Cyberpunk 2077 is back (AND I CALLED IT)

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Cyberpunk 2077 is back (AND I CALLED IT)
#shorts #cyberpunk2077 #edgerunners


50 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 is back (AND I CALLED IT)”

  1. I started to play cyberpunk on launch and I have finished the game. I enjoyed it but it was not anything special, the way I would describe it is "meh, it was okay."

    In a vacuum it is an okay fine game, but people were mainly pissed at launch yes because of the bugs but also because everything from the marketing of the game was a complete fat lie. There was so many features and details about the game that the trailers and advertising just completely lied about, the experience we got was not even close to what we were promised, even after all the bug fixes it still feels like an unfinished game.

    Again I did have fun and in a vacuum it is an "okay" game, but because the experience we were told we were getting was a complete utter lie I think it will be tainted for a lot of people.

  2. It's only back for maybe a few months or so then all that hype will die like all the characters but one in EdgeRunners. Lmao. Unless they make a season 2 of the anime I can see Cyberpunk 2077 become stale like a loaf of bread that been left out in the open air for 3 weeks.

  3. NGL cyberpunk is one ☝️ of the only games I bought on disc because it was buggy like as a person who tries to break video games/ test them to their limits sometimes is fun 🤩 so seeing something broken is waaay funnier when it’s not supposed to be like that from a usual quality studio that developed the game.

  4. Bugs have to be the dumbest argument, my very avearge pc plays this game on medium with no problems, and i ecountered like 5 bugs in my 4 playtroughs, and only one bug that actually annoyed me, when the highway turned into a 100 meter tall monolithic glitched structure

  5. I haven't seen the show. I mean it looks good, and I'm sure it's well written, but for some reason it's one of those shows/series that are just good throughout yet you don't get any urge or intention of watching it. Same thing happened when I was asked to try Berserk, One Piece, Omori, Hollow Knight and a lot of other great stuff that I'm sure is very enjoyable once you try it out. So I have no plans to try it out. I'm sure it's great tho or something.

  6. Bruh I said the same thing! I knew cyberpunk 2077 was too good of a story for the masses to just write off as a dead game because of a bad rollout.
    CDPR made a big brain decision and revitalized the game! I'm so excited

  7. I always had a soft spot for Cyberpunk. It was one of those games that just had so much effort put into. You can see the passion bleeding from every building in the game. Yeah it’s a buggy fucking mess, but it’s still a wonderful world and the side stories are amazing!

  8. It shouldn’t get a second chance. I’m sorry to those who like it, but by giving it a second chance, you’re reinforcing to game companies that releasing unfinished, half-assed games is okay, and in fact acceptable as long as they fix it later. We can’t keep letting these things happen. It’s one thing to release a game and be like “oh hey, some player did something we never thought of and broke the game, here is a patch to fix that real quick” it’s another to say “here is the rest of the game we released years ago”

  9. I bought cyberpunk a few months ago and didn't enjoy it then I heard about the show (didn't watch it) and decided to try playing it again… and I still didn't enjoy it

  10. As someone who unironically has 1000 hours in new Vegas I can safely say the cyber punk is nowhere near to the level of fallout new Vegas even with bare basic features like quest design and that’s pretty sad considering new Vegas was made in a year and a half and it took cyber punk eight times that

  11. I'm SOOO HAPPY, I LOVED the world of cyberpunk, I was so disappointed when it came out too buggy and that got allot of people out of the game. And made then not wanna check it out more. But the anime was that hope, and since it's studio trigger, ofcource it's gonna be awsome

  12. The issue being cyberpunk isn't flawed because of all the bugs and glitches it's flawed at a game design level, fallout nv allows players to join 4 different factions with very different quests and endings and those are only main factions, cyberpunk can't decide if it wants to be a linear first person action game with Johnny as the main or wants you to roleplay as V, but when you take most player choices and make them either meaningless or give very little dialog to make the character yours, it fundamentally fails at being an rpg and letting you make a very personal v, a game series does this much is Mass effect, which has Shepard as an already established character, but very open and open enough that Shepard can be very much your own

  13. What's so annoying though is everyone like "yea cyberpunk was always so good" like bruh it really wasn't. It was total trash at release don't pretend you've been the top fan since day 1 just because it's big again


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