Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
How Cyberpunk 2077 plays on Xbox One and Xbox Series X? I’ve played Cyberpunk 2077 on both consoles and on the new Xbox Series X it runs actually pretty good with 4k 60 fps in a performance mode and solid 30 fps in a quality mode. But playing Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One is just impossible: FPS drops, game freezes, textures load for so long.
0:00 – Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox
0:24 – On Xbox Series X
1:29 – Cyberpunk in 4K
2:25 – Xbox One and Cyberpunk 2077
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Say Ricky Bobby lol
your Russian accent is T H I C C
Absolutely gutted, I ordered an Xbox series x but it’s due in March.. I can’t play this game for another 3 months. And I have exams in March time so it looks like I probably will never get to play cyberpunk. Because I have the original Xbox one and if it runs that bad it’s not worth my time.
Yeah I wish the mobsters would quit hoarding them all so I can buy it at it's already overprice
I love this game! : xbox one owner don't need graphics to have fun, unless your anally power hungry for realism look out the window 👀
Well I’m glad to hear it’s a lot better on next gen.
I pree ordered it for this and now I am starting to regret that as I wait for it in the mail
The new Xbox has a lot of pop in.
Game looks fine on the one
The crazy Russian finally off Red Dead for a minute 👍
Let's play this on my phone
Totally different experience and clearly optimised for PC. Spent about 50 hours on it so far and not a single crash. I will say that the more you save/load during dialogue or stealth incursions during long sessions, the more you feel like the game needs to be restarted as NPC start acting… strange, and lighting/shadows feel a bit off. Overall though the experience is amazing and I'm somewhat humbled being able to play ot on a 3080 GPU with all this happening in he background.
I play this game on Xbox one x and I have had none of this issues
Well I have already went and bought for xbox one so honestly I'll just have to suck it up and live with my decision
I both play it on xbox series x and xbox one x
Xbox series x is sold out everywhere too
Such a shame I just beat ac valhalla on my xbox one and it was beautiful. Idk how this game looks so shitty
Бат даз зе гейи краш он иксбокс ван ту лайк он пс4?
Ит из вери интерестинг квештон.
А игра крашится на иксбокс ван как на пс4?
Это очень интересный вопрос
“Eeex box”
All honesty no one can really bitch it is a next gen console video game lol
At least the story is good… I want to die
How does cyberpunk 2077 play on the Xbox s
The most annoying thing in this video is hearing two thousand and seventy seven all the time 🤣
I dont know what he says 95% of the time.
New tip for Xbox one base and ps4 base.
Notice cyberpunk world need to load the map so we don’t lag as much. For old console jus put your system on rest when your back to play you’ll just jump back into cyberpunk without loading to start menu. World is already loaded ready to play as you left it yesterday Done it for myself not much lagging FPS seems stay at 30fps. Only do this if your Donna play the next day. Worth a try. Even with 1.05 patch cyberpunk seems to need tricks for this game to run smoothly.
People should stop complaining and upgrade to the new consoles. This company messed up releasing such a powerful game to old consoles.
The game is not optimized. On next gen it shlould go over 1080p. Remember the patches
It took them almost a decade to release this steaming turd. I will be getting my money back.
The game should be next gen exclusive. It doesn’t run well on last gen consoles
I’ve found very few issues on the series x, so I would suggest getting a series x before buying cyberpunk!
Should I keep the copy until the patches come in it in?
Thank god for CC.. let me mute the audio lol otherwise, good comparison vid
Im playing on the Xbox one s and I'm halfway thru the game with not a lot of problems so far, but the base Xbox one is unplayable lol
To recover on this them maybe need to place the game on gamepass for a time
The Witcher 3 had similar issues too upon release
I personally play on quality mode because digital foundry says it’s the best mode to play on locked 30fps. Stable for me atm
Was gonna buy this game. But after seeing how horrible it runs and looks. I'm not buying it until I get the new xbox. Truly disgusting🤢
I don’t get why people are complaining about how bad it looks on base Xbox one and PS4, they’re nearly 8 year old consoles of course they’re not going to be able to run games created for next gen. I played cyberpunk on my Xbox one and it was absolute garbage and then I got a series x and it’s a completely different game it still has bugs but at least I can play it with out feeling like I’m about to throw up and actually appreciate how good the game is. In my opinion if you haven’t played the game yet and you’ve got an series x or ps5 stop listening to the people telling you how bad it is go buy it and make up your own opinion because I can tell you it’s not as bad as people say it is.
I'm SO glad I got my refund after 30 minutes of looking at that POS 😭
You can say that again