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Cyberpunk 2077 GTX 1650 Super PC Gameplay
Recorded With Shadowplay Monitoring Program. MSI Afterburner
My PC Specs:
• CPU : Intel i5-9400F (9th Generation)
• MB : MSI H310M Gaming Plus
• GPU : Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1650 Super Windforce OC 4G
• PSU : Asus ROG-THOR-850P 850W 80+ Platinum Modular
• OS : Windows 10 Pro 64bit
To receive some amazing offer from World of Tank
To receive some amazing offer from world of warships
the gunplay in this game is absolute trash. graphics are great and scenery is amazing. But the aiming and shooting is absolute dog crap
i have 1660Ti 6gb and i5 9600k, that good..?
why did you do gta 5
Dues Ex 😐
i have a 1650 so i gess i will put it in medium
Where's Ray Tracing
did you play this on 720p or what?
literally unplayable
Bad optimization
and here my 1070 stutters like front of the class
hi i have a rx570 and i5 9400f 16gb ram
but the fps is 40 in low graphics
can somebody help me pls?
Good graphics:✅
Bad driving :✅
This is rival of GTA
JOKE OF 2020
only 30 fps??
Как игра?
Is this cracked?
49:39 beautiful hand reload
Graphics are cool I guess but it's still GTA of the future. Everything you do in this game is something you would do in a grand theft Auto but they dressed it up to look futuristic. Too many games are just variations on other ones.
wow, didn't knew this card was this good, lol
1660 +i59400f 42 fps ultra
"Overcrowded megalopole"
i feel sad when someone got a gamer laptopt and doesn't know how to shoot -_- but thank for the video I liked
Which resolution, 1080p or 720p?
Wonder how it will run on my 1050ti?
the game is running at 30 frametime and it still looks good, what magic is this?
Im assuming population was low or off. I have a 2060 super at ultra and population set on high and the game is buggy. Ill have to lower my population
49:37 lmao
I dont understand, you have 24, 54 or 30fps? 'cause say 1%low 24fps, avg 54fps and d3d12 30fps
Why the heck there are Japanese letters in America
MDS não pega nem 35fps direito , quem otimizou esse jogo deve ter sido minha vó só pode
CyberBugs 2077
graphics ok but city without peoples looks not good