Lul so boring to watch this person just sit there looking at the crowd. I head banged and everything. Such a sick ass side mission. Always wanted to virtually know what it feels like to be a rock star.
Poor stage presence. When I played this, I was going crazy, headbanging and going around the stage, joining Kerry going fire on that guitar. Here, its just standing there lmao.
This was a genuinely fresh experience for me. It seems like a simple idea; a mocapped concert with limited interactivity, but it looked and felt so good.
I like the game in general and I have hope that CD Projekt Red will fix everything wrong with it. But this mission I think even people who are not a fan of the game will enjoy
This part is fucking awesome. Goosebumps
Whiners: this game shucks 🤓
Me: watches this fuck you
Lol is that death metal? I thought it would be something else, not head banging.
I don't know why I think that Keanu Reeves is not a very good voice actor, it just seems like he's not even trying.
I experienced this in VR, I couldnt stop headbanging.
I found more interesting watching the band playing than watching the crowd dancing : D especially the drummer …
Look at how Nancy go!
Wish it was "Never Fade away" instead, but definitely not complaining! Was moving my mouse as I would being at the concert. Wish I could jump.
Lul so boring to watch this person just sit there looking at the crowd. I head banged and everything. Such a sick ass side mission. Always wanted to virtually know what it feels like to be a rock star.
Imagine playing cyberpunk 2077 on VR with this mission…
This was a vibe. Anybody wanna start a rock band with me?
Anyone else hold out on the gig till you got all of Silverhand’s stuff too?
My favorite mission!!!
The Radio Sounds like my toilet flush when i push the leaver.
07:23 damn, what's he's trying to say? :'(
did he really sing or a singer sung it?
Oh PleaSuuuure XD
Want me a David Bowie Engram in my head, t'was made in 2015/16 by the newly formed "Arasaka IN(C)"
I was moving my mouse like I/Johny/V was headbangin' in this 😀 I was really hoping for a quest like this.
This is even better than acting in the play in The WItcher 3
I kept staring at my bandmates cause it reminded me of my band days, shit felt so real.
Imagine how much easier playing guitar with a metal arm that moved like a normal arm
Welcome to Rockband 2077
This was fire AF
Virgin "Press F to pay respects"
Chad "X to Play Epic Solo"
Who else was making V head bang during this concert m/(0.o)m/
I hope they do another performance, but this time in front of a stadium with a lot more people
Bruh look over at Kerry, Nancy and Denny jamming out, Denny's mocap on the drums is sick. pfft imma replay this my way
press F for sick solo
5:27 Like when I was going through these missions, at that point I was scared that Kerry would hit me xD
The game has problems…BUT THIS BLEW MY MIND!
Poor stage presence. When I played this, I was going crazy, headbanging and going around the stage, joining Kerry going fire on that guitar. Here, its just standing there lmao.
can we just appreciate that the person who did the motion capture performance is absolutely SHREDDING that solo?
Awsome player
fuckin death npcs killin this amazin concert
this song was such a fucking vibe
I’m so fucking mad because when I played this mission the music didn’t play for me
This was a genuinely fresh experience for me. It seems like a simple idea; a mocapped concert with limited interactivity, but it looked and felt so good.
I like the game in general and I have hope that CD Projekt Red will fix everything wrong with it. But this mission I think even people who are not a fan of the game will enjoy
The fact that the notes when strumming the guitar are actually correct, it disturbs me in a good way.
My favorite fuckin mission