iconic Weapons: Lexington x-MOD2

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9 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 36”

  1. I love Us Cracks – and I really hate myself for it, because I am definitely NOT the type of girl who usually likes that sort of music – I just can't help it, it's just so… happy; like pure joy distilled into audio format. I can't stop smiling every time I hear that song 😅

  2. Body Heat has such an eclectic selection of music. But listening to Night City while cruising the city at night is just an awesome experience. Ready for Tomorrow and I Wanna Stay at your House after watching Edgerunners just brings the moods. The Us Cracks are hilarious because it is so happy, also are part of the in the game lore/world.

  3. The music of US Cracs (Pon Pon Shit) is absurd and therefore fits beautifully into the world of Cyberpunk. Anyone who hasn't heard "Pon Pon Shit" at least once cannot say they know what Cyberpunk is 🙂 Thanks!

  4. ponpon shit is like the anthem of this game. I also hated it at first, but it does grows on you 🙂 especially after a certain mission.

    Quickhack components: you get a ton of components if you hack access points, and disassemble the quickhacks you get from the access point. no need to buy components at all.

    Radio: I am quite certain that the radio is bugged, and this was introduced only lately (I already reported this issue). You are supposed to hear the radio hosts as well. For example Mike Pondsmith (who wrote the cyberpunk rpg) is in the game as the host "Maximum Mike".

  5. I have NO idea what is going on with Your radio. Never ever had any troubles with radio through all those years. Anyway – there are some great tracks to be found on any of the stations. "Night City" song is fantastic. At first I hated Us Cracks but their songs grew on me. In a later stage You will get a certain quest that will involve them so don't be a "hater" 😉 😀

    Do NOT buy any components. Just loot and dissasamble and craft. You will get everything You need that way. Oh and You finally said "Acces Point" insted of "Breach Protocol". Cool. You have a double jump – please us it. Hop onto roofs. There is also loot to be found there too.

    Remember about getting a CAT. Just go out of Your appartment in Mega Block 10 and look around the corner. It is a two step procces. So please take the first one…

  6. I've got this radio bug a bunch of times and I don't have the copyrighted music disabled. Just switching it to another station for a bit works.
    Body Heat and Vexelstrom are my favorite, I love basically every song on those stations.


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