Cyberpunk 2077 is extremely Broken but biased YouTubers Are Still Giving it Praise?! | PS4 Review

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Cyberpunk 2077 broken. What’s going on guys? RBG AKA the Negrotiator here back with another rant video. I haven’t done 1 of these in a while because I don’t necessarily like to. I especially dislike making these types of videos if I haven’t personally played the game in question I’m doing a rant on. And I’m not gonna totally throw the developers of this title under the bus. Because I know that they put a lot of work into it. There’s been multiple push back dates and anytime a game gets pushed back it cost the studio a lot of money. I’m only using this game as example to highlight the fickle hypocrisy of gamers and content creators on YouTube. Specifically the one’s who wanna be the quote on quote pro-consumer crusadors. Now its no secret that Cyberpunk 2077 has been this highly anticipated title ever since it was teased way back in 2013. While the presentation didn’t necessarily pull me in I can’t deny that the overall design choice was dope. The actual cyberpunk 2077 is broken genre just exudes coolness so CD Projeckt Red at least had their finger on the pulse of something great. Fast forward to multiple trailers and delays people are still hyped for this title. Which I didn’t blame em. If anything these delays at least meant the devs were trying to deliver a fully polished product. But as it turns out that’s not what we got. What we got was a product that doesn’t mirror what was seen throughout the various promotions Cyberpunk 2077 is broken. We got a game that’s damn near unplayable on current gen hardware. And for some strange reason the very same people who were downright condemning Marvel’s Avengers for having glitches, particularly on the PC are okay with this. There’s no outrage at the fact that the developers are selling an unfinished game at full retail price. In every video I’ve seen addressing this the uploader being so passive with it. As if it even a big deal that the game has these glaring issues.



43 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 is extremely Broken but biased YouTubers Are Still Giving it Praise?! | PS4 Review”

  1. I wasn't hyped for Avengers, but once I played it, I really enjoyed it and only experience a few bugs. The hate it got it just fucking stupid. The praise Cyberpunk 2077 is getting is straight up shilling. I was honestly disappointed in this game and got a refund. The amount issues people are having, especially on pc, is ridiculous. They needed 2 more years on this since they lost half of their crew years ago and made changes.

  2. Idk bro…they been on this game dissing it pretty hard core from where I'm standing… the game on the PS4 wasn't full price for some reason I paid 30 on Amazon…I want my money back…

  3. Just installed this game and it's so broken and buggy I can't get to the first mission. The game crashes and I can't start from my last save point, the only option I have is to start all over. And even then after 10 to 15 minutes of game play the game crashes and it cannot be started from your last save point. Yeah the game can be awesome, but it's so broken that at this point it's absolute trash.

  4. You’re a goat for This video. They know it’s broken but they still be “oh there’s still fun to be had” bruhhh if EA did this or someone else like Ubisoft or Rockstar , Rocksteady they would be done

  5. I get the hypocrisy… But you’re jumping on CDPR way too much because of the negative energy on Avengers. They’re a company that actually cares. The reason it gets pushed out is not because they want to, DO NOT forget that. Avengers was pushed out the same way. So don’t blame the developers. It’s not their fault at all. I enjoyed Avengers despite the game breaking bugs and still do to this day. Cyberpunk I’ve been grateful to delve into because it is a GREAT game as well.

  6. Honestly the game isn't trash people act like a few updates aren't going fix it. I'm personally enjoying the game on ps4 and the thing with avengers was it was a stale game to be real I love marvel with all my heart but I hate what avengers game become. And it's not cause of bugs it's that there is nothing to do after u beat the game also why is black window lowkey the best character in the game lol

  7. Wait though if Marvel's avengers is a cash grab how come they're giving us all the DLC characters and storylines for free lol 🤣 Of course you know I dropped a like for the video lol No I totally agree I've never really played the other cyberpunk either though so I don't know much about the game where the series but I played The Witcher 3 that was good. But like JoJo Wi-Fi was saying too though just because one part of a series is good doesn't mean the next game from the same developers will be any good lol as for the Spider-Man game I absolutely loved it once I started playing it same with Miles Morales was so good did you finish that one yet I'm playing on New game plus just really taking my time with it

  8. One if my biggest complaints about this game, bugs or not, is how empty Night City is. It’s supposed to be a cyberpunk city in the future. There should be overpopulation, civilians everywhere, extreme traffic. When you’re in a high speed chase it should be nerve racking and intense trying to get through the overpopulated streets.

  9. Funny. People love to call out Marvel's Avengers for "being in development for 5 years" even though the creative director was only hired years later. But when someone brings up that Cyberpunk has been in development since 2013, those same people throw the "a game isn't in development as soon as it's announced or something" excuse instantly. Pick one.

  10. I agree. We shouldn't give buggy games on release a pass just because it will "get better" in the future. That has only allowed developers to release buggy games on launch to release fixes and patches later.

    And what if online services shuts down for a given console, then patches will be impossible to get leaving the game in their broken factory state.

  11. They don't have numbers for console but if PC is dead safe to say console numbers have also dropped, Avengers is booty game with a booty launch and a known flop. The devs are slow and incompetent, there is still no post game.

  12. Bruh this game is fucking amazing. If you can’t play the game cause your console is old and shitty then I feel bad for you. But ME I’m having a fucking grand time on this amazing game. I don’t even own a PC I’m playing on my ONE X and ever since the update I haven’t crashed since then!

  13. I can understand the. "It will be better with a few Patches" argument for PC usurers but the current Gen console version is just unacceptable same goes for lower end PC's.

    Note: I make this based upon my own experience playing on my PC. if it runs/ran like crap for you I hope you either get your money back or the game is handled better in the coming months. and Im sorry you got screwed other by yet another crappy launch. Its sad that Bad lunches have become the norm just in general

  14. I am to understand that the heavy fan backlash on another extension is partly why it got pushed out without another extension.

    Though yes they could have just said we are goong to extend shut up and deal with it.

  15. I play on Xbox One. It crash/freeze/stutter every once in a while. Some rag doll glitches and bugs even, not a big deal. Other than that and the frame rate I have no problem with the game it’s extremely fun

  16. Omg I love your videos! Dude, I was thinking this same exact thing! I thought that people would be going insane on the developers of Cyberpunk 2077. I've intentionally stayed away from content creators posting vids about Cyberpunk… Until I saw you posted one… You're always on point. Look, I never shit on Avengers. I'm still playing it. Loved the DLC. But wow 😲😲😲 can't believe these people are giving this game a pass only because they pushed the f*ck out of it before it was released. So once it turned out to be ass, they didn't want to admit they were wrong. Avengers was never the mess Cyberpunk is 😂😂. I own both games and I actually enjoy playing both. So I was never going to shit on either one. But it's absolutely a fact that Cyberpunk functions terribly. Devs issued an apology and pulled it from shelves. Total admittance of selling a half ass product. I remember seeing it for the first time and thought my tv was messed up. I spent days adjusting the settings. Anyway, thanks for telling the truth of the matter. That's why I DO NOT respect many content creators. They're completely biased. I only trust the opinions of two. There's probably another three that I actually like. Appreciate this video man. Sending this to a friend of mine. Awesome stuff!

  17. I mean you got a point. Anyone that's sugar coating the Cyberpunk problems are part of the problem. No game should be above criticism. On the other hand Avengers was trash as well and if you gonna defend that game especially the state it was at launch then I don't know. A bad game is bad period.

  18. I've played through spider man miles morales and didn't run into a single problem. Yet Avengers and Cyberpunk are filled to the brim with problems. Quality always wins.


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