Cyberpunk 2077 Just Got A Strange New Update! GTA Trilogy Gets Mass Refunds! All New Updates!

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Cyberpunk 2077 News Update – Cyberpunk just got a new secret update! Plus GTA Trilogy Remastered gets mass refund requests! And your reaction to …


20 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Just Got A Strange New Update! GTA Trilogy Gets Mass Refunds! All New Updates!”

  1. I heard at this channel about a couple dozen job OFFERINGS, but except the hiring of a pro developer and a batch of 10 modders every news is about shuffling and promotion of people already working in CDPR. You can say this year made me cynical, but I can't avoid to feel like those offerings are just smoke screens to fool INVESTORS into keep pouring money they don't seek from customers anymore.

  2. is cp2077 worth playing now? I remember there was these weird AI bugs where they'd drop what they're eating and then it would appear back in their hand. Weird, jarring glitch. Another one was when street lights would be floating above streets when there is nothing holding them up. All those just very jarring glitches. would rather play when stuff like that is ironed out.

  3. and we have another moment of turning refunds into a meme. There are a lot of people at this point are just refunding because they can. You can get it later. Nobody made anyone buy early, so here we have another wave of buyers just knee jerk refunding. We have the new meme. The early buyer meme. I preordered 76 AND cyber, I learned my lesson, everyone still early buying is choosing it. At this point, just give no refunds. People should know better, they early purchased, they don't get to complain now.

  4. We can only hope that Halo Infinite and with all its delays. That it will live up to most it's expectations when it releases. I'm expecting some bugs, but hopefully it's very polished for the most part.

  5. If Cyberpunk 2077 came out next month the problems the game currently has wouldn't exist and we'd be getting actual story DLC much much sooner🤷‍♂️

  6. I got cyberpunk day 1 and uninstalled it bc it ran like crap. Told myself I’ll download it when it’s fixed. Can’t believe it’s almost been a year.:/ No Man Sky did a better job in one year.


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