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Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough Part 1 and until the last part will include the full Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay on PS5. This Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay is recorded in 4K 60FPS on PS5 and will include the full game, all endings and all boss fights.
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Cyberpunk 2077 a storydriven, open world RPG of the dark future from CD PROJEKT RED, creators of The Witcher series of games. Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality. You can customize your character’s cyberware, skillset and playstyle, and explore a vast city where the choices you make shape the story and the world around you. Johnny Silverhand is portrayed after Keanu Reeves who also does his voice throughout the game.
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#Cyberpunk2077 #Gameplay #Walkthrough
Part 11 –
Why is it 1440p now? What happened to 4K… lol I’m just messing with you. Keep it up. I’m curious though did you run into issues in 4K?
When people say "Damn! how quickly your uploaded" i'm here just thinking "this guy just obey the rules about quarantines, and he enjoy the game" 😂
Runs like shit on the PS4….
This was clearly made for PS5
smart weapons are so god dmn unfair
hold are you even going to rest its 11 episode maybe the ending by now
The painful barbara densply rock because offence relevantly head aboard a public view. rustic, proud geranium
Have a rest from time to time bro, no need to rush it. Just enjoy it. You are already beyond everyone.
The only thing I would like them to fix is the crow population. It needs to be filled with people everywhere to really feel the vibe of night city.
damn i binge watch your cyberpunk videos last night, and now you uploaded part 10-12. a legend.
Dude, please stop driving in first person 😂
14:08 You can whistle for your car?
1:16 Ughh soo tight.
now we know his favorite radio
1:16 let me in let me in !!!!!!!!!
Love those crazy ragdoll physics
0:13 old minecraft damage sound
i don’t get it all these tech and V couldn’t record when arasaka was killed….that’s stupid
Ain-t a MK video if he isn-t obliterating his car
these graphics are not that impressive
I think you and @theRadBrad should work together since you both produce some quality gameplay videos but similar ones and I can't really choose who to watch so a partnership may be nice I think.
I'm here because i want to see what cyberpunk game is eventhough i dont have ps5. I really want to buy ps5. This game is so good! 😭
Finally you bought PS5❤️
Start a relationship with Claire already
I call this game: cyberfuck
Love the game so far. Can't get ahold of a PS5 yet. Sold out everywhere. So I have a PS4 version. I would say that right now. PC is where you want to be to get the best experience. Original PS4 doesn't have the specs. The hit to performance, load times, and buffering is terrible. PS4 looks grainy as well as hazy. I have had 4 crashes. Only lvl 5. Autosave and manual save have been life savers.
I like MKIceAndFire
Best police siren ever
You have to start playing the story straight through fuck all the side missions
Good gameplay but in some moments from the beggining of the game poor decisions were made in very important parts…remember this is an RPG , from all the game types this is the one you have to plan your actions the most , could be unlocking a skill that would unlock a dialogue option or any kind of little picky thing of that sort, plus careful skill tree choices , you can end up with a character who is good at many things and excells at none….anyway i´m gonna play the game , you do a great job uploading fast and with quality and that is must apreciated, you sold me the game.
Dubstep Police Siren
Just got here from part 9… I'm at 0:00. I wish there was an option to give Judy a hug…
Why does the game look so pretty but the actual gameplay is so crap and looks so old…
Jackie's drink = Moscow mule 😉
Bruh they can make a movie outta this game 🔥
23:19 Static Shock cameo?
Soundtrack goin crazy 4:07
some gamers may consider how imporant in game currency is to the campain annoying but as a satirical future hyper capitalist dysopian i think it was a amazing implement
MaF was ready to shoot Oda in the back lol
"heavy day, huh?"
Hope you can turn that crappy music off in cars
I don't understand how these npc talk and smoke at the same time, it's physically impossible!
First of all the PS5 is not 1440p more like 1080p 60hz.
Despite all of their implants and technology, they can't verify a death happened by strangulation or disprove the poison route with an autopsy? Couldn't V. just record the damn scene? This is such a huge plothole.
24:11 When he saw that Quadra, he had the same reaction I had. I'm SO glad he took it for a ride. What a YouTuber! Way to know what your audience wants! ^^
Just curious why the drop from 4K to 1440p quality? Still banging vids though keep up the good work.
Why are the previous episodes in 4k but from this episode onwards its 1440p?