Cyberpunk 2077 | GTX 970 | Low/Medium/High/Ultra/Best Settings

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Cyberpunk 2077 (1.03) performance Test on GTX 970

CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
GPU: GPU: ASUS GTX 970 Turbo OC 4GB GDDR5 (C:+140Mhz | M:+400Mhz)

00:00 Low [1920×1080]
03:00 Medium [1920×1080]
04:53 High [1920×1080]
06:48 Ultra [1920×1080]
08:26 Custom Best Settings [1920×1080]


45 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | GTX 970 | Low/Medium/High/Ultra/Best Settings”

  1. I wasn't even going to try to run the game on my 970 and just wait 30 years for the 3000 series to become properly available before installing the game but maybe I'll give it a go on medium.

  2. This needs official fixes from CDPR , if games like RDR and horizon can look better at higher frames then there is definitely an optimization issue . Hope other games dont go this path or we would need a new GPU every year .

  3. Dunno man, I prefer dropping quality than dropping resolution below 1080p. With your best settings the game is rendered at 1717×966 and it hurts. If you re ok with it, great. But I cant bear it.

  4. when i want to run a game really high with my 970 like i did Resident evil 2/3 remakes i just set everythign else on high and shadows and reflections on medium or low. Trust me shadows make a cpu take a dump.

  5. Driving model is one of the most despicable things in this game. During that 8 years of development period, nobody ever tried playing any other sandbox open world game and compare their driving model with it? Be it GTA5, GTA 4 or Watch dogs…
    Also, the city is soo empty… Almost no cars, no peds…
    I´m giving it a year, so the devs will have time to fix everything, but i still have this feeling, most of the fixing will be done by modders. But i highly doubt i will ever return. The start of the game is crawling sooo much with linear action, very unrewarding for stealth approach and the sponge enemies – it takes 4 – or more – shots to lower hp bar of enemies close to zero, but then it sometimes takes 2 more magazines to kill them, as if they had whole 200% of life bar within that 1% of shown life bar.

  6. Bullshit, i cant get my shit to run like this at all, wtf 970 and a fx 4350, is it the CPU? Im getting like 10 fps if im running or driving or alot of shit is happening fml, thats at mostly low and watching a few otpimisation videos.. I dont get it

  7. As a heads up for anyone who watched both videos of the benchmark. As you may have seen in the first one, there was a lot of really awful texture popping and just textures entirely missing. BUT, if you noticed, even in low graphics the VRAM wwas always at full 3.5GB usage (and we all know that the 970 only has 3.5 [real] gb). but in this one, in the lowest settings the vram was at only 2.2-2.5gb. So it gives me hope that with further updates and fixes, we might see a better performance 🙂

  8. I was able to run this game at ultra with some settings like shadows and lighting and bloom on medium. I got around 30+ fps and i have a gtx 965m with a i5 6500. If you have the nvidia control panel you can get up to almost 50fps. For me thats about what i got. But without tinkering with the nvidia control panel well… Lets just say you'll have a good 30fps experience. Which isn't bad at all a lot of games that have a 30fps setting. Usually tested the game at that fps and optimised it for smooth gameplay. As for other games without a 30fps and some with a 30fps well… Its shit. But hey at least its not 10fps remember how bad world of warcraft was back in the day. 5fps when everyone was in storm wind…. Actually…. I think it was 2fps lol

  9. And yeah i understand and feel with everyone here 30fps is shit but i mean…. If i play on console everything would probably get set to to low/medium/high and stay at 30fps. But on a pc that's where even tho we have a 10 year old graphic card. We can turn that shit to max and get 30fps. So either way better then fucking console. Even tho the xbox version is more at a playable state then ps😂. Another way i was able to get this game working at high/max on my gtx 965m was in window mode 1600x 900x. Its not bad my monitor is pretty big. And i save at least 10-15 more fps. But i also have custom resolution i use sometimes. But i get around 50+ fps. If you do the same thing just remember tinker with your nvidia control panel if not the fps might not be the same.


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