Cyberpunk 2077 – Johnny Reunites Samurai and Plays a Final Gig [4K UHD]

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Samurai reunion and its gig in Cyberpunk 2077


37 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Johnny Reunites Samurai and Plays a Final Gig [4K UHD]”

  1. Hey AFGuidesHD! We're working on a video essay on Cyberpunk 2077 and are in the middle of collecting some clips from the game. Mind if we use some of your footage in our video? We can link to your channel in the description – reply to us here or Tweet us @wisecrack! Thanks!

  2. Johnny: "I was never interested in Kerry, because he had a dick."
    Also Johnny says he would have loved if Kerry said something like "Don't leave me ever, I can't live without you." Sure Johnny. Sure 👀

  3. I love this game, Love this quest too. But when the concert started it bugged the shit out of the living hell. I couldn't hear the band only the crowd. Also there was the familiar black line in the middle of the screen like a god damn censor… It was hilarious…xD

  4. I wish there was an auto save point that got uploaded to your profile right before the concert began. I was drunk off my ass and it was the best 3 minutes that felt like an hour of my life in gaming. I loved it. I wasn't just moving the analog button, i was headbanging along with that shit. Greatest feeling in my gaming history. None of that press F to pay respects. More like, mash shit and fuck shit up while you headbang irl along moment.


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