Cyberpunk 2077 – GTX 1060 | i5 3470 | 1080P Gameplay

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Nvidia Shadowplay was used to record the gameplay.
MSI Afterburner was used for the Overlay.

0:00 Intro
0:05 1080P High
2:00 1080P Med
4:00 1080P Low

My Specs :
Video Card – Inno3d TwinX2 GTX 1060 6Gb
CPU – Intel Core i5 3470 3.2Ghz
RAM – 8Gb 1333Mhz
Mobo: MSI H61M-P31/W8
Driver: 460.79-desktop-win10-64bit-international-dch-whql
Windows 10 Pro


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36 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – GTX 1060 | i5 3470 | 1080P Gameplay”

  1. win 10×64 20H2, Nvidia driver 460.79 9 December 2020

    10 December 2020 , Cyberpunk 2077, 1.03

    MB – asus z77-v, CPU – i5-3570 OC 4.0GHz, RAM – 4x4GB 1600MHz (9-9-9-24), GPU – Zotac Amp! 1060 3Gb, Sound – Creative RX PCI-E

    Low settings – 45-60+ FPS

    Normal – 40-50 FPS

    Hihg – 30-40 FPS

    CPU usage 60-80%, GPU – 100%

    GTX1070 nOC (Usage 40-50%)
    i5-2300 (Usage 100%)
    12gb DDR3 1333mhz
    HDD 5k RPM
    NVIDIA Drivers up to date
    And I'm getting 8min: 15avg: 25max frames

  3. A tip which might work for a few of you, if you're heavily bottlenecked by your cpu, and you have a low resolution monitor aswell, switching to a high resolution will give you a 200-300% boost (atleast in my case)

    12gb ram

  4. Running the i5-3470 @3400 and a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 6GB.
    All drivers up to date, Windows 10 updated, temp files cleaned, CPU priority set to high, Windows set to game mode, GPU set to performance and all these settings tested.
    Still can't get a steady FPS in out door scenes, drops to 5fps at times even on low settings, worst when I am driving third person. Not sure what to do other than wait for another patch fix.

  5. What if we replace the i5 3470 with a i3 10100/10100f? Does it gonna increase the fps? Because im planing to buy a dell optiplex and adding a gtx 1060 and replace the i5 3470 into a i3 10100 and also upgrade the ram to 16 gb

    Sorry if i got a bad english**

  6. How is your cpu not dying? I have the same one, play on 720p 30fps and my cpu is on 100%, and on loads of other games I get to 100% cpu super quickly, can anyone help?


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