Hey AFGuidesHD! We're working on a video essay on Cyberpunk 2077 and are in the middle of collecting some clips from the game. Mind if we use some of your footage in our video? We can link to your channel in the description – reply to us here or Tweet us @wisecrack! Thanks!
Johnny: "I was never interested in Kerry, because he had a dick." Also Johnny says he would have loved if Kerry said something like "Don't leave me ever, I can't live without you." Sure Johnny. Sure 👀
I love this game, Love this quest too. But when the concert started it bugged the shit out of the living hell. I couldn't hear the band only the crowd. Also there was the familiar black line in the middle of the screen like a god damn censor… It was hilarious…xD
I wish there was an auto save point that got uploaded to your profile right before the concert began. I was drunk off my ass and it was the best 3 minutes that felt like an hour of my life in gaming. I loved it. I wasn't just moving the analog button, i was headbanging along with that shit. Greatest feeling in my gaming history. None of that press F to pay respects. More like, mash shit and fuck shit up while you headbang irl along moment.
I wish rogue was there
I wish we could replay missions that we already finished.
Glad to know I wasn’t the only one nodding along in game
Hey AFGuidesHD! We're working on a video essay on Cyberpunk 2077 and are in the middle of collecting some clips from the game. Mind if we use some of your footage in our video? We can link to your channel in the description – reply to us here or Tweet us @wisecrack! Thanks!
What’s the song called
Fkn unbelievable. Feels like a real concert
That was preem choom
Should have been a bigger crowd 😩
This mission made the game
Throw a grenade in a hostage extraction with hostage in the room. Dam if it not because of the game mechanic, this gonna be pretty ugly.
i just walked right by those robots he's got "guarding"the house xD
Why did I hear male V? Headphones.
Johnny: "I was never interested in Kerry, because he had a dick."
Also Johnny says he would have loved if Kerry said something like "Don't leave me ever, I can't live without you." Sure Johnny. Sure 👀
Just how much bags this game have
I so wish i could romance Kerry. It's such bulshit we can't romance him unless we're a bulky male
Its not even 4k its just using up my wifi
I love Johnny to bits, but Kerry's performance here absolutely slays.
Kinda wish I didnt call him a pussy in 2023 now.
As another rock musician that hasn't played a gig since fuck-knows-when, this mission hit different
The quick range bilaterally cover because celery clinically call from a beautiful chicory. succinct, keen cement
This quest was fucking preem
Hey! You did a camera head bang too! Had to make it more "convincing"
This is so fucking metal. I love it.
The moments like this are what makes this game amazing, not the high intensity action, but the character building moments
loved this mission
The big guy sounds like terry crews lol
Damn incredible game! F*ck the haters! 🙂🤘
Why spend so much money on advertising if the game is poorly designed?
Bought on gogoggo at a good price but was disappointed😫
I must admit i had a blast with that mission. Probably one of the coolest things in a video game ever
I love this game, Love this quest too. But when the concert started it bugged the shit out of the living hell. I couldn't hear the band only the crowd. Also there was the familiar black line in the middle of the screen like a god damn censor… It was hilarious…xD
The whole Samurai/Kerry questline gave me the feeling of being nostalgic for something I never experienced.
I think Litterally everyone attempted to headbang in first person when this went down lol so fuckin dope!!
That sick solo.. mama Mia I Maka da pizza
Silverhand for life 👌✌
I wish there was an auto save point that got uploaded to your profile right before the concert began. I was drunk off my ass and it was the best 3 minutes that felt like an hour of my life in gaming. I loved it. I wasn't just moving the analog button, i was headbanging along with that shit. Greatest feeling in my gaming history. None of that press F to pay respects. More like, mash shit and fuck shit up while you headbang irl along moment.
I must say Denny is the best choice in this side mission, for me Henry needs more Rehab when what he done to that pool.
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY didnt you keep playin
The glitch at minute 15 lol