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Cyberpunk 2077 – Important News on Game’s Future, DLC Info & New Summer Update (Cyberpunk News)
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#Cyberpunk2077 #CyberpunkNews #CyberpunkUpdate
I still cant finish House on a Hill CyberPsycho mission. The mission wont end though I killed the Psycho. They need a mission reset or respawn or something added. I've been complaining about this since March with still no fixes. Fix the game before releasing content.
That is very good news, i love everything about this game and can't wait for some DLC content, even if they charge for it ill pay it the game to me is that worth it.
I played and finished the game on a 5 year old PC with meh spces and I had no real problems with it. The game pretty much bug free up until the end game missions, that's when I started to notice a lot of graphical bugs pop up.
I hope they fix perks,so all skills and perks gonna work,like they should from start.Thats huge no for me,i dont want to watch youtube video for what perks/skills work so i cant destroy my build,and spend points for nothing.
11 minutes of fluff
I'm only 11 hours in so I've not seen a lot but the one thing I hope this patch fixes is the thing that was supposed to be fixed in 1.23 where identical NPCs spawned in an area. I don't know what other people are experiencing, but I have a screen shot of 6 (!) identical NPCs standing at a cross walk waiting to cross lol. definitely not fixed.
CP2077 is still around? Too bad it's too late for me, I've moved on, you should too. (I promise it's me, it's not you… now close the door as you leave, tyvm. No, I'm not paying for the Uber.)
Game was very underwhelming. A lot of it feels and looks very basic compared to what was shown off at E3. That said, I still loved playing it. I was always kind of a fan of the original TTRPG books. I love the cyberpunk genre and Mike Pondsmith's CP universe. Playing this game still lets you explore a very interesting world filled with very interesting people. I'd say this is a game with fantastic character-centric writing with some very hit-and-miss gameplay behind it. If CDPR is willing, I think it can improve. If (or when) they make a sequel, THAT might actually be the game that they were promising from the start.
DLC? Don't they a broken ass game to fix first?
Just a thought. I think the higher ups at cdpr said that they had to many things in the game that us the gamer could pay for so they droped all the content and tryed to fix the game cuz of drop content hence shit start game they knew they fu so the scamble to try and put the content back in untill I see this game how it was suppost to be it is still iffy cuz all the new stuff is just dropped content just my thought what do you think?
Those downloads are people redownloadong the game. Remember free next gen update
I love Cyberpunk 2077 on my XBox Series X I've never had any issues or anything with bugs 👌🏽👍🏼
Great a new patch, whee, then have to wait on modders to update files that gIve us functionality that CDPR couldn't be bothered with because it was more important to try and make a next gen game work on last gen console to get more consumer $$$. Would have been better to only release on PC with update for consoles when next gen consoles finally were released.
I love the comments of opinions
the gameplay in the background is so bot
To be fair, they've released several "big" updates already that were really just bug fixes so I doubt there's finally any more content. I've had fun with the game (still disappointed when comparing what they advertised) 6 months ago, but uninstalled until they add more actual content at some point.
Love/Hate relationships are the most interesting ones!!
"Done something amazing behind the scenes." /grins
Is no One thinking this could actually ONLY Be The next gen update 💩
The raytracing And Some minor bug fixes….
Nothing like system overhauls or improvements And The like
That is just My opinion on it
Looking at Other next gen updates from other games like watch dogs legion And metro
They where also around 40GB
More speculation…..
Played through once already from day of release…. Now I've just started another playthrough.
I played it through twice on PC. Loved it! Will play it again in the future.
I would love to have an honest opinion on this game but I gave up trying to play. Also, it’s flatscreen
I still think this game will blow up great and I can't fn wait
Just because people on the media are hating on the game…. doesn't mean everyone wants to see it crash and burn. Probably they are the minority though the loudest of the bunch
My opinion on cyberpunk is it a great game.Once I get it all patched up on the next cyberpunk will be the game that everybody wants to play game that everybody wants to play I'm not hating on the game I love it except for the annoying crap except annoying crashes and stuff but.
I still like and am playing the game for umpteen time. I think my biggest gripe about the game is how much behind the video is behind the dialog on a lot of the scenes so much that they talk and then I hit the skip button so it get to the next dialog part.
But for the most part I love the game and am looking forward for any additional content and fixes.
the update is just an updated version of the game with some fixes and balancing i dont know why people are going over board, its not new content its just the base game with some tweaks.. everything else is the same. there's no additions to the actual game story wise or dlc wise.
I enjoyed the game thoroughly the day it came out. Played it on my ps4 but plan on finishing it again on my PC once they fix most of the bugs
This game is going to be over 500 gigs before they're done updating and expanding it lol!
You're suprised that console players stick to a game even though it is bugged as hell?
That is the nature of the console player… he/she does not want to take an effort to individualize their experience, hence they accept allmost any kind of crap. Even after they begrudged it.
It’ll be 2077 by the time this game is finally fixed
Only nine days on the PlayStation store and it was the number one selling game for the entire month of June.
I wouldn't be surprised if it stays at the top for July as well.
Mate forgot this game released, shit.
tbh when the games first game out I actually loved it but stop playing so I can wait till they fix it, tempted to redownload it again tho
Can't wait for next gen update so I can finally play this pig
The game is still unplayable
well about what you talk about on 9:00 i play with a i5, 20 gb ram and a GT1080 2gb VRAM, i can't complain about things rendering later… but didn't know that it's also like that on a better hardware… i was just "fine" playing the game in low, but i've played in ultra on another computer and it works pretty nice for me (i know you're talking about consoles and PS4) just saying' well, nice video… i'm waiting dlcs right now
The game needs a No Mans Sky comeback.
All i want from CD Projekt is to make Judy romance path for Male MC!. Haha
I'm sure its just another hotfix. That seems to be all they do. The longer they take on this shit, the more of their original players they are going to lose( the ones that put them on the top in the beginning)
This game was still one of the best even at launch. People just love to whine… of course every one hates when a broken game is out performing your "finished" product.
I'm amazed how some people still want to believe this abortion of a game can be saved and brought to even a quarter of what was promised during "developpment"
They better add a +newgame to this game I want to put over 11,000 hours into this game its beautiful on ps5
I think only the people with the platform to cry about this game did so. I loved the game and my only complaint is that it's way to short and easy. I can see what they were trying to do with this game, and I think the actual next gen versions will be alot better. Everytime I play this game I play from scratch. I don't keep my saves, I think they will get this game going. Idunno about laatgen bit for sure PC and next gen.
Iam i the only one who thinks that the looting system is a mess?! i do not see much point in exploring if there is nothing realy interesting to find and if you do you need to relode a few times to get it in a better quality.
I'm waiting on the PS5 version, but for now, I'm replaying the assassin's creed games in chronological order.
I never doubted this game for a second. When creating something so ambitious and visionary, there's bound to be mistakes and struggles along the way. Thank you CDPR for giving us this amazing game that will only get better and better. See you in Night City.
Just to say did anyone find any cool secret yet? Im just running around high and low cant find any maybe im looking the wrong way.
I really enjoy this game. The story is really good.