Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 24

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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #RPG

Hello my friends! V goes looking for Evelyn…enjoy!

Quests: Act 2, Automatic Love

People: V, Johnny Silverhand, Judy Alvarez, Evelyn Parker, The Mox, Joytoy, Mateo, Susie Q, Wakako Okada, Tyger Claws, Receptionist, Skye, Angel, Valerie

Location: Night City, Watson, Watson, V’s Apartment, Lizzie’s Bar, Japantown, Westbrook, Megabuilding H8, Clouds

Database: Judy Alvarez, Japantown, Westbrook, Doll Chip

Tarot Cards: The Magician

Iconic Weapons: Lizzie

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17 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 24”

  1. A small tip, because i think there is no in game tutorial for it, you can access your stash from the back of your car or bike… helps manage the inventory.
    Hopefully soon you'll be able to drive taking the sight in, and forget about the mini map… we all miss your terrible driving anyway

  2. Upgrades are good, and that microgenerator is dynamite esp. if you pair it with weapon mods that also produce EMP effects. If you want a cat in the game, you need to find cat food…try food vendors. I think Judy is the game writer's take on idealistic social reformers that don't get things quite right in real-world terms. Still love her tho'. Big Suze is much more of a realist. You found the Lizzie pistol! Good work! One of the best in the game. Wow…that convo about Clouds, Evelyn and dolls…I've never found that. LOL…that look when V tells Johnny he's full of it! There's a time when you can use that back way into Clouds… There should indeed be music in Clouds…check your settings?

  3. Now that you've got Blue quickhacks, you can mix them up in different ways. Some will synergize with other quickhacks. Blue level Short Circuit gives +10% damage for each stack of Cyberware Malfuction, for example.

    Johnny used a tactical or portable nuke on the tower. Sadly these are a real thing. A 1 KT yield nuke could destroy a city block or large building (Arasaka Tower) and still be carried by one or two people. They must give Homeland Security nightmares, imagine one shipped into the Port of LA, it would derail the economy. Fortunately they're very difficult to make and transport.

  4. The nuclear weapon Johnny deployed was a small tactical nuke. They haven't been used in a real war yet, but they're much lower yield than the city destroying bombs you're probably thinking of.

  5. I know you like shotguns, and they are fun in this game, but give the Lizzie pistol a whirl.
    It is very fun to use. It fires four projectiles per shot (fire on a wall to check the spread). It's like a pistol sized shotgun 🙂 Even though it's a tech pistol, it is a very good option even without tech perks.

    As a bonus, Rebecca from Edgerunners has one very similar (hers is pink+silver instead of pink+black).


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