Cyberpunk 2077 is bad for Trans people???

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8 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 is bad for Trans people???”

  1. Decided to at least start watching this since I'm playing the game…but from the very start–less than 1 min in–you show that you obviously NEVER know what you're talking about, Warcorpse. Lol. You haven't played it and didn't research. People in Night City can have varying amounts of cybernetics installed, going from only one minor piece of like cyberware or whatever to most of their body being "cyborg" lol. And in the game you can choose to be cis or trans or whatever.

  2. 20:16, that is so true on so many levels, I kind of think of those types of people like Conservative Christians where everything about their like is related to being a Christian.

    EDIT: I did originally pick a different religion for this comment, but my comment kept getting pulled, I'm not even mocking religion, just certain people who take their religions too seriously.


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