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Let’s Play Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty with Renfail as he discusses how the 2.0 update of the game has spoiled him when looking at other games, and how Night City as an immersive world experience is superior to most other offerings when looking at 2023 games.
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Get a life
When Cyberpunk released, I played it on PC. I never experienced the wacky bugs other players reported. I am re-downloading it now and can't wait to check out the new DLC / expansion.
For me BG3 and CP2077 2.0 are the best surprises of 2023
Jeez, you havn't played a lot of games, have you? Watchdogs 1 and 2, and GTA 5 does the "living city" thing WAY better. And if you REALLY want to see AI react to your presence, play Hitman World of Assassination.
BG3, Phantom Liberty, Alan Wake 2. What a year it has been. These games are setting a new standard. We are leaving behind fruitless years of microtransaction live service games that were mediocre and incomplete and entering a narrative quality based era of games that are created with passion like they were in the 80s and 90s.
I am just now getting through the new dlc and i started over on cp2077.
Cyberpunk is one of those games that vexes me. The gameplay is amazingly fun. No question there.
I think the main story is ultimately a good story, but I think it makes for a terrible rpg game. If I could ever overcome my own preconceptions about what it could, maybe even should, have been, I might just enjoy it.
For now, I am just glad that it scratches the "fun itch" for others.
I'm deep into everything available in Starfield and I'm having a blast. It's super flawed though. I just dig being a space explorer. Even with the flaws.
I finished Cyberpunk recently and was blown away. The whole game is extremely cinematic and manages to throw enough unique upgrades and abilities at you to keep it exciting and engaging all the way through. The characters all feel so real. I played it on the psvr2 in cinematic mode and It was an unbelievable experience. I could race around town on a motorcycle for hours!
I get why people passed up and overlooked cyberpunk on release, but all of this stuff was basically there since then.. some of it has been refined and improved upon wirh 2.0 and PL, but most of the stuff ur praising has been there since release.. I always knew rhis game was ahead of it’s time, it just needed to work better and iron out the issues so the greatness could shine through
2023 will go down as the best year in video game history
I've played through Cyberpunk 2077 6 times now and the DLC and it really is a phenomenal game. Cyberpunk 2077, Death Stranding, CONTROL and now Alan Wake 2 are the best games of the last 10 years.
Fun fact if you press left on your controller D-Pad you can make the motorcycle wheels light up neon color
I realized Cyberpunk was a special game the moment I started talking with Skye in the Automatic Love quest. Amazing story telling and immersion, glad they stuck to first person view.
This year It has been very bad for my family, I have not been able to buy video games and I felt sad, I could barely get Phantom Liberty (because it was very cheap) and it has been the joy of this year, I have not needed another game, I will now be able to try the others that came out this year when things improve, but with little money, this game has replayability and fun. What a joy Cyberpunk 2077 has been.
BG3 and Cyberpunk's stories were compelling because they were unpredictable and it was fascinating to find out what happens next. Both games had wildly different possible endings which adds to a feeling of excitement and tension during the playthrough.
This feeling is missing in other recent AAA games like Starfield, Spider-Man 2, and AC Mirage where the plot is so formulaic and you've seen the same stories in countless games before.
I think what i hate the most about modern Bethesda, is that the last "lived-in" world they had, was Morrowind! Playing Morrowind years later as an adult, it feels phenomenal. In a world of re-releases, Bethesda should just re-release that at this point. Itd be better than everything else they put out.
Such a fantastic game and I just finished my 2nd playthrough a couple days ago. I actually agree with you that if this game came out this year, with the 2.0 update, it would probably be my GOTY too, even without the DLC. I almost never complete a game more than once but this game is pure joy for me. I didn't touch hacking/netrunning in my first playthrough and was mainly assault rifles with sandevistan which was a blast. This time I focused almost entirely on netrunning and I have to say it felt a little too easy mode for me, but was still a ton of fun. Can't wait to see a sequel years down the road.