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#Сyberpunk2077 #Cyberbug #keanu_reeves
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used material of: opticorange, ReSpekMyAuthoriitaaa, CryptographerOk7890, Killergold25, Fool_Take_5, Imaginify, LtDansBedPan, BluEyedKnight, Potato_lord343, DatCuteFox, grilled_frog, Dry-Kangaroo3911, powerrangergreen420, yamaykamen, philmoller93, BluEyedKnight, NeoLuminne, Gamer20096, u/Zekoqii
do you want to get into the video? Send your bugs by mail – [email protected]
let it die bruh
Good 😂😂😂😂👌
Bugs a lot of bugs never changes!
what's the 2nd bug? dont get it
1:05 it's Juan!
Game is dead for me it's a fucking embarrassment
I am hyped for the new patch they announced, can't wait to see the bugs it introduces 😂
My favorite glitch in this game has to be bodies being yeeted by an invisible force into oblivion
Bug City 🐜 🐛 🕷
Finally, I started thinking they have fixed this game.
Cyberbug1077 out now
Thats why I don't play the game anymore, it's not fun anymore, it never was and it just gets annoying, and this is what it looks like when the devs don't care about the games their making or care to hire people that actually know what they are doing so they can fix this atrocity of a game…
The game that changed gaming forever, an open world experience like no other, a revolution in ai design, 10/10.
New patch must also fix water physics.
pc or console?
Cyberpunk is the future of gaming as in company's think that they can release games full of bugs and get away with it because they are no longer consider products but are consided to be services and no where does it say that a service has to be of a good and decent quality so they can peddle out whatever sh*t they want and get away with it
This game is a masterpiece just not the one they promised
My guy, you're beating a dead horse.
Make sure you hard rest the game after the update 😄
Remember guys; Cyberpunk isn't meant to be played in large doses, only a few hours a day according to CDPR.
song in 4:58 ?
Hire the Witcher 3 developers back to fix this game, CDPR!
Amell returns.