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Trailers for Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, Timberborn and more!
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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:23 Journey Record
00:02:45 Timberborn
00:05:22 Heretic's Fork
00:06:19 GUNVOLT RECORDS Cychronicle
00:08:39 Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader
00:11:27 The Crew Motorfest
00:13:01 The First Descendant
00:14:16 Wandering Sword
00:15:51 Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – Behind the Scenes: Idris Elba
00:19:37 Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – Cinematic Trailer
00:23:35 Mortal Kombat 1 | Launch Trailer
00:27:42 Live Reaction (Like & Subscribe)
Cyberpunk looking good lol but then again I played on launch on PC so my initial run through was pretty great. I enjoyed 2077 way more than starfield.
At least CP2077 2.0 is free. So I'll see if it seems worth the money for the DLC first.
Cyberpunk trailer… it's good.
Re: Cyberpunk: They do know how to make some good cinematic trailers.
Moral of the story — never board a hype train, it only goes off a cliff (or leads to betrayal by the one you trusted — maybe this is metaphor trailer?).
Can’t wait
That second Cyberpunk trailer was a CGI only trailer. Pretty sure it’s titled “CGI trailer”. I hope people don’t expect the game to look like that.
10:45 american moment
I feel like this trailer deserved to be on Trailer Time:
Will wait for reviews first if it is broken on relase or not. That is the only bar Cyberpunk has to pass. Then No question will play again.
Don't go too condensed!
One of the big highlights of this series is the breadth of trailers you include. Means that things I like but won't hear about otherwise get shown off!
why would u trim the fat, it adds all the flavour
Why can't you be excited for Cyberpunk ? It's been a good game for a while now.
I like the jab at Unity, well played JP.
Cyberpunk 2077 is such a great game that has been massively improved since its launch, I hope with patch 2.0 and Phantom Liberty it solidifies it's position as one of the best games ever.
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