Cyberpunk 2077, How To Max Engineering Skill Fast, 8000 XP Per Minute

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Fastest way to level up the Engineering skill tree in Cyberpunk 2077 (and a lot of other combat based skill trees). Locations where you can get an endless number of enemy mobs that grant high XP for all your combat based skills that you might want to level.
This is different than general XP for leveling up your character, this guide will show you one of the best ways to level up your various combat skills.

Other Applications:
Leveling Annihilation skill tree
Leveling Street brawler skill tree
Leveling Handguns skill tree
Leveling Blades skill tree
Leveling Assault skill tree
Leveling Quickhack skill tree
Leveling Stealth skill tree
Leveling Cold Blood skill tree

Requirements to do this method for leveling skills:
For the first location, Complete the “Queen of the Highway” side mission for Panam.
For the second location, be around level 20-25 or higher.

Video guide for Arch “Itsumade”

Have a great day, and as always, thanks for watching!


44 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077, How To Max Engineering Skill Fast, 8000 XP Per Minute”

  1. Please let me/everyone else know in the comments if the 1st and/or 2nd location does or doesn't work for you like it did for me.
    -I am really curious to know if the first location having near instant rerspawn for enemies was just a nice positive bug on my end, or if it not working for my brother (the other player testing these locations) was just a negative bug on his end.

    This will probably be my last video until after the holidays! Thanks for watching everyone!

  2. for someone with 10k subs freakin damn this video was high quality! out of all the cyberpunk videos i've seen so far i've seen people with millions of subs, making far worse videos on the game in general then this, you went into detail about how and why you do everything. props my guy.

  3. Neither spot worked for me. I had cleared out the second one days ago and the dead bodies were still laying around (on PC). However it was helpful to know that you need to shoot through an objectwall for it to count as engineering, so thanks for that tidbit! One other thing I have been doing is walking up and turning off surveillance cameras instead of hacking them to turn them off, when possible. That also gives 150ish engineering xp.

  4. [Heads-up] These methods require a lot of "in-between work" Your best location for engineering is the beach in Pacifica. The entire beach is groups of enemies that are in the same spot every time, so you don't need to worry about any RNG within the groups. (I.e. enemies that don't respond as you need them too)
    Simply travel along the railing above the beach and position yourself so you can see the enemies below.
    Use a gun that shoots through objects, and as you spot (or get spotted) the silhouette of the enemies appear so you can shoot through the buildings and concrete.
    Note: you're aiming down on them so if you're only at a lower in the game, it also provides easy cover.

    Additional: the reset process for the re-spawn is simply run under the bridge on the GIM end of the beach to where it has "Sweat & Blood" painted on the wall. This is one of the shortest re-set distances in the game.

    Note: The only mob group that is not a guaranteed re-spawn is at the construction site.
    I personally start with the 3 girls by the cars and go as far as the beach bar. then reset on that end and return in the other direction.
    This eliminates needing to run a lot without killing.

    Target rich environment:
    3 Girls by the cars
    3 Target practice
    3 playing poker under the stairs
    Huge group dancing
    3 on the couch
    3 beside the beach house
    and optionally you can go kill the 3 in the lifeguard shack lower down in the sand.
    Optional: there is a mob group that appears in the upper area above the bridge, but as they're typically a 1-time only spawn . . . you can choose to ignore or kill..

    I jokingly call this a "'Farming Community" 🙂

  5. I'm definitely going to be checking this rotation as I am close to level 20 by a couple of levels. If you get bored and want to test something drop a point in Speed Demon on the A nihilation tree and use the KERENZIKOV cyberware speed boost and try and get that headshot(I suspect it's really hard). I'm not sure the multiplier and it might be capped but I asked someone to do it that had Body leveled out and they said they were getting 1k normal hits to 7k normal hits so I can only imagine what your legendary would do. This is still only theory though for my end because I'm in the process of building a character to try it with Reflex tree. That would be awesome if you could one shot a boss with it.

  6. So some people said they are unable to get enemies to spawn at the Wraith camp for farming, I may have figured out the cause or trigger for this. So for the past few days I've been farming the Wraith camp and getting them to respawn with the method shown in this video, however during one of these runs I decide to go buy the Galena Gecko car located to the north east of the Wraith camp. The next run, I noticed I could not get the Wraiths to respawn at the camp, and traveling else where, sleeping, or skipping time did not rectify this. I postulate purchasing the Gecko may have caused this, and reload to a save prior to buying it. I buy it again, and sure enough the Wraiths stop spawning at the camp after. I don't have a solution for fixing this, but I can offer a warning to people who haven't bought the Gecko yet that this may cause Wraiths to not spawn at their camp.

  7. A question for u when 50-50 is max out and shard doesn't do anything for u now what u do to level up your tree & attributes how get more? I only got one 20 for attributes and rest not 20,the tree need be max out for points so what's ur input I fine some shard now doesn't work xbox one 😜 because I do use them did work befor so now nope help me with my problem I'll subscribe to ur channel ty for helping when u do

  8. The first location stopped working for me. It was working fine last night but today as I tried, it doesnt work anymore

    Edit: after a week in real life it worked again for me. Maybe it needed just a few in game days to reset and also restarting the game might have helped!

  9. The skill exp is quite tedious to level up. Its easier to get to level 50 than it is to get level 20 in skill. Also didn't know you MUST hit through walls to get engineering exp, it just says to use tech weapon.


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