CYBERPUNK 2077 Ghost Town Nomad OST | Outsider No More | Ambient Soundtrack

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Welcome to Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City! Come and spend the morning with Panam Palmer after the storm as the sun rises across the Badlands. This video features an extended mix of two variants of P.T. Adamczyk’s Outsider No More, one which plays during the mission Ghost Town when you first meet with Panam, and the second playing as you shelter from the storm.

Use this peaceful soundtrack video as some music to aid your focus while you study, inspiration to help you immerse in a scene for writing or art, some background audio to help you sleep – or just sit back, watch, and relax.

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If you have any requests for specific areas in this game, any pieces of soundtrack, or any other ambience video ideas, leave a comment down below and I’ll see what I can do!


This video features:
Cyberpunk 2077 OST
Outsider No More | P.T. Adamczyk

Thank you.


41 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 Ghost Town Nomad OST | Outsider No More | Ambient Soundtrack”

  1. I was so proud and happy to receive my jacket.
    Started out as Corpo, ended as Aldecaldo.

    That being said: Game was too short. Not enough individual endings. Not enough love interests. Lackluster AI. Lazy spawn system. Not as dynamic as was promised. Not enough Jackie. Crappy decision to make us watch a video of what happened, instead of letting us do things ourselves.
    I really hope they'll fix all this.

  2. I'm just an outsider till I decided I wanted to be let in and be a part of something….. bigger than myself and not just for the creds but….. for something else that even I don't know. Just the feeling of being truly free and with someone how helped me be free was just the greatest feeling I could ever imagine. I refuse to be a slave to anyone but I will put on a ring for the woman I love. I'll live a life that's worth living as long as she is beside me and helps us be complete together I'll wear that ring for her and her alone.

  3. Worth the glitches, this game is a master piece those who quiet couldn't say the same.

    Life can be hard ik, but even so when going through the night, the morning will make it's way to you.

    -Breathe. . .

    Now know that all stories, even yours is important too.

    -Breathe. . .

    The morning is coming, it's warm gentle touch waits for you.

    -Breathe. . .

    Now get ready, to press start on a new day, cuz your story isn't finished just yet. ❤

  4. I started as a corpo male V, and ended up in the nomad way because of this damn girl! Just like real life, circunstances can change you and it's not about where you started, rather where you will end. I'm glad I got the panam ending.

  5. I really really hope CDPR continues the IP(of course giving the game more time), there is so much potential and lore and a rough launch shouldn't ruin what could be more great games. Despite some launch issues, I absolutely loved this game

  6. Cyberpunk was a hell of a feelings roller coaster. I'm sure I was not the only one at first, thinking "Ohh happy game, all neon'y, shiny and crazy" and then the story backstabbed me so hard. I loved every second of this game. I was depressed for a week after finishing lmao. I expected everything but not the actual story/ending. Fuck.

  7. This music gives you the same exact feeling you get when you realise the game is finished and you won’t be able to experience it for the first time again

  8. Hey Slow, how you've been?
    I was wondering would you be up for making another (long) video?
    There's this scene in Sinnerman when V and Joshua are praying together, the ambience soundtrack in that one was really good!
    I know you made the ambience video of him being crucified, but I wondered if you could make one before the crucifiction, where they are praying together and that pink-haired girl is standing like a hawk in the background, impatient, waiting for them to be done with it…?

  9. I hope Panam and Vincent will still find their way to each other, regardless if Panam went to Arizona, and Vincent took over the Afterlife…

    but what i do not get is during that ending, she made it seem like she was still in the Badlands, if that so, then them arguing at the balcony is pointless, they can see each other if they wanted too, she is just right outside NC… unless Badlands is like the whole term of Desert, regardless if its outside NC, Mojave or whatever

  10. Since Mass Effect trilogy, no game managed to hit me so hard emotionally like Cyberpunk 2077… ❤️ Love your channel and the comment section…

  11. Got the panam ending and it was wonderful. V and her under the night stars heading towards a new life for the both off them brings a smile to my face. Despite some bugs the game it self was amazing.


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