Cyberpunk 2077 I Don't Wanna Hear It selfie glitch / bug (PS4)

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Occurs during Kerry Eurodyne’s questline, when Us Cracks ask him for a photo. Only the option to take a selfie with them causes this, using photo mode normally or selecting the first option to just take the photo don’t show this glitching.!/tid=CUSA16579_00


31 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 I Don't Wanna Hear It selfie glitch / bug (PS4)”

  1. This is Cyberpunk 2077 in a nutshell. Style over substance. They add this 'cool' jittery effect but don't spend the time to refine it so you end up with something unusable that ultimately ruins the experience.

  2. This will do this only when u press take a selfie option.
    To fix it just get close or position yourself in a good place and then press camera mode manually. On console press both analog button at the same time.

  3. I honestly had to look this up cause I thought maybe it had something to do with the story line since V is the one taking the shot. I was like oh maybe his sensors are f'd lol but I guess it's a bug


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