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Stadia Cyberpunk 2077 Stadia Gameplay! Be sure to check the time stamps for both. Performance mode is 1080 60 FPS. Visual Mode is 4k Gameplay.
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0:00 Intro
1:04 Visual Mode 4k Gameplay
5:18 Performance Mode 1080 60 FPS
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STADIA is only for people who live by themselves and don't have to share internet. Sucks if you have roommates or a family trying to play at 4k…LOL
That 4k FramRate was chunky!!
I played Cyberpunk 2077 on Stadia and unfortunately the input lag is noticeable. Besides, compression kills quality. On my 300 mbps internet connection, the game sometimes slows down to 30 fps. When I shoot an opponent, the pistol continues to fire after releasing the trigger.
"Omg did we just run over somebody" lmao
Is it Stadia or YT compression on this video because the 4K section looks pretty muddy and full of artifacts in the dark areas? I can view other PC Cyberpunk videos at 4K, 2K, or even 1080 from today that look just fine on YT.
The quality of your uploads has gotten so much better, your channel is growing and it’s amazing to see! Keep up the grind! GG’s
Just received email for free premiere edition with the preorder of cyberpunk👏👏👏
Do it look good
I tried stadia and found horrible input lag whatever I was using (laptop with wireless mouse, ps4 controller with laptop, ps4 controller with phone). Can anyone say they had the same issues and found the stadia controller with chromecast much better?
Also. Who seriously thinks Google is committed to Stadia? They don't exactly have the best track record for committing to platforms (think Google glass)
Thank you for this video! Good stuff. I’ve been covering it on my channel in 1080/60 but my laptop is not capable of 4K so it only lets me stream the former. 4K / 30 looks pretty good but I prefer 60FPS for aiming
Just woke up n casted this video for my daily morning news viewing
It's fuzzy for me.. not sure if what I am seeing is normal. My internet is 1gbps and I have tried both modes.
you really like making out with that microphone
Ray tracing is available on Stadia ? Thx
so is the cloud 4k version running 60fps? Cause if i pay for it i expect it to run at best performance. Not 30fps trash
Playing on my laptop to dark,can’t wait to get my free stadia n control to play on tv
I just bought this on stadia app. Google is now sending me a chrome cast ultra and stadia premier edition for free.
I have a good PC (RX 590 OC & Ryzen 7 2700X) but i to play the game on my stadia en sometimes on my pc (mouse and keyboard) is that possible?
I had about 2 minor glitches during my gameplay on Stadia. I cannot complain. It can be the most stable platform yet. You need performance mode though, quality mode is barely playable. The graphics are good enough on performance mode.
Wish we could try the game on our tv for free for a second or two, a demo would go a long way to get more customers to Stadia.
Okay I bought it and I didn't even realize that I had a $10 credit lol 😂😂😂
My 4K on LG OLED/ CCU does not look this good, even in visual :((((
aint going to get stadia for just one game. game still has bug issues regardless on system. Glad i torrented from fit-girl. ty for the game.
I just bought cyberpunk from stadia and and Im getting the hardware for free. Just got to wait on the hardware unfortunately. Should have it by the 21st hopefully. Im currently playing it on my phone and it still looks damn good.
I wish I could get into FPS’s but alas I can’t. I did order my stadia controller and have my subscription ready for this amazing game
I got my free controller 🤪. Plays in 4k perfect via Ethernet powerline although I can't tell the difference from 1080p . Its deffo 60fs when on framerate settings
I had 16 hours before the end of a prologue…are u speedrunning? That's stupid dude….
Too bad the image is soooooooo damn blurry on Stadia, otherwise its doing good. But its too blurry for me, Ive tried everything to get rid of the blurryness
Why looks my cyberpunk on stadia so bad
this video is a good case for why cloud gaming might now be the way to go…
so , it worth to buy on stadia ?
How fast is your internet access
Why your voice like that
I play Destiny on stadia and I can’t tell I’m not on my PS4
New convert here from ps4 pro refund
I like the videos but his voice Annoys me 😄
Dude sounds like a creepy uncle
If you buy a game in google stadia, do you still need the subcription?
If you have a 1080p monitor will you benefit something from stadia pro 4k options? Maybe with forcing vp9? Or better view with chromecast ultra?
Is your mouth against the mic? Would you consider leaning back a bit. Major ASMR…kinda unfortunate for those sensitive to ASMR sounds.
Please don't eat your microphone it makes the audio uncomfortable for ears.
Why do you hold the mic like you want to eat it?!
I need to get back into this gem. I have loved every minute on stadia so far. I haven’t had any issues