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How To Get ALL 10 Perk Shards | Locations & Guide
This video is an update to the previous one because some Perk Shard locations have been changed.
00:00 – Intro
00:12 – 1. Perk Shard – Badlands
00:51 – 2. Perk Shard – Badlands
01:35 – 3. Per Shard – Rancho Coronado
03:02 – 4. Perk Shard – Arroyo
03:38 – 5. Perk Shard – Arroyo #2
04:16 – 6. Perk Shard – The Glen
04:57 – 7. Perk Shard – Japantown
05:41 – 8. Perk Shard – Corpo Plaza
06:36 – 9. Perk Shard – Corpo Plaza #2
07:14 – 10. Perk Shard – Northside
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Cyberpunk 2077 – HOW TO GET ALL 10 PERK SHARDS | Patch 1.6 + 1.61 (Locations & Guide)
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Спасибо тебе огромное за это видео
очень полезное 
Great timing, just what I need, thank you

I was just looking at your previous video trying to figure out where the 2 that weren't included were. The timing on this coming out is perfect, thank you!
No perk shard at #1, all other locations worked. Using mods though, so maybe that's why. Thanks for vid!
I've completed once prior update and now restarted twice after seeing things
I hate shot guns so much I’m not watching the rest of this video
that first perk shard wasnt there for me just the other stuff in that chest
Crisp, clean guide!
Thank you very much for this! It took me a while to backtrack through my saves to verify the ones I had already grabbed. Luckily the last two were just 'hidden' easy ones, so that was nice at the end there.
Personally, I love that you use Guts.
Rather some older version of the game, 1,7,8 could not be found in these places
Weird, I can find #1 on my first character, but cannot found #1 on my 2nd character
Thank you so much for your guide it really helped alot saying that all of your videos are good kerp up the amazing content
Same issue as others, first perk shard not in that chest. All others are accounted for.
Quick question, and this may be patched but was there one in Watson?
Today (after 1.61 dropped) I did not find a perk shard in location 8, corpo plaza at the assault in progress. There was a crafting spec for superinsulator.
Anyone else had this?
В версии 1.61 , самый первый чип отсутствует. Который в пустошах
thank u c: super helpful
Huge help thank you!
Just picked up all 10 shards. I made sure to do this while I was grinding in Watson after the Heist and before i talked to Takemura in Playing For Time
Nice! Definitely needed that. As odd as it is I didn’t find the first one BUT directly behind the last shard at the ft there is an NCPD bounty where I found another in a chest.
The only one that didn't work for me was number 5 in Arroyo. Other than that, you saved me time trying to ferret them out myself! Thanks friend!
I just started playing the game. Is there a minimum level requirement for the perk shard loot to drop?
Thanks for the video.
#1 I found it today, lol 1.61

#1 is randomized, it can be in any organized crime operation